-Caveat Lector-
Nonprofits liable for staff who sexually abuse kids 8/9/06 By Gregory J. Volpe Gannett State Bureau Trenton "State law does not shield nonprofits from liability for staff members who sexually abuse children, the state Supreme Court ruled Tuesday. The court ruled that the American Boychoir School in Princeton does not get protection from the state's Charitable Immunity Act because it applies only to negligence claims. John W. Hardwicke Jr. sued the school and several employees in 2001, claiming the music director, Donald Hanson, other employees and students abused him when he was a child attending the school in the early 1970s. Hanson now lives in Canada and no longer works at the school." http://www.courierpostonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2006608090403
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