-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

Dadacracy Now, Totalitarianism Next
by Eric Englund

Our founding fathers gave us a republic, if we could
keep it. The United States’ Constitution was crafted
to strictly limit government so as not to deprive
citizens of their natural rights to life, liberty, private
property, and the pursuit of happiness. Ever since
the Civil War (which it really wasn’t), the founding
of the Federal Reserve, two world wars, FDR’s
New Deal, and LBJ’s Great Society, American
government has transformed into a democracy. So
now we must worship, and abide by, the will of the
majority at the expense of our liberty. This is a
particularly frightening thought considering that
what passes for wisdom today is based upon
feelings and emotions while logical and rational
thinking have been eviscerated. In turn, it is quite
common to encounter terms such as
"Demopublican" and "Republocrat" to describe the
emotional and illogical citizenry of the United
States (with the most mentally imbalanced seeking
elective office of course). Add in
environmentalism, moral relativism,
multiculturalism, political correctness, and a public
education system that pushes this tripe, a truly
confused citizenry emerges from this messy
hodgepodge. When combining democracy with a
dazed and confused citizenry, the United States has
devolved into a dadacracy.

From where does the term "dadacracy" come? The
Dada movement, which began in 1916 (and, in
essence, still survives to this day), embodies what
it means to be illogical, self-referential, and
emotional. Dadaism was an artistic and literary
movement that was nihilistic and anti-Western
civilization. "Dada was more than an art form or
culture; it was a state of mind" (Information on
Dadaism). For those who shared the Dada state of
mind, the following were considered to be positive
attributes of Dadaism (A Brief History of

 o All forms of modern civilization were found to
    be disgusting.
 o One of its aims pertained to the relativization
    of all values.
 o It sought a complete break with tradition
    (Dadaists didn’t want to be reminded that
     anybody existed before them).
 o It sought the systematic destruction of culture
    and of civilization.

In Dadaism, "Freedom from everything was the
watchword. Revolutionary spirit, relativity,
spontaneity, and primitivity ranked as positive
values." Moreover, Dadaists were typically
supportive of communism.

When examining moral relativism, multiculturalism,
political correctness, and environmentalism (which
is socialism’s Trojan horse aimed at destroying
private property rights), it is quite apparent that
those who are part of today’s alleged intellectual
vanguard are simply modern-day Dadaists. In turn,
these college professors, public school teachers,
newspaper editors, television anchors, and
countless others, undermine Western civilization
every time they open their mouths or put pen to
paper. With enough repetition in the classroom, on
the TV, in the newspaper, and elsewhere, Dada
indeed does become a state of mind. Emotion and
feelings are celebrated as the pinnacle of intellect
whilst logic and true scholarship are eschewed as
worthless relics. The mind dies as it becomes
infected by illogic. Thus, we become engulfed by
"the culture of the moron" (to use Bill Bonner’s
phrase). Consequently, when such people enter the
voting booth, typically registered as Republicans or
Democrats, be assured that they are really
Dadacrats. Hence, America has become a

Examples of Dadacrats abound. The gymnasium at
which I exercise has a member that wears T-shirts
from Earth First! and from Greenpeace. When he
has completed his workout, he drives home in his
luxurious Mercedes E 400. I doubt either
aforementioned organization would approve of his
vehicle. Ah, but as long as he feels good about
himself. Speaking of vehicles, I frequently see a
Hummer H2 with an Oregon DMV custom license
plate with the state-mandated phrase of "Cultural
Trust." A car owner must pay additional fees for
such a license plate with the excess fees going to
the state’s "Litter Patrol Fund" and to the state’s
"Trust for Cultural Development." It is rather ironic
to see such an "enlightened"
multiculturalist/environmentalist driving a Hummer.
No room for logic in that enormous SUV. What
really gets to me is that the Democrats I know can’t
stand President Bush even though his administration
is working hard to bring about the second
incarnation of the Great Society. Conversely,
Republicans I know love President Bush even
though he is trying to bring about the second
incarnation of the Great Society. When Dada
becomes a state of mind, logic dies and we see it
all around us.

Just as a quick sidebar, it is obvious to
paleolibertarians that President Bush is immoral
and is a coward. To propose any budget that will
result in a $500,000,000,000+ deficit is tantamount
to fiscal child abuse. Perhaps we will get to buy a
lot of guns and butter today, yet it is immoral to
make future generations pick up the tab. The
following is an excerpt from H.A. Scott Trask’s
fabulous essay Perpetual Debt: From the British
Empire to the American Hegemon:

    In a 1789 letter to his friend James Madison,
    Thomas Jefferson raised the philosophical and
    moral question of whether "one generation of
    men has a right to bind another."  He believed
    the answer was no, "that the earth belongs in
    usufruct to the living."  He believed it a
    principle of "very extensive application and
    consequence, in every country."  Applying it to
    government borrowing, he argued that it was
    unjust and unrepublican for one generation of a
    nation to encumber the next with the obligation
    to discharge the debts of the first.  After all,
    the following generation cannot have given
    their consent to decisions made by their
    fathers, nor will have they have necessarily
    benefited from the deficit expenditures.

