-Caveat Lector-

Mail on Sunday (London)

September 5, 2004

HEADLINE: Kitty Kelley: Bush took cocaine at Camp David


GEORGE W. BUSH took cocaine during a holiday at the US presidential
summer retreat Camp David, according to an explosive new book to be
published next week.

The sensational book goes on to allege that Laura Bush, the
President's wife, also experimented with illegal drugs.

The claims are made in The Family: The Real Story Of The Bush Dynasty,
by the veteran American investigative author Kitty Kelley.

The allegations about Bush's coke-taking come from the President's
former sister-in-law, Sharon Bush, who recently divorced his brother,
Neil Bush.

She tells Kelley: 'The President did coke at Camp David when his
father was President (1989-93) and not just once, either.' Bush is now
vehemently anti-drugs and, along with his wife, a born-again

The book also maintains that there is a 'great deal of circumstantial
evidence' that the President who as a young politician was opposed to
abortion helped arrange for a pregnant girlfriend to have a
termination in the Seventies.

Kelley, who is said to have spent four years researching the Bush
dynasty going back 100 years, also investigates claims that Bush's
father, George Snr, had an affair with his English secretary, Jennifer
Fitzgerald, a divorcee from Hampshire, and that his wife Barbara was
devastated when she found out.

The 700-page biography has been eagerly awaited and is expected to be
a huge and controversial bestseller in the run-up to the November
presidential election, in which Bush last week surged ahead of
Democrat challenger John Kerry.

Kelley has a fearsome reputation as a celebrity biographer. She has
published salacious exposes of Nancy Reagan, Frank Sinatra, Jackie
Onassis and the Royal Family.

Kelley says the Bush dynasty's immense wealth and influence have
enabled them to cover up scandals ranging from flagrant drug abuse and
marital infidelities, to the sexually-transmitted disease afflicting
one of the President's brothers, who patronised Asian prostitutes.

Sharon Bush says: 'The Bushes don't practise what they preach.' The
President has admitted to alcoholism making much of his religious
conversion that enabled him to overcome it but has never disclosed any
use of illegal drugs.

Bush supporters last night described Kelley's allegations as
'outrageous' and deliberately timed to overshadow the critical closing
stages of his presidential campaign.

A White House spokeswoman said: 'The book appears to be filled with
the same trash discredited, disavowed and dismissed years ago.'
Kelley's account, however, cites 800 extensive interviews, including
with students who knew the President when he was at his exclusive
public school, Andover, where she claims he first began to drink
heavily as he struggled academically.

At Yale, it is alleged he used alcohol to overcome his legendary shyness.

One acquaintance, Torbery Macdonald, says in the book: 'Poor Georgie.

He couldn't relate to women unless he was loaded.' Another says: 'He
went out of his way to act crude. It's quite amazing that someone you
held in such low esteem later became President.' Another says he had
no interests beyond 'booze and sports'.

Kelley claims Bush first used cocaine at university in the
mid-Sixties. She cites two sources, one of whom allegedly sold the
drug to him.

Neither wanted their names used.

Sharon Bush says George 'snorted cocaine' at Camp David during his
father's presidency 'not once but many times'.

Kelley points out that Bush has been evasive about drugs. During his
first presidential campaign, Bush said: 'The current FBI form asks the
question, "Did somebody use drugs within the last seven years?'' I
will be glad to answer that question and the answer is No.' During the
posting with the National Guard which saved him from Vietnam, he was
suspended from flying.

Kelley says documents about this are mysteriously missing from his
military records.

A former lieutenant tells her: 'There is circumstantial evidence
pointing to substance abuse by Bush during this period.' Other
acquaintances say that after work the 26-year-old 'liked to sneak out
back for a joint of marijuana or into the bathroom for a line of
cocaine.' An even more astonishing allegation is that Bush's wife
Laura who is seen as the most strait-laced First Lady in recent memory
was a marijuana dealer in her youth.

Kelley says she was known at Southern Methodist University as a 'go-to
girl for dime bags' of the drug.

A PR executive, Robert Nash, tells Kelley: 'She not only smoked dope
but she sold dope.' Similar allegations have been made to The Mail on
Sunday by a Texan who refused, however, to go on the record.

The book portrays Laura, however, largely as a victim of her husband's
drunkenness. Kelley says Laura fled the family home several times
because of his abusive behaviour though police were never involved.

Bush, apparently in shame, sobered up in 1986 and went on to join an
evangelical group.

Kelley says, however, that the real catalyst was plunging oil prices
which threatened the family fortune.

She also delves into allegations that Bush arranged for a pregnant
girlfriend to have an abortion.

She says four friends of the woman provided affidavits about this to
the respected current affairs magazines Time and Newsweek, though they
declined to follow up the allegations.

The book quotes a family friend as saying: 'George has no humility
whatsoever about being President.

He really thinks he deserves the office; that it's his by merit, not default.

'With each political job he's had, he's gotten worse, more arrogant.

Now he's unbearable.' Kelley concludes that, like his best friend and
ally Tony Blair, his faith inoculates him against doubt.


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