-Caveat Lector- (J The Day Dr. Sam Koslov (DARPA)
(B (JCalled for the Implementation
(B (Jof a Global Mind Control Initiative
(B (J
(B (JCompiled by Alex Constantine
(B (J
(B (Jhttp://www.rhfweb.com/bibmc.html
(B (J
(B (J
(B (J[edited for clarity] ... John B. Alexander, in his article in Military
(B (JReview, 1980, writes:
$B".(Jwhoever makes the first major breakthrough in this
(B (Jfield will have a quantum lead over his opponent, an advantage similar to
(B (Jsole possession of nuclear weapons.
$B".(J Samuel KOSLOV, a leading personality of
(B (Jproject Pandora for the American Navy and a researcher at the John Hopkins
(B (JUniversity where the secret conference took place, in the closing speech at
(B (Jthe conference on Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems in 1983,
(B (Jsaid that the conference had
$B".(Jproven that the external electric fields can
(B (Jbecome a key to the cellular control console. The implications, social,
(B (Jeconomic, and even military, are enormous.
$B".(J Samuel Koslov continued: $B".(JIf
(B (Jmuch of what we have heard is indeed correct, it may be not less significant
(B (Jto the nation than the prospects that faced the physics community in 1939
(B (Jwhen the long-time predicted fissionability of the nucleus was actually
(B (Jdemonstrated. You may recall the famous letter of Albert Einstein to
(B (JPresident Roosvelt. When we
$B".(Jre in a position to do so in terms of our
(B (Jproofs, I would propose that an analogous letter is required...
(B (J---------------------
(B (Jhttp://www.mindcontrolforums.com/hambone/people.html#koslov
(B (J
(B (J... In 1965, KOSLOV, then a physicist at the Advanced Research Projects
(B (JAgency (ARPA), suggested to Charles Weiss, head of security at the State
(B (JDepartment, that a "a sober and systematic program of research" look into
(B (Jthe "Moscow Signal", which was caused by microwave radiation being beamed
(B (Jinto the Moscow American Embassy. This program eventually evolved into
(B (JProject Pandora, America's first research program into the possible
(B (Joffensive, anti-personnel use of non-ionizing microwave radiation. (Steneck,
(B (JNicholas H., The Microwave Debate, The MIT Press, 1984, pg 94-5)
(B (J
(B (JBy the 1980's, KOSLOV was working with the Applied Physics Laboratory at
(B (JJohns Hopkins University, where he continued to study the effects of
(B (Jelectromagnetic radiation on humans. He is currently the vice president of
(B (Jthe Maryland Microscopical and Scientific Instrument Society...
(B (J------------
(B (JArticle writted by Dr. KOSLOV with W. Ross Adey from Operation PAPERCLIP:
(B (J
(B (Jreference material on psychotronics:
(B (J
(B (JKOSLOV, Sam, Bridging the Gap in Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological
(B (JSystems, Adey, W.R. and Lawrence, A.F., eds., Plenum Press, 1983.
(B (J-------------
(B (Jhttp://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Campus/2289/webpage.htm
(B (J
(B (J
(B (J... In 1993 in the December issue of the American bimonthly Microwave News
(B (J(65) appeared the report that in November of the same year, at the John
(B (JHopkins University (engaged in research of radiofrequency radiation - for
(B (Jexample Samuel KOSLOV), one of the researchers in the project Pandora
(B (Jreplicated the experiment where rabbits exposed to microwave radiation
(B (Jdeveloped corneal cataracts -- a secret conference took place sponsored by
(B (Jthe National Laboratory in Los Alamos, involved in the development of non
(B (Jlethal weapon systems...
(B (J
(B (JOn Wednesday, November 17, 1993 at 9 AM a lecture by Dr. George Baker from
(B (JDefense Nuclear Agency was scheduled. The lecture was entitled
$B".(JRF Weapons:
(B (JA Very Attractive Non-Lethal Option
$B".(J. At 11.10 AM of the same day, Dr. Clay
(B (JEasterly from Oak Ridge National Laboratory lectured on
$B".(JApplication of
(B (JExtremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields to Non-Lethal Weapons
$B".(J. Clay
(B (JEasterly told the Microwave News that since the conference was closed to
(B (Janyone without security clearance, he could not discuss the specific effects
(B (Jhe referred to in his talk, but he admitted that his presentation dealt with
(B (Jthe possibility of developing measures that would affect people.
(B (J
(B (JOn the lecture by Dr. George Baker ...
$B".(Jit is difficult to know, based on
(B (Junclassified information, whether this
$B".(Joption$B".(J has ever been used$B".(J and
(B (J
$B".(JThat there were also allegations that non-ionizing radiation was used
(B (Jagainst the women
$B".(Js peace activist encampment at Greenham Common in the U.K.
