-Caveat Lector-

The Illuminati Conspiracy - The Sapien System
Donald Holmes, MD(C)(1987)
New Falcon Publication
655 East Thunderbird
Phoneix, AZ 85022
Introduction by Robert Anton Wilson
As always Caveat Lector.
The Spaghetti Theory of Conspiracy


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!
—Oz the Omnipotent

It is characteristic of the primitive conditions on this backward planet that
virtually nobody knows any of the basic facts about how the human race is
actually governed. For instance—

1. Governments are not nearly as important as most people think. Since we
live in a post-barter economy—a money economy—those who control the money
supply effectively control the planet. Governments gave up all attempt to
coin or control money in the 19th Century, mostly because they did not trust
one another, i.e. no nation had faith that the coinage or currency of another
nation was really worth what it claimed to be worth. The great International
Banks stepped into this vacuum and, by demonstrating more fiscal rectitude
than governments had in the past, became the creators of money in the modern

After the banks had control, they no longer needed to be quite so prim in
their fiscal rectitude. Nobody could challenge them.

This means that governments cannot do anything—good or ill, wise or
foolish—unless the banks first lend them the money for the project. The power
is in the banks. The governments survive on the permission of the banks. If
the banks cut off their credit, governments die. Any government that resists
has its credit cut off and dies.

As Buckminster Fuller stressed in all his writings (especially Critical Path
and Grunch of Giants) this means that, in the modem world, banks act and
governments only re-act to the situations the bankers have ordained. Even
earlier, historian Brooks Adams wrote of the British financier Samuel Loyd,
in The Law of Civilization and Decay,

He comprehended that, with expanding trade, an inelastic currency must rise
in value; he saw that, with sufficient resources at command his class might
be able to establish such a rise, almost at pleasure; certainly that they
could manipulate it when it came, by taking advantage of foreign exchange.

In other words, as soon as the great multi-national banks had control of the
money supply, they saw that they could manipulate cash and credit to maximize
profits. They would have been rather dense if they had not seen this.
Nonetheless, while these financiers quite sanely and legally maximize
profits, the rest of us are at their mercy; but we never elected them to this
position of power, and, by and large, we do not even know who they are.

2. In the present decade, it costs $50,000,000 to run a campaign for the
presidency of the United States, $10,000,000 to run a campaign for the Senate
and $5,000,000 for the House of Representatives. (These figures are
documented in Buckminster Fuller's Grunch of Giants.) This means that the
U.S.—the strongest country in the West—is not only "owned" (in
trillion-dollar debt to) the banks, but also governed by persons who are
either (a) millionaires or (b) heavily in debt to millionaires. In the words
of ex-Senator Pettigrew, we now have "government of the corporations, by the
corporations, for the corporations

3. As Edward Luttwak documents in his cheerfully Machiavellian little text,
The Coup d'Etat, more governments have been changed, since World War II by
the coup d'Etat than by any other method. More governments have been changed
by coup than by all the democratic elections and revolutions combined.

Since every coup is by definition a conspiracy, this means that conspiracies
have had more effect on the past 40 years of world history than all the
electoral politics and all the popular revolutions added together. That is
rather ominous, in a period when "educated" opinion holds that it is
infamous, nutty, eccentric or downright paranoid to think about conspiracies
at all. We are, in effect, forbidden to think about how the planet is
actually governed.

4. If governments cannot act without permission of the banks— without loans
or "lines of credit" granted by the banks—and if the U.S. government is
"owned" by the multi-millionaire (or billionaire) banking and corporate
elite, and if other governments are, more often than not, changed by
conspiratorial coup, the major portion of humanity is
economically-politically controlled by persons who are largely unknown to the
general public and/or have never been elected to any office. Democratic
theory is beautiful and inspirational, but has nothing to do with the actual
situation of the domesticated primates of this boondocks planet.

