The message below, received by NewsHawk, gives a VERY much appreciated
HEADS-UP to EVERYONE regarding some drastic changes in the way the
"news", already managed and spin-doctored to the EXTREME in the United
States at this point, is set to be "coordinated" and reined in even further.

The demander-in-chief, as part of his seemingly endless onslaught
against the our most fundamental rights and against common good, issued
Presidential Directive #68 in April 1999.

This malignant, cancerous outrage created something called the
"International Public Information (system)" or IPI, whose sole purpose is
to implement complete, across-the-boards, unilateral centralized control

Although the group was "created" in April 1999, they decided to hold
their first meeting on Wednesday, July 28.

This DOES seem to be DIRECTLY related to one MAJOR problem that
developed for the covert (geo)-political power brokers who murdered
Kennedy and their stooges in the various "investigative"--make that
"coverup"--agencies: that is, the early reporting of the crucial
information regarding Kennedy's 9:39 radio contact with Vineyard airport
personnel and also reporting of eyewitnesses to the airborne destruction
of the craft. News agencies involved in this were UPI; WCVB-TV, Boston;
ABC News, and FOX-TV.

Substantial efforts by "maverick" and alternative information sources to
get such vital FACTS to the public AND to mass media organizations
regarding the Kennedy and Bessette deaths were most likely a factor as
well in this high-level decision to further shorten the press's leash.
The extraordinary degree of harassment directed at Jeff Rense of
Sightings.com, NewsHawk and others due to our efforts in this regard
would seem to validate this assessment.

According to Geoff Metcalf's article about this in WorldNetDaily: "THE

This latest government outrage naturally uses PUBLIC funds, which feds
have ALREADY stolen from the people, AGAINST us and our best interests.
The intent is force the entire mass media industry into becoming even
more rigidly controlled whores of the oppressive "state".

This is yet another nail in the coffin of whatever remains of our
so-called "free press". I personally can say that the way the "news" was
"handled" regarding the Kennedy and Bessette murders was a really good
indication of just how extreme these controls have ALREADY become!

These "powers that be" DON'T want another problem like that which
happened with Kennedy-- the "uncontrolled" reporting of critical and
incriminating information which UTTERLY invalidated the putrid
"official" concoction being force-fed the public about the murders of
Kennedy, his wife and Lauren Bessette.

Be forewarned! The last vestiges of "free speech" are being crushed!

John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
Subject: Tighter Media Control
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 23:30:10 -0700
From: xxx

Is this just coincidence? Of course not!

Right after John Kennedy's crash, and KCVB-TV/UPI/ABC "mis-" reporting
of John Kennedy's call in to the control tower at Martha's Vineyard
(don't they WISH they could have stopped people like you from reporting
the IMPORTANCE of this!), there is a meeting of IPI, whose PURPOSE is to
"coordinate, integrate, de-conflict and synchronize" the NEWS!!!???

Here's my synopsis of a worldnetdaily story by Geoff Metcalf, on their
site now:


Presidential Decision Directive 68 of April, 1999 created the
International Public Information (IPI) system. This propaganda and
disinformation tool is to be run by Morton Halperin, formerly "Senior
Director for Democracy" at the National Security Council and now head of
policy planning at the State Department.

The IPI working group met for the first time last Wednesday. Under the
purview of IPI, media information (propaganda) will "be coordinated,
integrated, DE-CONFLICTED (don't you just LOVE that?) and synchronized
with the (IPI) to achieve a synergistic effect" at home. Here is a
government agency, which "we" pay for, set up specifically for the
purpose of CONTROLLING the news!!!

One former senior official stated that this charter "did not distinguish
what would be done overseas and what would be done at home." "The
intention," according to a WorldNetDaily (www.worldnetdaily.com) article
by Geoff Metcalf, "is to slap a tighter bridle on domestic critics."

I'm telling you, people, they REALLY didn't like the fact that WCVB-TV,
UPI and ABC reported John Kennedy's last words to the control tower--and
you can now forget about the possibility of such news developments in
the future.


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