-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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--- Begin Message --- -Caveat Lector-
Word on the Illuminazi plan.
 Excerpts from: http://www.4rie.com/
There is no doubt that Timothy McVeigh was under CIA mind control when he bombed the Alfred P. Murrah building 1995, in Oklahoma City (if he was actually the guilty person). We now know that Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating's brother, Martin Keating, wrote the manuscript of a novel in 1991 titled The Final Jihad, in which the terrorist who blew up a Federal building in OKC, was named "Tom McVey". Was this the script for the actual bombing that took place in 1995?
harrynote: Governor Frank Keating just happened to be the man who personally found the Ryder truck's rear axle and declared it to be from a truck bomb.
                                                     African Union

The African Union was completed and signed into effect on July 11, 2000, by the 53 nations of Africa. This Union, like the European Union, has only one Peacekeeping force, one Central Bank, one Court of Justice, one currency, and so on. A carbon copy of the European Union.

American Union

The Elite plan to create the American Union by 2005. This will include all of the nations of North, Central and South America and the Caribbean Islands, and will function just like the present European Union, which was completed in the year 2000. There will be only one monetary system, one central bank, one (unelected) governing body, one military force, one judicial system, no borders, and no Constitution and Bill of Rights. The Elite have invented a new term for expanded NAFTA, which they now call the FTAA, or Free Trade Area of the Americas. The Council of the Americas, at the Quebec City conference in March, 2001, stated very clearly that they plan to complete the FTAA by the year 2005.

Vice President Dick Cheney was thanked for his remarks at the Council of the Americas conference on May 6, 2002, by founder and Honorary Chairman, David Rockefeller. Cheney said that the FTAA would be completed by January, 2005.

(Reference paragraph 18 of Cheney's speech at and

Paragraph 12 of Otto Reich's speech at

Two years ago at the Quebec Summit of the Americas, our presidents and prime ministers committed themselves to creating, by January 2005, a free trade area that would create greater prosperity for nearly 800 million people in 34 countries of our hemisphere. (Colin L. Powell, U.S. Secretary of State, Council of the Americas Conference, April 28, 2003)


It is obvious that they are really talking about the American Union which they plan to complete by January, 2005. That's less than two years away, my friends. Just when are you planning to get concerned?

The American Union follows the second step, the African Union, in the Elite's plan to control the entire world. Next will be the Asian Union, and the Soviet Union, all to be completed between the years 2010 and 2015. This is not my speculation, it's their stated plans, as detailed in a UN document titled "Our Global Neighborhood" (available in any bookstore, on special order). All nations of the world will be included in the Global Union, except those nations dominated by Islam. Perhaps that is why the Elite are planning wars against the Islamic nations.

FAKE ALIENS? - that's the plan.........

"Today Americans would be outraged if U. N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all people of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government." - Henry Kissinger, in an address to the Bilderberg meeting at Evian, France, May 21, 1992. Transcribed using a concealed tape recording made by one of the Swiss delegates. Henry Kissinger is an inner-circle member of the Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, and Trilateral Commission, and a long-time right-hand-man of David Rockefeller, who aspires to be the Czar of the Global Union. Only Rockefeller has attended more Bilderberg meetings than Kissinger.

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ctrl is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, ctrl gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. ctrl gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

There are two list running, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] has unlimited posting and is more for discussion. [EMAIL PROTECTED] is more for informational exchange and has limited posting abilities.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


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www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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