5. If the masses of the planet are politically-economically controlled by
shadowy financiers and conspiratorial adventurers, the same masses are
intellectually controlled by persons who are more visible but equally
unpalatable to the Rationalist view of history. In blunt language, nearly 300
years after the Age of Reason was prematurely announced, most people in most
nations most of the time are mentally in total bondage to religious leaders
who operate on sheer bluk, i.e. on the basis of claims that cannot be proven
and appear clearly insane to everybody who hasn't been raised within their

The Methodist can see how absurd are the beliefs of Roman Catholics. The
Catholics can see the obvious insanity of the Sikh militants who blow up
airplanes because there are a few Hindus aboard. The Sikhs, no doubt, can see
how nonsensical Scientology is. But none of the people processed by any of
these cults can see how crazy their own cult is. It is often quite hard for a
rational observer to determine if the leaders of these cults are just
cynically raking in the cash or are genuinely as deluded as their brainwashed

One can acquire a reputation as a satirist, a wit, a cynic, etc. simply by
stating blunt facts. For instance, it is quite clear from the above that the
human race is largely governed politico-economically by unknown financial
cliques and criminal scoundrels and governed intellectually by borderline
psychotics and charlatans. But we have all been so conditioned and
indoctrinated that to state the facts simply makes it sound as if one is
being sarcastic or perhaps even trying to be"shocking."

Let us look at the situation of this planet in a little more detail.


All men are born liars.
—Liam O'Flaherty, Autobiography (first sentence)

Conspiracy is the first manifestation of intelligent life.

The original organic molecules formed affinity groups and conspired to
exploit the resources of this planet. Working in small cells originally,
these DNA conquistadores quickly developed organizations of higher complexity
and spread a network of hungry, predatory Life over the previously dead
Earth. In less than 3,500,000,000 years this network has expanded from the
ocean beds to the very peaks on the Himalayas. No square centimeter of Earth
is uninfested.

The trapdoor spiders formed their own secret society and went underground.
They lurked silently, hidden beneath a plausible surface of twigs and soil,
waiting to pounce out and devour any beetle or other tasty-looking morsel
that happened to pass by.

The day of the undercover agent had come.

This technique of cover-up and disguise has proven an evolutionary success
and is widely copied everywhere. Thousands of species of conspiratorial
insects even today still hide behind ingenious make-up that deceives us into
thinking they are only branches or rocks.

Other species got even smarter even faster. Polar bears donned white fur
coats to fade into snowy landscapes. The leopard's spots make it hard to
distinguish from speckled sunlight on foliage. The Norway rat (mus rattus
Norwegious) learned to hide by day and come forth under cover of darkness.

The first human beings looked about them and very sensibly concluded, "It's a
jungle out there."
Human psychology has remained jungle psychology. As historian Carl Oglesby
writes in The Yankee and Cowboy War

... a multitude of conspiracies contend in the night.... Conspiracy is the
normal continuation of normal politics by normal means . . . and where there
is no limit to power, there is no limit to conspiracy

As soon as we find evidence of human beings on this planet, we find evidence
of secret societies. Paleolithic paintings show that they met, typically, in
the deepest, darkest caves, and they plotted sorcery and mischief against all
competing species.

In every tribe known to anthropology, we still find secret societies. Most
tribes have all-male secret societies, but many also have all-female secret
societies. Most readers will probably remember that they had their own secret
societies as children, with passwords and quasi-Freemasonic grips
determinedly hidden from the adults.

>From this evolutionary perspective, every paranoid is partly right. The major
error of the paranoid appears to be his characteristic belief in one jumbo
Mega-Conspiracy that explains everything This is impossible, because it
violates basic laws of primate psychology.
Domesticated primates like wild primates are mischievous, sly and have a keen
sense of humor: the double-cross is their most characteristic invention.

George Washington, who rose to power by conspiring against his king, said
with blunt honesty, "Nations have no permanent allies, only permanent
interests." This is why governments, corporations and other large-scale
conspiracies all have a natural life-span, like other living systems. There
is no government on this planet that has existed in its present form for more
than 200 years; aside from the Dutch East India Company, most corporations
rise and fall within 100 years (average). Outside of paranoid fantasy and
Romantic fiction, most conspiracies collapse of their own"internal
contradictions"within months or years. (Thus, if there actually is one big
jumbo-conspiracy governing this planet, it must be, as Donald Holmes wittily
suggests in the following pages, of non-human origin.)

The study of conspiracy as a branch of primate psychology, has great interest
in itself, as Machiavelli knew; but real conspiracies are not as clever or
long-lived as the ones that paranoids and ideologists imagine; they are
simply much dirtier.

