-Caveat Lector-

EDITORIAL  - Archiving Dissociation as a Precaution Against  Dissociating 
Dissociation Judith Herman (1992) famously observed, “The knowledge  of 
events periodically intrudes into public awareness but is rarely  retained for 
long. Denial, repression, and dissociation operate on a social as  well as an 
individual level” (p. 2)....Herman (1992) goes on to note: “Like  
traumatized people, we have been cut off from the knowledge of our past. Like  
traumatized people, we need to understand the past in order to reclaim the  
present and 
the future. Therefore, an understanding of psychological trauma  begins with 
rediscovering history” (p. 2). We are at risk of forgetting the hard  work and 
lessons learned by our predecessors. Thus, in addition to preserving  our 
current knowledge, it is important to learn and preserve  Journal of  Trauma & 
Dissociation, Vol. 8(3) 2007 Available online at _http://jtd.haworthpress.com_ 
(http://jtd.haworthpress.com)  by The  Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved. 
doi:10.1300/J229v08n03_01 1 
Memory, Abuse, and Science: Questioning Claims about the False Memory  
Syndrome Epidemic - Kenneth S. Pope  ABSTRACT: Careful assessment of  purported 
scientific discoveries and the resulting interpretations is a  responsibility 
every scientist. The area of memory, particularly memory for  abuse, has 
recently seen new, highly publicized claims. These include the  proposal of a 
diagnostic category, the false memory syndrome; claims about  the ease with 
which extensive autobiographical memories can be implanted; and  estimates of 
extent therapists use risky practices likely to cause false  memory syndrome. 
This article suggests questions to evaluate these claims and  the methods used 
to promote them. Implications for clinical standards and  malpractice are 
discussed....Memory, Abuse, & Science: Questioning Claims  about the False 
Syndrome Epidemic--is the award address for the American  Psychological 
Association's Award for Distinguished Contributions to Public  Service. It was 
published in American Psychologist, vol. 51, no. 9, pages  957-974. 
Duggal, S., & Sroufe, L. A. (1998). Recovered memory of childhood  sexual 
trauma: A documented case from a longitudinal study. Journal of Traumatic  
Stress, 11(2), 301-321.  This account contains a prospective report of  memory 
in a case in which there is both documented evidence of trauma and  evidence 
of recovery of memory. _http://www.leadershipcouncil.org/1/lg/taus_cr.html_ 

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