-Caveat Lector-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 9 May 2004 15:41:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A first draft of the Complaint Form to be submitted to UNHCHR is now
completed. The sections which define torture and describe the torturous
aspects of the MHR Regimen in BC are at
<http://www.geocities.com/universalhumanrightscanada/p3> and /p9.

"Panties on the head" and "Dog-leash around the neck" are mild punishments
compared to the punishment of being deprived of the necessities of life,
especially food, shelter and clothing. But that torture is threatened
daily against thousands of BC citizens who have committed no crime and
participated in no war. And there are enough "follow-throughs" to make
sure everyone knows this is not a bluff. GVRD (Greater Vancouver Regional
District) estimates x3 homeless to 3,000 over the past two years.

The rationale is easy to understand. The New World Order masters like
billionaire or borderline-billionaire Prime Minister Martin can force the
poor and the powerless to do their bidding by threatening torture,
ill-health and death as ensue on a probability basis from being deprived
of necessities of life. As Kim Kerr (DERA Executive Director in Vancouver)
has said, "It's a death sentence being on the street" (Terminal City,
April 30-May 6/04, p.7). The Frank Paul case proved that when Frank Paul
died of exposure in a Vancouver alley. Forced labour over the next decade
or so will destroy the labour movement. It is the greatest union-busting
scheme in world history ... the final solution to trade unionism. Forced
pre-employment goes hand in hand with forced employment in the MHR Regimen
but has added benefit to the New World Order masters in that a the
political indoctrination can be quite extensive, covering attitudes,
opinions and many behaviours which apply widely outside the work
situation. After all, those who express politically incorrect views will
not likely remain employed so "new think" can easily be made part of the
coercive programming.

In Iraq the entire civilian population will be subjected to Iraq's
counterpart to the "MHR Regimen" of BC, if it has not started already. If
you don't speak and act and think as the Paul Martins of this world want,
you don't eat. You don't get shelter. You don't get proper clothing. And
you don't get satisfactory medical care. Canada's cherished medicare is a
tough nut to crack but Martin will eventually get to it. Panties on the
head may be a humiliation but they won't take your life. It is your life
which the monsters of the New World Order like Martin are threatening to
bend you to their will. This is the "Monster" in the "Fog of War" to use
the titles of two recent and popular movies in context. National Post
headlines of May 8/04 quote Martin as saying a "BATTLE OF IDEAS" is at the
foundation of the current national debate. So let's start with this idea:
that torture and threatened torture are the 'human right' of the strong in
Canada when they wish to oppress the weak and Premier Campbell, Martin's
"breath of fresh air" is the point man for putting these ideas on the use
of torture and abuse of the poor into practice. But don't forget this: the
human rights of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights benefit 99.9% of
us ... the other .1% being those who believe they will never have to rely
upon them and are probably correct. UDHR says your life has inherent value
and is not to be degraded and demeaned by torturous threats to life and
health. Now if we have it wrong about what is transpiring in Canada and
Iraq, ie that entire populations are subjected to torture, Mr. Martin can
set us straight right away and save the trouble of filing the complaint
form below.


***** <http://www.geocities.com/universalhumanrightscanada> ******

On Thu, 6 May 2004, Party of Citizens wrote:

> On Thu, 6 May 2004, R. John Pritchard wrote:
> > other points worth noting are the reluctance to use the "T" word (torture) and
> Dear Mr. Pritchard:
> Do you agree that there is capital T and small t torture? At
> <http://www.geocities.com/universalhumanrightscanada/p3> I have just
> outlined three arguments for calling a regimen which deprives people of
> the necessaries of life or threatens to do so, a regimen of torture.
> Small t torture or where on the T-t continuum?
> Wasn't that the military regimen applied against the entire nation of
> Iraq, post Desert Storm? Has Canada now been subjected to a made in
> U-S-A military regimen with torture as its underpinning or am I seeing
> clearly what is looming before us in "The Fog of War"?
> Since Justice Minister Cotler is a former law professor with a human
> rights specialization, maybe he can give an opinion because he will be
> charged with doing so anyway if we have to file this as a formal
> complaint with UNHCHR.
> Z
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> Declaration of Human Rights suffice? ***
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