It is one of the ironies of our time that conspiracies and secret societies
have proliferated more than ever at precisely the same time it has become
impolite and uncouth to discuss them. In this sense, the Nazis defeated the
Liberal Democracies in World War II, because they have achieved a form of
Thought Control over the Liberal Mind. Liberals are afraid to think of
conspiracies because that might lead to the One Big Mega-Conspiracy, i.e.
to"thinking like Hitler." But a mind chained by Tabu is a mind unfree. I
believe it is time we broke Hitler's power over our minds and began to think
in terms of the facts instead of being restrained by Tabu.

Disguise, deception and group-action have a long evolutionary history, and
primates have all these traditional evolutionary habits, which in political
jargon are called conspiratorial habits. Even if it is Tabu to think about
it, that seems to be the way things are on this planet.


When four sit down to conspire, three are fools and the fourth is a
government agent.

—Duncan Lunan, Interstellar Communication

Frankly I myself never dared to violate the Liberal Tabu—"Thou shalt not
think about conspiracies"—until I was virtually forced to think about them.

In the 1960s in Chicago, I was involved in the anti-war movement.
Congressional investigators later revealed that there were over 5000
government agents assigned to infiltrate peace groups in Chicago alone—some
working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), some for the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) and some for Army Intelligence. From 1968 on, the
FBI was following a program code-named COINTELPRO. The purpose of COINTELPRO
was to make sure the anti-war movement  knew it was infiltrated, in order to
spread suspicion, distrust and paranoia among individuals and groups who
might otherwise have cooperated harmoniously. Working in the peace movement
in those days was, accordingly, like living in an Eric Ambler novel. In any
given week I would be warned perhaps three times that somebody I trusted was
really a government agent, and, of course, somebody who was accused one day
might very well be around to accuse somebody else the next day. Over 20 years
later, I still don't know who was a government agent and who was not. I
enjoyed it all rather than being terrified only because I basically agree
with Helen Keller that "Life is either a great adventure or it is nothing."

I encountered the same Spy Story atmosphere in the early 1970s when involved
in the campaign to secure the release from prison of the controversial
scientist, Dr. Timothy Leary. At one time or another, everybody in the Leary
Defense Committee suspected everybody else of being a government agent (I
think the poet, Allen Ginsberg, suspected me for over a year) and eventually
government "leaks" in the press attempted to persuade us that Dr. Leary
himself had become a government agent. I still relish that classic John Le
Carre touch, especially since some people believed it.

Eventually it was confirmed that Leary's son-in-law, Dennis Martino, had been
entrapped into becoming a government agent. Dennis later died in Spain and
three press reports in two days claimed the cause of death had been murder,
suicide and accident. That mystery is still unsolved, at least in America.
Presumably, the Spanish authorities finally came up with a coroner's verdict,
which may or may not be the truth, but by then the U.S. media had lost
interest. As far as you can learn from American sources, Dennis Martino
accidentally overdosed, committed suicide and was murdered, all on the same
day. Evidently, nobody in the U.S. media wanted to find out what the hell
really happened.

But there are wheels within wheels in this modern Machiavellian world.

During the last year of my employment as Associate Editor of PLAYBOY, a
certain executive came into my office one day and closed the door behind him.
He told me that my home phone was tapped and that I was under heavy
surveillance by the Red Squad of the Chicago Police Force.

I was stunned, and asked how the hell he knew this.

He replied that certain people in the PLAYBOY empire had made an arrangement
with a Chicago police official. The official received regular money through
some circuitous route that was not explained to me; in return, he notified
his PLAYBOY contacts whenever an executive of the firm was under police

That was when I first realized how often there are spies spying on spies.

Incidentally, my informant told me why I was under heavy surveillance. A
police informer in the Black Panthers, he said, had reported that I was
involved with a group of white radicals who were buying guns for the Panthers.

Despite my cynicism about cops, I was shocked. I explained heatedly that
there was no truth in this at all. "We know, we know," said the executive,
who was very close to Hefner. "We trust you."
And they did trust me. They never made any attempt to ease me out the back
door, or dissociate the Bunny Empire from me. They even offered to pay my
legal expenses if the police ever busted me on this absurd charge.

