-Caveat Lector-

Posted to CIA-Drugs list; May 25, 1999

From: "Mike Ruppert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


(c) Copyright 1999. Michael C. Ruppert, From The Wilderness Publications
www.copvcia.com. All Rights Reserved

House Intelligence Committee Holds Surprise Closed Door Hearings on CIA and
Drugs in Los Angeles

Maxine Waters denied admission after written request


Tuesday, May 25, 1999 - 1450 PST

In a move which still has many leaders on both coasts reeling from its
suddenness, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI)
today held closed door hearings, "on allegations that the CIA is involved in
drug trafficking in California." A posting announcing the hearings was
placed on a Congressional web site directory announcing upcoming events
sometime late Friday and was not noted by Congressional staffers until
Monday or Tuesday.

Maxine Waters (D), California, who has been an outspoken critic of CIA
involvement was not notified directly and her staff did not catch the
announcement until sometime on Monday, according to sources in the
Congresswoman's DC office. A source in Waters' office told From The
Wilderness, "We sent a letter requesting that the Congresswoman be admitted
to the hearings over by messenger this morning. The request was denied."

Waters, who has been in the forefront on the issue has received both
criticism and praise for her handling of the issue in recent months.
Appearing at a private fund raising event for tribunals held by the
Institute for Policy Studies at USC this past weekend, Waters discussed her
recent efforts on the subject. These included the passage of an amendment
she had written for the Intelligence Appropriations Measure (HR 1555) which
prohibits CIA from engaging in drug trafficking.

The wording of the HPSCI announcement, however, leaves many confused as to
the exact subject of the hearings. The only pending hearings in HPSCI are on
the subject of Volume II which is not about Los Angeles but about CIA Contra
involvement throughout the Contra war - all over the hemisphere. The Los
Angeles connection to CIA/Contra activities was discussed in an open door
session in Washington on March 16, 1998 and was focused on the contents of
Volume I of a CIA Inspector General report prepared by retired CIA Inspector
General Fredrick P. Hitz in 1997.

When questioned, a receptionist at HPSCI stated this afternoon that she did
not know whether today's hearings were on Volume II or not. She stated that
all staffers were inside the hearings and that no one was available to
provide any further information at the moment.


The Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), a Washington, D.C. based think-tank
held public hearings on Drug Policy at the University of California on
Saturday and Sunday May 22 & 23. The tribunals, attended by the academic and
journalistic "Who's Who" of CIA and drugs, were well publicized in advance.
This writer attended those tribunals and found them enormously useful but
not revelatory in terms of breaking news. A private fundraiser was held
Saturday night at which Maxine Waters spoke of her recent efforts. In a
conversation with this writer it was apparent the she had no hint of today's

NOTE: Recent articles by this writer, connecting Volume II to the
Impeachment of Bill Clinton, did not soften the public relationship of this
writer and Waters who publicly embraced me and openly acknowledged my work
at the fundraiser. I really believe that, within the realities of the
system, Maxine wants to find and answer. - MCR]

The day before the tribunals however, at USC, From The Wilderness and former
Bush Assistant Secretary of Housing, Catherine Austin Fitts, released an
exclusive article connecting CIA drug trafficking in South Central Los
Angeles to HUD mortgage defaults and apparent ethnic cleansing in Los
Angeles. The Friday night press conference was attended by CNN and The L.A.
WEEKLY newspaper. Advance copies of Fitts' article in From The Wilderness
were distributed to at least one member of Congress and two news
organizations on Wednesday and Thursday.

The substance of Fitts' article was to produce documentary evidence showing
a clearly traceable pattern of HUD backed mortgage defaults in the heart of
South Central Los Angeles and to connect that data to the revelations that
the CIA had been connected to LA crack cocaine kingpin Ricky Ross. Fitts,
fired by Housing Secretary Jack Kemp in 1990, had become a hugely successful
investment banker in 1996 working with HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros to
auction defaulted mortgages into the private sector.

Fitts attended the IPS tribunals with this writer on Saturday and spoke
directly with Maxine Waters at the fundraiser on Saturday evening.

It was because of data bases developed by Fitts' firm, Hamilton, in 1996
that Fitts now believes she was targeted for destruction at the same time
the Gary Webb stories appeared in the San Jose Mercury News (8/96). In the
years since, her firm Hamilton Securities was forced into bankruptcy after
HUD withheld $2 million in payments, subjected the firm to eighteen audits
and appeared maniacally obsessed with destroying Hamilton's research.

"Those databases," said Fitts, "would most likely have shown - clearly -
that the CIA drug trade was making blacks flee their homes, default and have
someone else scoop them up for pennies on a dollar. It was, I believe,
ethnic cleansing by the CIA, using HUD as the instrument."

The Fitts article, with a shocking map showing HUD defaults in South Central
and full details of the HUD connection to CIA is available only to
subscribers of From The Wilderness newsletter which can be accessed at

Fitts, a former Managing Director at the Wall Street investment bank Dillon,
Read, and who is now a Contributing Editor to From The Wilderness, was
contacted today for her reactions to today's hearings. "I strongly suspect,"
said Fitts, that we will find that we have uncovered a pattern of loan
brokering and deliberately engineered fraudulent transactions which will
lead back into the heart of Iran-Contra, the Savings and Loan scandals and
CIA drug trafficking. This scandal had cost taxpayers billions."

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