-Caveat Lector-

>From WorldTribune
> U.S. balks at arming Iraqi opposition
> Friday, June 25, 1999
> WASHINGTON [MENL] -- As Saddam Hussein has reportedly authorized the
> assassinations of U.S.-backed opposition forces, the United States
> maintains that such opponents of the Iraqi ruler are not ready to be
> armed.
> Elizabeth Jones, deputy U.S. assistant secretary of state for Near
> Eastern affairs, termed as "premature" calls to arm the Iraqi
> opposition. She said the administration is supplying such help as
> broadcast and other communications devices as part of the $97 million
> in aid approved in October 1998.
> "There are a host of issues that must be resolved before we can have
> confidence that providing arms to the Iraqi opposition would advance
> our objectives of promoting a change of regime and not just lead to
> more Iraqis being killed unnecessarily," Ms. Jones said in a Wednesday
> hearing to the Senate Foreign Relations' subcommittee on Near Eastern
> and South Asian Affairs. "One requirement is a credible, broad-based,
> Iraqi political umbrella movement that can authoritatively articulate
> a future vision for those Iraqis who now lack a voice in their own
> fate."
> Ms. Jones said Washington has detected "a serious hesitancy among the
> people of Iraq" to participate in a revolution. She cited the fear of
> reprisals by Saddam's regime.
> Congressional leaders want to increase the pace of U.S. assistance to
> Iraqi opposition groups in an intensified effort to oust Saddam. "We
> need to get moving," said subcommittee Chairman Sam Brownback, a
> Republican from Kansas. "I don't want Saddam to outlast another
> American president."
> Brownback said Iraqi opposition leaders are unifying. Over the last
> month, both Iraqi opposition leaders as well as Kurdish leaders from
> northern Iraq have met in Washington with U.S. administration
> officials and congressional leaders.
> Ahmed Chalabi, the Washington representative of the Iraqi National
> Congress, a London-based umbrella group for the Iraqi opposition,
> agreed with Brownback.
> "It is time for bold action," Chalabi said. "The Iraq National
> Congress calls upon the United States and its allies to recognize what
> is already fact: that the United States and its allies are at war with
> Saddam's regime. Last summer, it was proven that Saddam had ballistic
> missile warheads loaded with deadly VX -- nerve gas -- an active
> biological weapons program, and the potential for nuclear weapons in
> less than a year."
> "In addition, over a thousand political prisoners have been executed
> in the so-called prison-cleansing campaign," Chalabi said. "Iraqis are
> dying now. It is not useful to say that any further, more aggressive
> moves against Saddam would get Iraqis killed, because Saddam is
> killing Iraqis now."
> The INC is planning to hold a national assembly meeting in July. No
> venue has been announced.
> Arab sources report that Saddam has authorized his son, Qusay, to
> train hit squads to assassinate or intimidate exile leaders who have
> launched an effort to oust the Iraqi president. Over the past month,
> Iraqi and Kurdish leaders have met in Washington in a U.S.-financed
> effort.
> Saddam's efforts include a reshuffle of his security and intelligence
> services and offers of amnesty to Iraqis who fled their country. Among
> the appointments was that of Saddam's personal secretary Abdul Hamid
> Hamoud General Ayed Alhaj.
> The London-based Yemen News reports that Saddam's "Fedayeen" led by
> Qusay are training for missions inside and outside Iraq. "It is
> believed that such missions may include intimidation and assassination
> of Iraqi opposition in the Middle East and Europe," the service said.
> Friday, June 25, 1999
> Contact World Tribune.com at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>From ArabicNews.CoM

> Iraq confirms readiness to normalize relations with Kuwait, Saudi
> Arabia Iraq, Politics, 6/7/99
> Nizar Hamdoun, the under secretary of the Iraqi Foreign Ministry,
> stated that his country will not cooperate with the UN Security
> Council for free, saying that uplifting the sanctions imposed on Iraq
> is considered a condition for future cooperation with the council.
> In press statements he made in Manama at the conclusion of a visit to
> Bahrain during which he met with Emir Hamad Bin Issa al-Khalifa and
> high-ranking officials Hamdoun urged the UN Security Council to
> fulfill its commitment, especially after Iraq's cooperation with the
> council through eight years.
> He said, "Uplifting the siege off the Iraqi people has become an Arab
> public demand," and he assured his country's readiness to normalize
> relations with all Arab states, including Kuwait and Saudi Arabia
> emphasizing that Iraq "does not form a threat to anyone."

> Iraq reiterates non-cooperation with inspection teams formed by UN
> Security Council Iraq, Politics, 6/7/99
> Iraq restated that it will not cooperate with the different committees
> formed by the United Nations Security Council to discuss the Iraq
> issue unless economic sanctions are fully lifted.
> The Iraqi permanent delegate at the Arab League, Sultan El-Shawi,
> said, "Iraq needs to obtain clear confirmation that the talks that
> will take place with the Security Council will eventually lead to lift
> international sanctions."
> The Security Council agreed on forming a team of experts in the field
> of chemicals and biological weapons to estimate the position in the
> offices and laboratories of UNSCOM, the body charged with removing
> Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
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