It was years before I wondered why the Bunny Empire decided to trust me in
such an explosive matter. My guess, now, is that they had me under
surveillance, too, along with their other editors—but that's only a guess.
Maybe it was just that I have an honest face. I'd like to think that.
Of course, I was not buying guns for the Black Panthers. I had met a few
Panthers at Peace rallies, and the informer had seen me. He or she had
probably "improved" the story to impress the Red Squad. A PLAYBOY editor
talking to Black Panthers is not all that sensational, but a PLAYBOY editor
buying guns for the Panthers was a story that made the informer seem on the
edge of discovering a major conspiracy.

I could tell several similar stories, but I would again have to conceal the
names of my sources and you would probably not believe me. Truth is much,
much stranger than melodrama.
Instead I will examine the neuro-economics of conspiracy and then relate some
notable conspiracies that have become matters of public record. We will see
that the theories outlined by Dr. Holmes in this book are, however shocking,
no more bizarre than the world in which we live.


A banker is a man who will loan you
money if you can prove you don't need it.

—attributed to Mark Twain

Just as most people have no idea how this planet is governed at this barbaric
stage of evolution, most people have no concept of where "wealth" comes from.
This is because most of us have never learned to distinguish between wealth
and money.

Money was originally created by the State, as I mentioned at the beginning;
this is why King Lear says his persecutors can't accuse him of
counterfeiting. The State was, in those days, the only legal creator of coin:
a legal coin was, by definition, a State coin.

As States learned the advantages to be gained by issuing debased coinage—a
matter discussed with great clarity and wit in Jonathan Swift's little-known
but brilliant Drapier Letters every State and every individual became the
potential victim of coins that did not contain the amount of gold stamped on
them. Eventually, no State would trust any other State in this area and, more
and more, the paper of the great banking firms began to seem the only"safe"
medium of exchange.

The U.S. Constitution, amusingly, says that Congress shall have the power to
coin money and regulate the value thereof, but Congress has not exercised
that power in over a century. Official U.S. money is issued by a private
bank, just like the money of all other nations (except Albania, a lonely
heretic), but, because U.S. money says "Federal Reserve Note" on it, most
Americans assume it is issued by the Federal government. It is issued,
actually, by the Federal Reserve Corporation, a private bank, owned largely
by the Rockefellers and Morgans. We do not "owe the National Debt to
ourselves" as the late Franklin Roosevelt once said; we owe it to the
Rockefellers and Morgans.

Irish money says "Bank of Ireland" on it and English money says "Bank of
England," and so on; all across Europe, most people know that the banks are
in control of the creation of money. Only in America, because the word
"Federal in Federal Reserve is thought to mean "federal" and because the
Constitution says Congress shall coin money, is there a lingering belief that
the government is still a sovereign entity not owned by the bankers to whom
it is in debt.
None of this has anything to do with Real Wealth in the sense of classical
Real Wealth, in the economic sense, consists of tangible assets. It includes,
not only plants in operation "owned" by individual or corporate capitalists,
but known resources, inventions, bridges, roads, scientific data—all the
creations of human intelligence that can be concretely applied to make the
human environment more pleasant for somebody or for everybody.

Thus, if all the Real Wealth disappeared over night, the world would be
entirely different. We would literally be back in the Old Stone Age, and no
amount of Federal Reserve Notes or other paper would change our situation. We
would have to re-invent and re-create all the science and technology of the
past 30,000 years step by step.

On the other hand, all the money in the world—all the Federal Reserve Notes,
Bank of England notes, etc. and all the stocks and bonds—could disappear over
night and the world would be exactly the same physically. There might be a
hell of a fight over who owned what, but the human world of Real Wealth would
still be here.

In kindergarten language, Real Wealth consists of "things" that can't be
stored in banks or computers, while money consists of "tickets" or symbols
that can be stored in banks or computers.

