-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 5:56 PM
Subject: Jose SaramagO: Danger After Bush Re-election

> Nobel Laureate Saramago Warns of Danger After Bush Reelection
> By Humberto Márquez
> November 27, 2004, Inter Press Service
> http://ipsnews.net/interna.asp?idnews=26451
> CARACAS - U.S. politics over the next four years will be
> rooted in patriotism and religion, an 'explosive combination'
> that will require Latin Americans to 'arm themselves with
> strength, courage and bravery,' according to Portuguese
> writer José Samamago, winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize for
> Literature.
> Saramago spoke to writers and journalists this week in
> Caracas, and used the occasion to express his views on what a
> second term under U.S. President George W. Bush will mean for
> the region.
> 'Things will undoubtedly be very bad for Latin America,' the
> writer predicted. 'You only have to consider the ambitions
> and the doctrines of the empire, which regards this region as
> its backyard,' he said.
> At an earlier speaking engagement in Bogotá, Colombia,
> Saramago called Bush 'the biggest liar on the planet.' He
> added that if the U.S. president ever decides to focus on the
> region, Latin America should tremble with fear. 'I could say
> the same about Africa, but I don't want to create an
> international panic,' he joked.
> Turning his attention to the rest of the world, Saramago told
> his audience in Caracas that the United States will never
> leave Iraq, 'because it needs to control the Middle East, the
> gateway to Asia. It already has military installations in
> Uzbekistan.'
> He also predicted, however, that the situation will become
> more complex when new competitors emerge to challenge U.S.
> power, such as China, India and perhaps Brazil.
> 'I am a person with leftist convictions, and always have
> been,' said the 82-year-old writer, adding that whenever he
> addresses the subject of international politics, 'I always
> ask two questions, and only two: How many countries have
> military bases in the United States? And in how many
> countries does the United States not have military bases?'
> But he asked the journalists in Caracas a third question, to
> illustrate his point. 'Can you just imagine what Bush would
> say if someone like (Venezuelan) President Hugo Chávez asked
> him for a little piece of land to install a military base,
> even if it was way off in Alaska, and he only wanted to plant
> a Venezuelan flag there?' The question provoked an outburst
> of laughter from his audience.
> Saramago was in Venezuela ahead of an international congress
> that will be held next month, a gathering of intellectuals in
> solidarity with the process of political and social reforms
> being undertaken by Chávez, which the president refers to as
> a peaceful 'social revolution'.
> 'It's not that I'm pro-Chávez, nor do I believe in strongmen
> or messiahs, but Hugo Chávez is someone who wants to make
> changes, and he has found the way to reach straight into the
> hearts and minds of the Venezuelan people,' he stated.
> Saramago also had harsh words of criticism for the Venezuelan
> opposition. 'For someone like me, it is difficult to
> understand these people who democratically take part in
> elections and a referendum, but are then incapable of
> democratically accepting the will of the people. It is an
> insult to common sense, and I personally cannot comprehend
> it.'
> The writer recalled that Chávez and his associates have won a
> majority of votes in eight elections over the last six years
> in Venezuela. These include the presidential recall
> referendum on Aug. 15, when voter turnout was exceptionally
> high and 59 percent of those who cast their ballots wanted
> Chávez to remain as president of their country.
> Venezuela 'has had a highly troubled recent history,' noted
> Saramago, adding that he hoped Chávez would be able to bring
> 'this unique experience' to a successful conclusion, despite
> the fact that Latin America and the Caribbean are now facing
> 'four complicated years, which will be marked by tensions and
> neo-colonial aspirations.'
> Chávez was unable to meet with Saramago, as he is on a
> presidential tour to Russia and the Middle East. However,
> Venezuelan public television provided viewers with a unique
> interview with the Nobel laureate conducted by Vice President
> José Vicente Rangel, formerly a prominent investigative
> journalist.
> Saramago, who had just been in Rosario, Argentina to take
> part in the 3rd International Congress on the Spanish
> Language, emphasised that he speaks about politics 'willingly
> and deliberately.' He also noted that his most recent novel,
> Lucidity, is 'openly political, unlike the previous ones,'
> which include Baltasar and Blimunda, The Gospel According to
> Jesus Christ, and The Caves.
> Lucidity is about an imaginary city (the same one in which
> his 1995 novel Blindness was set) where the majority of
> voters decide to cast blank ballots. Saramago stressed that
> he isn't promoting this kind of political stance, but he does
> believe in the need for a 'regeneration' of democracy.
> Currently, 'it is economic power that determines political
> power, and governments become the political functionaries of
> economic power,' he maintained.
> What can writers do to confront this situation? 'Not much
> more than any other citizen, because if they could change
> things, they would have already done so. Personally, what I
> try to do when I write is to get people thinking,' he said.
> 'I wouldn't like to leave this life without at least knowing
> that I tried to do something,' he added.
> As to what should be done, 'I don't think there is anything
> more effective than demanding and keeping a vigilant watch
> over rigorous respect for human rights.'
> (c) Copyright 2004 IPS - Inter Press Service
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