(B (Jin the mid-1980s
(B (J-------------------
(B (Jhttp://www.mapcruzin.com/radiofrequency/henry_lai2.htm
(B (J
(B (J
(B (JHenry Lai
(B (JBioelectromagnetics Research Laboratory,
(B (JDepartment of Bioengineering,
(B (JSchool of Medicine and College of Engineering,
(B (JUniversity of Washington
(B (J
(B (J... Kues, H.A.; Monahan, J.C.; D'Anna, S.A.; McLeod, D.S.; Lutty, G.A.;
(B (JKOSLOV, S. Increased sensitivity of the non-human primate eye to microwave
(B (Jradiation following ophthalmic drug pretreatment. Bioelectromagnetics
(B (J13:379-393; 1992.
(B (J-------------
(B (Jmembres.lycos.fr/corruptn/10-09.htm
(B (J
(B (JDr. Sam KOSLOV at John Hopkins University noted the appearance of of
(B (JAlzheimer syndrome neurofibrillaire on a monkey exposed chronically to cell
(B (Jtelephone radiation ...
(B (J-------------
(B (Jhttp://www.raven1.net/tvlist.htm
(B (J
(B (J... David Jones asked Dr. KOSLOV: "In terms of science there seems to be two
(B (Jpossibilities, one is that behavior and health are affected by emr and the
(B (Jsecond is the creation of a new genre of weapons and that its conceivable
(B (Jthat it is a totally black area of research. Dr. KOSLOV replied that back in
(B (J1965, there was a lot of conjecture and hypothesis about that. That's why it
(B (Jled to Project Pandora. Since then, I don't think there is very much
(B (Jpossibility, that there is, at this point in time, there doesn't seem to be.
(B (J
(B (JDr. Sam Koslov, director of Project Pandora continued, [We] thought about
(B (Jit, don't get me wrong,... but nothing was found, it doesn't look like
(B (J[there is]...militarily at this time, there is no emr weapons potential.
(B (JThere is nothing to the biological effects claim. There is an amount of
(B (Jpower problem."
(B (J
(B (JDavid Jones asked Dr. KOSLOV why he thought that the Soviets were
(B (Jmicrowaving the Embassy. Dr. Koslov replied that "I would rather not discuss
(B (Jit [because] it would get into security areas."
(B (J
(B (J[Today, with the nonlethal program unveiled in the 1990s and the Soviet
(B (Jevidence of emr nonthermal effects available today, it is clear that Dr.
(B (JKOSLOV was lying in the name of national security. At the least, Dr. KOSLOV
(B (Jwould have been aware of the classified emr nonlethal program which began in
(B (Jthe 1960s, see US News, 1997)]
(B (J------------------
(B (Jhttp://www.bugsweeps.com/info/microwave.html
(B (J
(B (JSecurity concerns, according to Sam KOSLOV of Defense Advanced Research
(B (JProjects Agency (DARPA), first prompted U.S. study of health effects of low
(B (Jintensity (or non-thermal) microwaves. At times, up to 70-80% of the
(B (Jresearch was funded by the military. From 1965 to 1970, a study dubbed
(B (JProject Pandora was undertaken to determine the health and psychological
(B (Jeffects of low intensity microwaves, the so-called "Moscow signal"
(B (Jregistered at the American Embassy in Moscow. Initially, there was confusion
(B (Jover whether the signal was an attempt to activate bugging devices or for
(B (Jsome other purpose. There was suspicion that the microwave irradiation was
(B (Jbeing used as a mind control system. CIA agents asked scientists involved in
(B (Jmicrowave research whether microwaves beamed at humans from a distance could
(B (Jaffect the brain and alter behavior.
(B (J-------------------------------------
(B (JSubmitted to the Switchboard by William MacIntosh
(B (J
(B (JProject Pandora
(B (J
(B (JHistorically the Soviet Union has invested huge sums of money and time
(B (Jinvestigating microwaves and their effects. In 1952, while the Cold War was
(B (Jshowing no signs of thawing, there was a secret meeting at the Sandia
(B (JCorporation in New Mexico between U.S. and Soviet scientists involving the
(B (Jexchange of information regarding the biological hazards and safety levels
(B (Jof EMR. The Soviets possessed the greater preponderance of information, and
(B (Jthe American scientists were too pigheaded to take it seriously. In
(B (Jsubsequent meetings, the Soviet scientists continued to stress the
(B (Jseriousness of the risks, while American scientists downplayed their
(B (Jimportance and so humiliated them.
(B (J
(B (JShortly after the last Sandia meeting, the Soviets began covertly directing
(B (JRADAR like microwave beams at the U.S. embassy in Moscow, not only gathering
(B (Jintelligence but using embassy workers as guinea pigs for low-level EMR
(B (Jexperiments and a means to prove their claims. Washington, D.C. was
(B (Jinitially oddly quiescent, regarding the Moscow embassy bombardment.
(B (J
(B (JThe U.S. government woke up to the reality of psychotronics when from 1960
(B (Jto 1965, the directed electromagnetic and microwave emissions at the U.S
(B (Jembassy caused a wide range of physical and mental illness among many U.S.