Of course, Real Wealth is more than solid "things." I have been arguing for
30 years, in various publications, that Real Wealth is essentially pure
information. It has finally dawned on me that nobody understands that but a
few mathematicians and computer buffs; so I now say, more simply, that Real
Wealth is ideas that work. In the terminology of General Semantics, Wealth is
ideas that are similar in structure (isomorphic) to the energy systems of

Wealth is created by analysis: by extracting higher-order structure from the
raw signals perceived by the senses. You can starve to death in a wheat field
if your mind has not analyzed the energy system of space-time sufficiently to
recognize that wheat is edible and nourishing.
Money, then, is not Real Wealth, but consists of tickets for the exchange of
Real Wealth. Such tickets are necessary in an advanced
technology-economy-society, because barter becomes cumbersome and unwieldy.

Most money, however, does not exist in tangible form at all, not even as
paper. Most money, in today's advanced techno-society, exists only as
computer records or, in less advanced outposts, notations in ledgers. Banks
may legally lend up to eight times the amount they have on deposit, and as
Penny Lernoux documents in her invaluable In Banks We Trust, they often go
far beyond this and hope to cover their tracks before the bank examiner comes

Michele Sindona, a kingpin of the Vatican/Mafia/P2 clique and founder of the
infamous Franklin National Bank, was convicted of murdering a bank examiner
in Italy, after being convicted of 65 counts of bank fraud in the U.S. His
principle flaw appears to have been that he was more reckless than older and
wiser financiers who have been running the world longer and more judiciously.
(We shall return to the Sindona/P2 case history.)

When banks lend eight times what they have on deposit, or more than that,
they are gambling that everybody will not come in and withdraw their funds on
the same day. It is a safe gamble, most of the time. But it means that paper
wealth has become even more metaphysical and ghostly than the most debased
coinage of the most corrupt Tudor or Stuart monarchs. It means that, by a
species of magic, the Real Wealth of the planet can be manipulated as the
ghostly paper is maneuvered from one computer to another. And it means that
the really bold adventurers and pirates can alchemically transform totally
unreal paper into ownership of resources, factories, roads, bridges and whole
nations on occasion, as they, following Samuel Loyd, establish a rise . . .
at their pleasure," or just as easily establish a fall.

The reader should consult some of the books I will be summarizing here
especially illuminating is Richard Hammer's The Vatican Connection, which
tells how Johnny Roselli and his friends in the American Mafia printed one
billion dollars worth of counterfeit stocks which disappeared into the
Vatican Bank/Banco Ambrosiano feedback loop in such a manner that the New
York District Attorney's office, which had wiretaps on most of the felons,
never did find out where the $900,000,000 of the $1,000,000,000 finally

Buckminster Fuller, in Grunch of Giants, describes the modern world as
governed by MMA&O—Machiavelli, Mafia, Atoms and Oil. You know the Mafia.
Atoms and Oil are the multi-national corporations. Machiavelli is the symbol
of the paper-magic wizards, or international banks, who make the whole system
possible. GRUNCH stands for GRoss UNiversal CAsh Heist. It's another book you
really ought to read.


Go West, young man.

—Horace Greeley

As I pointed out in Prometheus Rising (Falcon Press, 1983), the Real Wealth
of the world has been doubling every generation since statistical economists
started collecting data in the 18th Century. This is a side-effect of the
accelerated doubling of knowledge that has been occurring in the past two
milleniums. (Information, or ideas-that-work, is the source of Real Wealth.
Remember?) As George Anderla, a French statistician, determined, if we take
all the knowledge of 1 A.D. as our base, then knowledge has doubled at the
following rate since then:

    AD  1 unit
    500 AD  2
    750 AD  4
    1900AD  8
    1950 AD 16
    1960 AD 32
    1967 AD 64
    1973 AD 128

A glance at world-historical trajectories indicates that this doubling of
knowledge-and-wealth has followed a western (and mildly northern) vector, as
has been documented e.g. in Brooks Adams' Law of Civilization and Decay,
Timothy Leary's The Intelligence Agents and Buckminster Fuller's Critical

Bronze Age tools first appeared in Southeast Asia, followed by large-scale
agriculture, slavery and war. By 1 A.D. all the technology thusfar produced
was being processed through the schools and banking establishments of Rome.
By the time this knowledge/wealth doubled in 1500, the universities of North
Italy and the great Florentine banking families like the Medici held the hot
center of power. By 1750, the next doubling was occurring mostly in England,
the first Empire on which the sun never set."

