-Caveat Lector-

Question!  Now that I have your attention, my Question is:  Who is the most
responsible for the horrendous Refugee problem in the Balkans?  Is it Slobo
or the Rapist from Hope?

      Willey Says Clinton Made Advance

By Pete Yost
Associated Press Writer
Tuesday, May 4, 1999; 9:09 p.m. EDT

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) -- Kathleen Willey testified in court Tuesday that she
confided to her friend, Julie Hiatt Steele, about President Clinton's ``very
forceful'' sexual advance in the White House.

But in a new disclosure, Mrs. Willey said she was so upset by the events of
that day in 1993, the same day her husband committed suicide, that Ms.
Steele had to remind her later of their conversation on the alleged sexual
advance by the president.

It's a crucial point in the obstruction trial of Ms. Steele, who is charged
with lying to Kenneth Starr's investigators when she denied that Mrs. Willey
had told her about the incident hours after it allegedly happened.

Ms. Steele says Mrs. Willey first told her about the experience with Clinton
in 1997, asking her to lie about it to a Newsweek reporter.

Earlier Tuesday, a friend who worked with her in the White House social
office testified that Mrs. Willey confided Clinton's alleged sexual advance
to her shortly after it happened.

In a barely audible voice, Ruthie Eisen said that, according to Mrs.
Willey's account, the president ``kissed her and hugged her'' and ``touched
her chest.''

``She said that the president had gotten aroused and said he had wanted to
do that for a long time or wanted to do that since he saw her,'' Ms. Eisen

Ms. Eisen said Mrs. Willey told her she was ``caught offguard'' by the
president's advance. Ms. Eisen said she assumed Mrs. Willey revealed the
incident in confidence. Ms. Eisen said she didn't tell anyone about it until
she was questioned by Starr's investigators.

Asked if Mrs. Willey ever asked her to lie or fabricate anything, Ms. Eisen
replied, ``absolutely not.''

Linda Tripp is the only other White House staffer to have said that Mrs.
Willey confided the alleged incident.

In her testimony on the trial's second day, Mrs. Willey said she relayed the
account of the advance after coming to Ms. Steele's house outside Richmond,
Va. Immediately before visiting Ms. Steele, Mrs. Willey said she had been
frantically looking for her husband, whose body was found the next day.

``I recall being there (at the house) because Julie told me I was there,''
Mrs. Willey testified. ``She reminded me that I was there, that I had told
her briefly what happened with the president.''

Clinton has denied under oath making any such advance on Mrs. Willey. Jim
Kennedy, spokesman for the White House counsel's office, said there would be
no comment Tuesday on Willey's accusations.

Taking the witness stand on the trial's second day, Mrs. Willey recounted
her meeting with the president in the Oval Office. A White House volunteer,
she had come to ask Clinton for a paying job to help relieve her family's
financial problems.

``I told him we were having a crisis,'' Mrs. Willey said, and that she was
desperate for a job.

As they talked, he led her to a small galley kitchen adjacent to the Oval
Office, she said.

She said Clinton ``hugged me and told me he was very sorry.'' Then Clinton
began to kiss her. ``He was very forceful. His hands were all over me,''
Mrs. Willey testified. She said he touched her breasts and put his hands up
her dress. ``I told him I needed to get out of there,'' she testified.

Did she try to resist? a prosecutor asked. ``Yes,'' she said.

In the aftermath of her husband's suicide, Ms. Steele took her to the
hospital because she was so emotionally upset, Mrs. Willey testified.

© Copyright 1999 The Associated Press



"An unarmed people are slaves, or subject to slavery at any time."
                                --- Malcolm X

"No blood for blow jobs"
   --a placard

"FREE SPEECH! Use it, or lose it!"
        --- Ken Hamblin

"Anyone who defends Clinton might as well hold down a woman while he rapes
                                        --- Cheryl Enyart


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