-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 24 Apr 1999, Liz Schumacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>june, i believe bundy did admit at the end to some of the murders--to buy
>time, he took the law on a tour and they found some bodies-this was in an
>attempt to put off his execution

Not that I read...the only thing anyone could get out of him was to get
him to 'speculate' in the 3rd person about the murders, and by so doing he
revealed things only the murderer would have known...IOW, he'd say
something "Well, if 'someone' was to do this, this is probably how'd he do
it...' and then go on to provide details...

I never heard of any additional bodies being found after he was
convicted...but if they were, it was via this 'I'd imagine the killer
would have done this' sort of equivication Bundy played...

He'd studied law, and knew how to play people to benefit himself...he had
nothing to gain, and a lot to lose, by admitting to the murders after
denying them...so he knew just how far to push things, so that he'd be
able to get ego strokes by displaying how 'clever' he was, and yet not
provide anything which legally could be used against him...

>? i may be wrong in this ?
>perhaps im confusing him with another serial killer? i know henry lee
>lucas did this also

Yes, Lucas bragged about any number of killings...some of which were
unknown, and so he probably DID do them (else how would he have known
where a body could be found?)...but he got carried away, and apparantly
confessed to some unsolved murders, which on investigation were found to
have been impossible for him to have committed (murders committed when he
wasn't even in the state, murders committed while he'd been incarcerated
for one thing or another, etc.)...so while he DID provide info on some
unknown murders, it seems as if he enjoyed being the center of attention a
little too much, and started admitting to any and all unexplained deaths
over the prior decades...


           It is not enough that yearly, down this hill, April
           Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.

                  -- Edna St. Vincent Mallay:  Spring
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