By 1900, the U.S. was becoming a rival to England; by 1950, the American
Empire had replaced the English Empire. The years since 1950 have witnessed
what Prof. Oglesby calls "the Yankee and Cowboy war" as Eastern bankers like
the Rockefellers try to hold on to control and are challenged by Western
mavericks like Howard Hughes.

The more adventurous and innovative persons—those with nervous systems
programmed by maverick genes and/or bizarre imprints and conditioning: the
"misfits"—have been moving steadily westward for about 5000 years. They have
been moving away from centralized Authority, out into the perimeters and
frontiers, because that is where misfits and geniuses can function.

Clausewitz described war as a continuation of politics by other means;
Oglesby calls conspiracy"the normal continuation of normal politics by normal
means." Conspiracy, the murky territory between politics and war, is part of
our glorious primate heritage, which is why Ambrose Bierce defined peace as
"a period of cheating between two periods of fighting."

The role of conspiracy in human history, I suggest, is a period of cheating
during which two power centers are struggling,-one of them Eastward and
representing established ideas and old wealth, the other Westward and
generally representing maverick ideas and new wealth. Enclaves of "outlaws"
move in the shadowy territory between these two power poles, running their
own games and exploiting the paranoia of each side where and when they can.

Anthropologist William Irwin Thompson has suggested, in a recent address in
Oslo, Norway, that the Reagan administration's Strategic Defense
Initiative—the so-called "Star Wars" program—is more radical, and less
reactionary, than it looks on the surface. Thompson alleges that, under the
pretext of military bluster, SDI actually represents the total re-alignment
of American society into a scientific-technological paradigm. Only the most
"patriotic" rhetoric, Thompson says, could sell to the American people a
program which amounts to the most expensive and most daring scientific
research-and-development project humanity has ever attempted. In this
context, Reagan represents the "Cowboy elite" that Oglesby sees as being on
the edge of toppling the Rockefeller and other Yankee empires. The Cowboys
are looking for a High Frontier, and they are computerized Cowboys now.

Werner von Braun used Disneyworld—both the amusement park and the TV show—to
"sell" NASA's more adventurous ideas to the politicians by first selling them
to the people. General Graham, who gave the "Star Wars" idea to Reagan, is
following the same scenario. Amid the 24 separate-and-interlocking
conspiracies struggling over the turf on this planet, the Cowboys are
struggling for higher and more imaginative lands in the stars. Why not? They
are, in the 20th Century, the same sort of mavericks the Yankees were in the
18th Century— namely, "the products of the Protestantism of the Protestants
and the dissidence of dissent," as Edmund Burke said of the wealthy radicals
who wrote the Declaration of Independence. The coming dominant looks to be,
like California, a mad mixture of Hollywood, computers, special effects,
apocalyptical visions and dope. Reagan does not fully understand the
neuro-geography of the historical forces he represents.

The next dominant will probably be further west and more technological.

If we revise our chart of the doubling of knowledge (Real Wealth) to include
these factors we find:
                                KNOWLEDGE      CENTER OF       PRINCIPLE
DATE                         FACTOR                 POWER           ENEMIES
                 1 AD   1                 Rome  Greece, Egypt

    1500 AD 2               Florence    Turks
    1750 AD 4               England France, Spain
    1900 AD 8              England  Germany
    1950 AD 16             New York       Russia
    1960 AD 32           California Russia
    1967 AD 64          California  Russia
    1973 AD 128        California   New York
             ?                                         Japan    California

The rising power always seems to the West or Northwest of the
declining power that struggles against it; it is always richer and more
powerful than any previous Empire; it always seems to the older power
center (and its kept intellectuals) exactly what California seems today—
a kind of sociological Granola made up of equal parts of fruits, nuts and

Patriotism, sir, is the last recourse
of the scoundrel.
—Dr. Samuel Johnson

In the 1960s, the CIA conspired with two Mafia leaders, Sam Giancana and
Johnny Roselli. Mr. Giancana and Mr. Roselli provided professional Mafia
assassins and the CIA trained them and sent them to Cuba to kill Fidel
Castro. Like most real conspiracies, this was unsuccessful, Senor Castro is
still alive. This conspiracy was also well documented in Congressional
hearings and broadcast in the news media internationally, so you are not
considered a crank if you write about it.

