-Caveat Lector-

>Andrew wrote:
>> Someone at our Transformation Group said that the US was trillions
>> in debt and that Clinton has promised to pay it back in 15 years
>> ....  is this true ?? -- I thought that the American Financial
>> system was incredibly good !!

     See:  The Public Debt To the Penny

              07/01/1999 --> $5,632,318,946,849.83

Ric replied:
>All true.  The US nat'l debt IS at about US$5 tln now; it was around
>US$1 tln when Reagan took office and around US$4 tln when Bush left,
>so they managed to spend quite a bit.  And the projected revenues DO
>allow for paying it all off,

  Never happen - we've got to colonize Mars before the Chinese do.
  Besides, when was the last time Clinton told the truth ?

>if Congress doesn't vote for humungeous tax relief for the wealthy

  They don't pay taxes; they hire lawyers and senators...


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