-Caveat Lector-

Who is responsible for the refugees?????

I think it is a combined effort....that it was all planned well in
advance.....now they not only get our money to rebuild, but Clinton will
get a kickback, and we will pay for it.

NATO.....they are not exactly King Arthur's Court are they.....Slobbo I
and Slobbo II.....the reason I say this, is because if they really
wanted to get Slobbo I, they would have blown his castle to
smitherines....they would not have permitted three soldiers to be
captive.....and further, the Black Hand is just another Mafia, is it

Slobo I is in bed with Clinton too, and I imagine Albright has told them
to move over for her......

The Spear of Destiny?   Its a wonder these people aren't hit by one of
Tesla's artificial lightning bolts, compliments of the KGB....but then,
remember too....Serbia is Russia's little brother....

So, we got two Slobs.....neither one has really suffered much, have
they....lets see how Slobbo I and Slobbo II get out of this one....and I
still Madeline Albright and now the Generl Clark, are trying to destroy
their past.....they should be proud to be Jewish....or what is it with

I like the Wrestler for President; or one of the 17 who sued
Clinton.....and remember this, I think Albright just recently was
naturalized.....that she never was before.

Bye....good night....it is I, Alice in Wonderland signing off for a
on my way to OZ, if I can get through the poppy field without getting


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