-Caveat Lector-

Since you mention the name of Edgar Cayce, an enigma or prophet based on
intellect....yesterday, May 18.....May 18 of course is when Mt. Helene
blew its top, and Harry Truman, refused to leave and went down with his

One item of interest; on May 18 back when the volocano went off, I was
reading one of Cayce's books entitled "There Is A River"......

This line is from the 46th Psalm, the psalm some call the Shakespearian
or Bacon Cypher psalm, for you can pick up Shakespeare's name in this by
using a numerical system.....however, this psalm is truly curious to me
for one reason.....

My bible calendar code.....May18, this psalm is yearly set for
one verse reads "There Is A River".....and this psalm is indeed very
cryptic considering the astronauts recited it at the funeral of the
Challenger victims....and the earth trembled that date....from the sonic
booms of the airplanes breaking the sound barrier above.....at virtually
high noon.....

The last line in the KJV bible, an one must use the King James Bible for
full effect is
"God set their chariots afire"......

Chariots of Fire was the name of Dody Fayed's produced movie Chariots of
Fire; and, you can see the chariots of the gods when you read this
psalm....a firey death of the Challenger's crew, leaves no doubt in my
mind, that this Psalm is keyed and linked to a lot more than just plain

For those who follow the path of the rose, there are always a few who
are many steps ahead....

Read the 46th Psalm.....you will see what I mean, but when you consider
date wise, it is also linked to a lot of different intresting mysteries
and murders....well another thing to consider....the bible is also a
clue to a lot of missing Nazi gold, maritime disasters (like the Edmund
Fitzgrld in particular)....and remember and pray we get through this
memorial day without another national disaster so the new media won't
have to pull out their funeral music and put on their dog and pony
show....someday, nobody will be wathcing them at all.


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