-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990630c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No legislators were bribed enough during the production of this bulletin.
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# DNA may reveal Lincoln clues. CHICAGO (AP) For years, the blood-spattered
  velvet cloak that Mary Todd Lincoln is believed to have worn on the night
  Pres. Lincoln was shot has mostly hung untouched. But with recent develop-
  ments in DNA testing, researchers say the garment could reveal some of the
  mysteries about the health of the nation's 16th president. But testing may
  destroy a valuable relic of history to prove false some of the stories and
  myths. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560113771-b33

: Will the truth of the Lincoln hit ever come out? Will DNA reveal Lincoln's
Zeta Reticulan heritage? Will the test results be 'mysteriously' suppressed?
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# Cosmonaut proposes Mir shares. MOSCOW (AP)  A prominent cosmonaut offered
  a new tactic to save the Mir orbiting station, symbol of Russia's space
  glory and national pride: selling shares to foreigners. Buy a pie in the
  sky: http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560105325-5f9

: How much of a space station would you like to buy? Would it be a risky
investment? If Reptilioids try to take it away from you, would you fight?
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  an interstellar trip to be very short. The trip from our nearest neighbor,
  Alpha Centuri, a triple star system 4.3 light years away made by acceler-
  ation at 140 g to a v/c of 0.9999 is accomplished from a standing start to
  a standing finish in 6 weeks. http://ufoinfo.com/filer/1999/ff_9925.html

: Is 6 weeks too slow? Would 140 g be uncomfortable? Suppose the inertial
damping system breaks down? Wouldn't it be better to just fold spacetime?
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# Sen. Hutchinson to divorce. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) US Sen. Tim Hutchinson,
  a Southern Baptist minister who has called the breakdown of the American
  family one of the nation's biggest problems, said Tuesday he has filed for
  divorce. Hutchinson, who in 1996 became the first popularly elected GOP US
  senator from Arkansas, is touted on his WorldWideWeb site as a "dedicated
  advocate for American families." But he's not hypocritical, just fuzzy.
  See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560116091-067

: Does your belief system force you to be publicly paradoxical? Are your
words & actions inconsistent? What's the difference between a self-rightous
conservative and a lying sack of sh!t? Did Hutchinson's ET implant misfire?
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# Kingston gets 28 weeks in jail. Polygamist leader John Daniel Kingston
  will spend the next 28 weeks in jail, but his sentence could be reduced if
  he apologizes to his teenage daughter and takes responsibility for beating
  her. http://www.deseretnews.com/dn/view/1,1249,100008867,00.html

: Should your punishment be eased if you apologize? Does your belief system
deal with polygamy, abuse, punishment, redemption? Do your mores evolve???
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# San Diego seeks end to beach nudity. SAN DIEGO (AP) - A remote strip of
  pristine sand long labeled America's most popular - yet unofficial - nude
  beach is covering up. After years of tolerating sunbathers in the buff,
  the city is again trying to enforce an old ban on nudity at Black's Beach.
  Some who visit the 1,500-foot stretch of coastline in the wealthy enclave
  of La Jolla have complained about increased sexual behavior and expansion
  of the nude beach boundaries by the clothing-optional set. Kill-joys -
  see http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560111087-3c9

: Is a nude beach the only place where you can be sure that those around you
are human? Are nudity bans pushed by ETs so we can't tell who they are?  Is
'modesty', pathological body-consciousness, an alien-implanted control ploy?
Do aliens control all gov't agencies that impose nudity bans, all churches
that stress 'modesty', all social institutions that promote 'shame'? Where?
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# Scientists predict babies possible from thawed tissue. (BBC) Women could
  be able to have babies from thawed ovarian tissue within the next ten
  years. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_381000/381723.stm

# Also: Older women's pregnancy chances boosted:
# Fertility doctors can cut twin pregnancies:

# Islam allows egg storage. (BBC) Storage of human eggs for fertilisation by
  a husband is not forbidden by Islam, a senior religious authority in Cairo
  has said. But fertilising eggs with sperm from a 3rd party does break holy
  law. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_380000/380283.stm

: Does your belief system have any policies about fertility technology? Are
your deities, clerics, Game Masters, ready to deal with the 21st century?
Do you want to reproduce from frozen tissues? Aren't there more fun methods?
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# Indonesians want province split. JAKARTA (AP) - Some 5,000 people marched
  through an eastern Indonesian town and demanded the gov't make good on a
  promise to split their province in two after months of bloody fighting
  among Muslims and Christians. Christians dominate the southern half of
  the province, known in Dutch colonial times as the Spice Islands. See

: Should your nation/province/state/county/parish/town/block be partitioned
along religious/ethnic/cultural/political/artistic lines? Do you find it
impossible to live amongst members of other groups without fighting? Do you
even fight amongst your own group? Are you possessed by demons, aliens, me?
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# LDS Church to give away genealogy software on Web. The Church of Jesus
  Christ of Latter-day Saints offers free copies of the newest version of
  its popular Personal Ancestral File software program. The Window-based PAF
  4.0 will be available at www.familysearch.org.  PAF 4.0 does not provide
  genealogical data. Instead, the program helps users organize their family-
  history records. http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1,1249,100008345,00.html

: Do you track your ancestry? Do others track you? Are you proud of your ET
alien heritage? Which planet are your ancestors from? Will you visit there?
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  "Vs neg vagrecergrf bhe qernzf, pbzchgre rkrphgrf gurz va gur thvfr
  bs gur cebtenzf!" --Nyna Creyvf

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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