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Mubarak, Russian FM discuss situation in Kosovo, Egypt sends aid
Egypt, Politics, 4/24/99

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak met today with Russian Foreign Minister
Igor Ivanov who is visiting in Cairo within the framework of his Middle East

Meanwhile, the Egyptian foreign minister Amr Moussa said that the meeting
held between president Mubarak and Ivanov tackled the developments of
situations in Kosovo and Middle East peace process, beside the situation in
Iraq and the Russian-Egyptian bilateral ties.

Concerning the Russian initiative to end the war in Kosovo, Moussa said that
his talks with FM Ivanov tackled the situation and the diplomatic efforts to
solve this crisis. He said that they have agreed upon the necessity that the
US should play a role in this concerns.

Moussa also expressed the grave practices against Kosovo people.

Meanwhile, two planes carrying 70 tonnes of relief aid to the ethnic
Albanians of Kosovo are to leave Cairo tomorrow.

Meanwhile, the secretary general of Egyptian Red Crescent Society, Dr.
Mohammed Gabr, said the first plane carrying 30 tonnes of relief aid is set
up by the Egyptian Red Crescent at the authorization of Mrs. Suzanne
Mubarak, to coordinate between the international union of the Red Crescent
and Red Cross, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the ministries
of supply and foreign affairs and the Cabinet.

He added that the second plane, carrying 40 tonnes of medicines, is
presented by the Ministry of Heath, the physicians and pharmaceutical
syndicate, in cooperation with Health Minister Ismael Salam, heading a
medical delegation to present medical services and perform surgeries on
Kosovar Albanian patients.

Ivanov says Moscow defensive weapons to Damascus don't threaten neighbors
Regional, Politics, 4/24/99

Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr Moussa said that the meeting held between
president Mubarak and Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov tackled the
development of the situations in Kosovo and the Middle East peace process,
as well as the situation in Iraq and Russian - Egyptian bilateral ties.

Concerning the question of the declarations stated in Israel that Israel
stopped Russia from exporting technology to some Middle East countries and
whether Russia feels anxiety toward the current situation of the United
Nations and intends to make initiatives to restore the greatness of the
world organization, Ivanov said Israel has expressed its anxiety toward
exporting Russian weapons to Syria, adding that there are claims of Russian
cooperation with Iran in the field of weapons.

He added that Syrian cooperation on military supplies will be carried out
according to Russia's international commitments and in a specified form
through bilateral relations only, and that Russian weapons exports to Syria
are defensive weapons that don not constitute any danger to Syria's

Concerning Iranian - Russian cooperation, Ivanov said his country has
previously and in a formal way announced that there is no cooperation in the
field of missile technology.

Concerning the UN's affairs, he said Russia seeks always to confirm the
importance of the UN's role, and it will pursue its endeavors in the future
with all its capabilities.

 Russia calls for resuming peace talks with Israeli from point at which they
broke off
Regional, Politics, 4/23/99

Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov on Thursday called upon Israel to
resume peace talks with Syria from the point at which they broke off three
years ago.

In a joint peace conference with Israeli Foreign Minister Ariel Sharon,
Ivanov stressed that Russia's position is to resume talks between Syria and
Israel from the point where they stopped.

Ivanov is currently making a tour of the region which will cover Syria,
Egypt, and the Palestinian self-rule areas.

Upon his arrival in Israel on Thursday, Ivanov toured on board a helicopter
in the airspace of the occupied West Bank. He was accompanied by Sharon.

An Israeli official said through his tour of the West Bank, Sharon intended
to acquaint the Russian minister with what Israel calls the "security zones"
which it believes it has to keep in the context of a final agreement with
the Palestinians.

Sharon and Prime Minister Netanyahu believe almost half of the territories
of the occupied West Bank should remain under the Israeli control. Ivanov is
scheduled to meet today with Netanyahu before he heads for Ramallah to meet
with Palestinian President Yasser Arafat.

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