-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: [bigchat] Proud to be an American ?


Dear Tim,
I hope a large number of people on the forum took the trouble to read your
most informative document.It is particularly useful to us in the U.K. be
cause we are usually one step behind the U.S.and as a consequence could
become forearmed,having been forewarned by courageous people such as

Usually an optimist I'm afraid I am a little fearful with reference to the
impact your statements may have here in the U.K.
Freedoms are being eroded here all the time,unobserved by the majority,who
blindly move on in the most appalling of attitudes -one of total apathy !
Before too long we will all be in the same boat,dictated to by an outspoken
minority, who attain their power by the attitude
mentioned.You must feel the absolute helplessness of the situation,I know I
do,and there was an illustration just today of what is facing us.

A small businessman and local Community Leader was held by the police for
over 6 hours because he held his daughters wrists in an attempt to stop her
from joining a party (so called) as he believed he was protecting her from
drug abuse.She complained to the police and he was taken into custody -his
crime, protecting his own daughter by restraint represented assault.She is
and can command this kind of power over her own father.Only when she asked
the police to drop charges was he released.Do gooders, social services etc,
just love interfering in other peoples lives,the more respectable they are
the better they like it ! This country is going down the same route as yours
at an escalating rate,might even overtake you unless someone of prominence
stands up and cries STOP ! Remember the show "Stop the World I want to get
off", sounded like a crazy title when it came out - it's becoming more
relevent by the day.
Best of luck to you Tim you deserve a huge pat on the back,much appreciated

Regards Alf.Powell

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