(B (Jpersonnel serving there. Casualties include the eventual death of the U.S.
(B (JAmbassador himself. Dr Stephen Possony a one time Science Advisor to the
(B (JDepartment of Defense, now retired, said:
(B (J
(B (J"After the death of our ambassador in Moscow, due to contracting leukemia,
(B (Jand a couple of other employees, it suddenly dawned on us to have a real
(B (Jcareful look at what was happening there."
(B (J
(B (JDiscovered in 1962, these complex set of electromagnetic signals were
(B (Jinvestigated by the CIA, which hired a consultant, Milton Zaret, and code
(B (Jnamed the research "Project Pandora". According to Zaret, the Moscow signal
(B (Jwas composed of several frequencies, and was focused each day precisely upon
(B (Jthe Ambassador's office, U.S. Embassy in Moscow. The intensity of the
(B (Jbombardment was not made public, but when the State Department finally
(B (Jadmitted the existence of the signal, it announced that it was fairly low.
(B (JThese signals were measured in the short "S" and long "L" spectrum had
(B (Jextremely complex modulations with a pattern of variations, some of which
(B (Jwere quite random. A Top Secret Eyes Only memorandum, dated 20 December 1966
(B (Jfrom ARPA shows the significance of this project. This memorandum summarizes
(B (Jthe initial results obtained from this program.
(B (J
(B (JThe White House has directed, through USIB [U.S. Intelligence Board] that
(B (Jintensive investigative research be conducted within the State Department,
(B (JCIA and DoD to attempt to determine what the threat is. This national
(B (Jprogram has been coordinated by the State Department and was code named
(B (JTUMS. ARPA is represented and is conducting research on a selective portion
(B (Jof the overall program concerned with one of the potential threats, that of
(B (Jthe effects of low level electromagnetic radiation on man.
(B (J
(B (JProject PANDORA was to include a number of parallel projects, such as
(B (JProjects TUMS, MUTS, and BAZAR, involving the CIA, Advanced Research Project
(B (JAgency (ARPA), the State Department, the Navy and the Army. They were tasked
(B (Jto study the effects of the emitted Soviet microwaves on animals and humans.
(B (JIn April 1976 the Secretary of State Henry Kissinger sent the following
(B (Jtelegram to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow which summarized the conclusions of
(B (Jthe study of the Moscow signal.
(B (J
(B (JSubject: Radiation and UHF and Electromagnetic Dangers
(B (J
(B (JBeginning in 1960 the Soviet Union directed the high frequency beams of
(B (Jradiation at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow which were calculated not to pick up
(B (Jintelligence but cause physiological effects on personnel. The effects the
(B (JSoviets calculated to achieve in the personnel serving (at least as early as
(B (J1960) included (A) Malaise (B) Irritability, (C) Extreme fatigue. At this
(B (Jtime the Soviets believed that the induced effects were temporary.
(B (JSubsequently, it has been verified that the effects are not temporary.
(B (JDefinitely tied to such radiation and the UHF/VHF electromagnetic waves are:
(B (J(A) Cataracts, (B) Blood changes that induce heart attacks, (C)
(B (JMalignancies, (D) Circulatory problems, and (E) Permanent deterioration of
(B (Jthe nervous system. In most cases the after-effects do not become evident
(B (Juntil long after exposure - a decade or more.
(B (JThere was consensus among Soviet EMR researchers that a beam such as the
(B (JMoscow signal was destined to produce blurred vision and loss of mental
(B (Jconcentration. The Boston Globe reported that the American ambassador had
(B (Jnot only developed a leukemia like blood disease, but also suffered from
(B (Jbleeding eyes and chronic headaches. Under the CIA's Project Pandora,
(B (Jmonkeys were brought into the embassy and exposed to the Moscow signal; they
(B (Jwere found to have developed blood composition anomalies and unusual
(B (Jchromosome counts. Embassy personnel were found to have a 40 percent higher
(B (Jthan average white blood cell count. While Operation Pandora's data
(B (Jgathering proceeded, embassy personnel continued working in the facility and
(B (Jwere not informed of the bombardment until 10 years later. Embassy employees
(B (Jwere eventually granted a 20 percent hardship allowance for their service in
(B (Jan unhealthful post. Throughout the period of bombardment, the CIA used the
(B (Jopportunity to gather data on psychological and biological effects of the
(B (Jbeams on our American personnel.
(B (J
(B (JThe U.S. government has carefully studied the electromagnetic signatures and
(B (Jexamined health affects of the Moscow signal radiation. The job was turned
(B (Jover to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). DARPA is now
(B (Jdeveloping and testing new electromagnetic antipersonnel weaponry.
(B (J
(B (J
(B (J
(B (J
(B (J
(B (J
(BLet us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. (B======================================================================== (BArchives Available at: (B

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