-Caveat Lector-

Clark on the offensive
April 18, 1999

Members of Congress who, during their spring recess, met in Brussels with
Gen. Wesley Clark, the NATO supreme commander, were startled by his
According to the lawmakers, Clark suggested the best way to handle Russia's
supply of oil to Yugoslavia would be aerial bombardment of the pipeline
that runs through Hungary. He also proposed bombing Russian warships that
enter the battle zone.
The American general was described by the members of the congressional
delegation as waging a personal vendetta against Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic. "I think the general might need a little sleep,"
commented one House member.
No `Pearl Harbor'
An invitation by House Speaker Dennis Hastert for President Clinton to
address a joint session of Congress before launching air strikes against
Yugoslavia was quietly rejected by the White House.
Senior Clinton advisers sent word to Capitol Hill that the president did
not want to exaggerate the seriousness of the situation. One aide said
there was no need for a "Pearl Harbor" scenario--a reference to President
Franklin D. Roosevelt's Dec. 8, 1941 speech to a joint session requesting a
declaration of war the day after Japan's surprise attack.
Many Democrats think Clinton should have delivered a comprehensive report
to the nation long ago.
Protesting a senator
The determination by Sen. Phil Gramm, the new Banking Committee chairman,
to scale back the Community Reinvestment Act requiring banks to make home
loans in low-income areas hardened last Sunday when 13 busloads of
protesters appeared at his Washington home--trampling his flower beds and
littering his lawn.
A distraught Gramm appeared at the weekly luncheon of Republican senators
Tuesday to tell them about the protesters and ask each colleague for 10
minutes to explain his position. He considers the CRA a form of extortion
and would exempt small rural banks from requirements. Clinton has made
clear he will veto the Financial Institutions Modernization Act if it
contains Gramm's CRA amendment.
The hundreds of protesters who appeared at Gramm's house are members of the
Chicago-based National People's Action. The senator declined to answer the
door, and instead called the police, who broke up the demonstration.
No tax-cut Lott
Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott demonstrated the low priority he puts on
tax reduction when he declined to participate in an April 15 anti-tax rally
at the Capitol that was attended by House Speaker Hastert.
The reason for his absence given by Lott's office was a conflicting meeting
on the budget by the Republican congressional leadership. But that session
was scheduled for 3:15 p.m., while the rally (which required only about 10
minutes of Lott's time) started at 1 p.m.
The real reason, according to Capitol Hill sources, was that the majority
leader wanted the tax-day emphasis on the budget, not taxes.
Lott was to have been given a "friend of the taxpayer" award at the rally,
as Hastert was. The emphasis at the event was a proposed constitutional
amendment requiring a two-thirds majority to pass tax increases.
Honoring Henry
Lobbyists and activists with business before the House Judiciary Committee
are being urged to buy $10,000 tables for a dinner at Washington's
Mayflower Hotel Tuesday honoring Chairman Henry Hyde and other Republican
members of the committee who were managers in President Clinton's
impeachment trial.
The dinner is sponsored by the Independent Women's Action Project, a
conservative organization, to pay tribute to Hyde and his team. But with
tickets going slowly, pressure was put on last week to appeal to the
special interests of possible buyers.
A footnote: The testimonial dinner for Newt Gingrich in Washington
Wednesday night fell about halfway short of its $1 million goal for the
former House speaker's political action committee, despite late pleas to
lobbyists to buy tickets.

Robert Novak appears on the CNN programs "Capitol Gang" at 6 p.m. Saturday,
and "Evans, Novak, Hunt and Shields" at 4 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. Sunday.

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