    For Jefferson, every generation has the same
    right to enjoy the bounty of nature and the fruits
    of their labor as the preceding ones, without
    being bound or encumbered by the profligacy
    or ambition of those who went before.  "No
    generation can contract debts greater than may
    be paid during the course of its own
    existence," and if they do so, the following
    generation is under no obligation to pay it.
    "They and their soil are by nature clear of the
    debts of their predecessors."

George W. Bush is advocating deficit spending that
would warm the hearts of LBJ and FDR. He is
doing this for the sake of getting re-elected. Future
generations will recognize this as moral cowardice
as they will be footing the bill (unless they
repudiate it and justly so). Dadacrats cast a blind
eye toward this reckless spending as the future is
not something to be pondered today.

If I were to select a well-known figure, who
embodies what it is to be a Dadacrat, I must choose
Bill O’Reilly of "The O’Reilly Factor." Mr.
O’Reilly is so muddleheaded that he has become
television’s king of illogic. For example, on his
February 2, 2004 show, he expressed outrage about
how the New England Patriots’ fans behaved after
their team’s Super Bowl victory. In particular, he
aired a film clip in which someone’s car was being
destroyed by unruly celebrants (when they were
done, the car was ready for the junkyard). The
sanctity of private property was being desecrated
by these thugs. His outrage, regarding the
destruction of this car, is nonsensical in light of his
well documented position of being anti-SUV. If one
is to take the anti-SUV dogma to its logical
conclusion, all SUVs would be confiscated and sent
to the junkyard. Thus, according to Bill O’Reilly,
only certain kinds of private property are worthy of
defending. This statement is buttressed in light of
Mr. O’Reilly’s post-9/11 interview of
Congressman Ron Paul. In this interview, Dr. Paul
warned Bill O’Reilly that the Patriot Act effectively
suspended the 4th Amendment of the Constitution
(which states that "The rights of the people to be
secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects,
against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall
not be violated…"). In an intellectual tour de force,
Mr. O’Reilly essentially countered that the Patriot
Act will only be used against the bad guys (i.e. SUV
owners?). Wow! This is comforting especially
considering that the U.S. Attorney General is John
Ashcroft who is empowered, by the Patriot Act, to
arbitrarily decide who is "good" and who is "bad."
Finally, to showcase Mr. O’Reilly’s self-referential
Dada state of mind, Bill O’Reilly chooses to
believe in global warming (which is socialism’s
Trojan horse aimed at destroying private property
rights). The alarmists, asserting that Earth is baking
to death, have nothing but junk science to back their
position. Oh, now we can see a logical consistency
here. Bill O’Reilly could care less about your
private property rights. So in Mr. O’Reilly’s
crowning achievement in Dadaism, he has the
audacity to title his latest book Who’s Looking Out
for You? I suppose if you are a propertyless drifter,
with only a few dadollars in your pocket, O’Reilly
is your man.

Why be alarmed that O’Reilly is popular, that
public schools have become left-wing
indoctrination camps, and that logic and true
scholarship are on the wane? After all, isn’t the
United States the greatest country on earth where
people are allowed to control their own destinies
by voting in democratic elections? Let me answer
with a quote from Alexis de Tocqueville’s
masterpiece Democracy in America:

    After having successively taken each member
    of the community in its powerful grasp and
    fashioned him at will, the supreme power [of
    democracy] then extends its arm over the
    whole community. It covers the surface of
    society with a network of small complicated
    rules, minute and uniform, through which the
    most original minds and the most energetic
    characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the
    crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but
    softened, bent and guided…men are seldom
    forced to act, but they are constantly restrained
    from acting…Such a power does not destroy,
    but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize,
    but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and
    stupefies a people…

    Thus, their spirit is gradually
    broken…gradually losing the faculties of
    thinking, feeling, and acting for themselves.
    People then console themselves at the loss of
    their liberties by the reflection that they have
    chosen their own guardians.

Indeed, the American experiment has gone from a
republic, to a democracy, to a dadacracy. I fear the
next step is totalitarianism. Unless we roll back
government to a minimum (as idealized by the
Constitution), we have a Dadaist populace on the
verge of taking the next step beyond voting for its
own guardians. The next step is voting for its own
masters. Therefore, the following chilling quote is

    The receptivity of the masses is very limited,
    their intelligence is small, but their power of
    forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these
    facts, all effective propaganda must be limited
    to a few essential points…These slogans must
    be repeated until every last member of the
    public understands what you want him to
    understand. (Adolf Hitler)

Environmentalism, multiculturalism, political correctness,
moral relativism, illogic, self-esteem and emotionalism
are revered at the expense of our liberty. In the United
States, Dada has become a state of mind. Right under our
noses, the Constitution has become a joke. It has become
more like a menu from which our guardians (politicians
and judges) can pick and choose which rights shall and
shall not be granted to citizens. Ah, but the Dadacrats
are carefree. They feel great about themselves. In this
soil, fertilized by smug and sterile minds, the seeds
of totalitarianism have been planted. In an election
coming soon, Americans may prove capable of voting for
their own masters.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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