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----- Original Message -----
From: sparta
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 12:08 PM
Subject: SB84:The War on Eastern Orthodoxy by Theodoros Georgiou Karakostas

The War on Eastern Orthodoxy
Theodoros Georgiou Karakostas
21 March 2004     

At the present time, the Serbian Orthodox faithful of Kosovo are being murdered. Ancient Churches and Monasteries that survived the centuries of Ottoman occupation stand no more. The religious heritage of Kosovo is being destroyed by extremists and fanatics.

The sacrifices made by Serbia to the West in both World Wars has been forgotten, as has the Genocide of the Serbs that occurred during the Second World War. During the Second World War, the Serbs heroically resisted the Germans. Simultaneously, pro-Nazi Croats, Muslims, and Albanians engaged in Genocide that resulted in the extermination of 800,000 Serbian Orthodox faithful. The Germans and the Vatican who destroyed the first Yugoslavia in 1941, would likewise destroy the second Yugoslavia in 1991.

Forgotten are the sacrifices made by the Serbs who rescued over 500 American pilots who were shot down over Yugoslavia during the Second World War. During the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s, the largest ethnic cleansing campaign occurred when pro-Nazi Croatia launched an offensive that resulted in the massacres and forced expulsions of over 200,000 Serb civilians from lands that they had been residing in for many centuries. During the 1990s, as Osama Bin Laden began building the most dangerous terrorist network in the world, Washington either backed, or launched its own war against the Serbian nation that had been a historic ally of the United States in two World Wars.

Terrorism expert Youssef Bodansky, in his 1999 biography of Osama Bin Laden noted that Al Quada supported the wars against the Serbs. Muslim extremists from Al Quada, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Turkey, and Afghanistan all gathered in Bosnia and Kosovo to wage "jihad" against the Orthodox nation of Serbia. The Kosovo Liberation Army, backed by the Clinton administration in 1999 has since been exposed as a network of drug dealers and terrorists with links to Muslim extremists.

Since 1999, over 300,000 Serbian Orthodox have been ethnically cleansed. Victims include Monks like Father Chariton Lukic who was beheaded in  2000. There has been no notice in the west of the destruction of the Serbian Orthodox population and culture over the past five years. For the record, it should be noted that the Serbs of Kosovo had been persecuted and ethnically cleansed during the Communist period as well. This is a fact that the US media with its anti-Serb propaganda during the Kosovo war failed to take notice of.

Orthodoxy now mourns the loss of lives and the destruction of shrines and Churches in Kosovo. The American "war on terror" apparently does not intend to target those terrorists who murder and ethnically cleanse Orthodox Christians. While the faithful of the Serbian Orthodox Church are suffering and dying in Kosovo, Washington is planning to help Ankara finish off Cyprus.

The Greeks and the Serbs have much in common. They were both victims of Genocide during the twentieth century, they were both allies against the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria during the Balkan Wars, both supported the United States at crucial times, and both have been sacrificed to Islam. Present day events in Cyprus and Kosovo indicate that Washington is surrendering in the war on terror.

The defeat of the Serbs during the 1990s has paved the way for the establishment of Al Quada bases in Bosnia and Kosovo. The historic appeasement of Turkey by the United States has led to the rise of Islamic fundamentalism. The sacrifice of the Serbs and Greeks will come at a great cost for the West.

After the horrors of the 9/11 attacks, I had hopes that the western world would come to recognize and acknowledge the enormous suffering and martyrdom of the Eastern Churches over the centuries. Rather, it appears that Washington is going to help the perpetrators of ethnic cleansing in Kosovo and occupied Cyprus finish the job. The American government today resembles the British government of 1938 which handed Czechoslovakia to Hitler. Such is the fate of the Kosovo Serbs and the Greek Cypriots.
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