-Caveat Lector-

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>>Connecticut allowing police to seize firearms from potential
>>criminals July 2, 1999
>> From Correspondent Frank Buckley
>>WALLINGFORD, Connecticut -- Some Connecticut gun
>>enthusiasts are up in arms about a new law signed this week by
>>Gov. John Rowland that gives police the right to seize firearms
>>from the home of a person whom authorities believe may be
>>considering a criminal act.
>>It's considered to be the first law in the nation that allows
>>confiscation of a gun before the owner commits an act of violence.
>>"For them just to come in and blatantly want to take your guns, I
>>believe it's wrong," said one gun owner at the Blue Trail gun
>>"The Constitution is being broken apart, piece by piece," said
>>another opponent of the new law.
>>Police would have to show probable cause that the gun owner
>>posed an imminent risk. Among the factors to be considered by
>>the judge issuing the gun seizure warrant: Threats or acts of
>>violence, cruelty to animals, and drug or alcohol abuse.
>>Law passed after shootings at lottery office
>>Connecticut passed the law after the shootings deaths of four
>>people at the state's lottery headquarters last year by one employee
>>whose behavior had worried co-workers.
>>"It gives police the authority when it's clear that someone's become
>>dangerous -- and you know they have guns -- to go in and take the
>>guns before a tragedy takes place," said Rep. Michael Lawler.
>>But challenges are expected on the constitutionality of the law.
>>Some opponents call it the 'turn in your neighbor' law. They fear
>>some people might attempt to use the law to try to resolve petty
>>disputes or to impose their views about guns on their neighbors.
>>Some critics, such as gun lobbyist Bob Crook, say there are
>>already too many gun laws on the books that are not enforced.
>>But he says that in this case, the intent, at least, is on target.
>>"If the law is enforced, and it's enforced adequately, then what
>>we've done is taken a firearm or firearms away from a person
>>who's mentally disturbed and who shouldn't have them to begin
>>with," said Crook.
>>John Mac Millan mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Massachusetts Republican Party Webmaster http://www.massgop.com
>>Billerica RTC Chairman
>>The views expressed are my own and may not be the MRP views.
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