You will begin to understand what I call the Spaghetti Theory of Conspiracy
when I remind you that Johnny Roselli was also involved in printing one
billion dollars ($1,000,000,000) worth of counterfeit stock for the Vatican
Bank. That is documented fully in The Vatican Connection by N.Y. Times
reporter Richard Hammer, which I again recommend to your attention.

According to Anthony Summers' book, Conspiracy there is a good prima facie
case that Johnny Roselli was also an instigator of the assassinations of both
John and Bobby Kennedy, in collaboration with Sam Giancana—the same Giancana
who had previously collaborated with Roselli in providing assassins for the
CIA. While Summers' evidence is not conclusive, it is chillingly plausible.

The House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded, on the basis of the
hard scientific evidence of acoustics, that there were two gunmen shooting at
John Kennedy in Dealy Plaza, one from the front and one from the back. On the
basis of softer but persuasive supporting evidence, the Committee concluded
further that a conspiracy of more than two persons was probable and that the
possibility of Mafia involvement was worthy of deeper investigation.
The Chief Counsel for the Committee, Prof. Howard Blakey, was willing to be
more definitive in a press conference. 'I am now firmly of the opinion that
the mob did it,n he said. "It is a historical truth." (Quoted by Summers in

Sam Giancana was shot dead in June 1975, after testifying once before the
committee and while negotiating with their investigators about further
questions they wished to ask him under oath. Giancana was shot through the
mouth—the sasso in bocca, traditional Mafia punishment for suspected

Johnny Roselli was shot dead in July 1976, after he, too, had been called
once before the Assassinations Committee. According to journalist Jack
Anderson, Roselli had told him that he was not involved in the Kennedy
assassinations but another Mafia "family" was.

The Mafia has acquired its international empire only because the most popular
drugs of our time are illegal. In the past 40 years, the rulers of the Mafia
have graduated from multi-millionaires to billionaires only because these
absurd anti-drug laws remain on the books.

It is permissible in "liberal""educated" circles to say that these laws
remain in force because of stupidity or conservatism or superstition. If you
say the laws remain because somebody is making a profit out of them, you are
supposed to be eccentric or downright nutty.

Nonetheless, the ancient Romans knew that the basic question about any social
policy was cui bono? (Who profits from it?)

In CIA jargon, a "useful idiot" means somebody who is working for
 them but doesn't know it.

My involvements with controversial politics have left me with one lasting
legacy. Whenever I suspect that I am taking myself or my theories too
seriously, I stop and ask myself, "Have I become a useful idiot yet?"

The more laws that are written, the more criminals are produced.

—Lao Tse, Tao Te Ching

It is likely that the State as we k[n]ow it is an innately conspiratorial
organism. As the sociologist Franz Oppenheimer pointed out in his remarkable
book, The State, there is no anthropological or historical evidence that
anything like Rousseau's "Social Contract" ever happened in pre-history; on
the contrary, the State appears in human affairs only after conquest by armed
force. It is to maintain themselves in power over the conquered that a
conquering elite create those institutions— police, army, taxation—that make
up the skeleton of the State as we know it historically. There is no record
of a tribal people peacefully "contracting" to set such a machinery of
oppression above themselves. Conquerors impose it upon them.

Bakunin argued in God and the State that nobody has ever seen "God" or the
"State." This, although startling, is true. Human beings, called priests,
claim to represent "God," and other human beings, called civil servants,
claim to represent the "State," and this metaphysical sleight-of-hand is
alleged to justify acts which would be regarded as not only criminal but
barbarous if it were remembered that mere human beings were doing these
things. Similar verbal magic—meaningless words like "heresy and "treason"—are
used to convince the victims that resistance is evil, escape or flight is
just as evil, and even thinking that you are being victimized is somehow

In simple language, anybody who robs you is a thief, unless he claims to be
an agent of the "Staten—in which case, he is not a thief but only a
tax-collector. By the same metaphysical trick, anybody who murders millions
is a lunatic, unless he claims to be an agent of "Gods—in which case he is a
Crusader. You can resist an ordinary bandit with a perfect sense of
righteousness, but you feel guilty about resisting the Churchman or
Statesman, since that is called "heresy" or "treason"

Since the State was founded in conquest and is maintained by metaphysics (or,
in the Logical Positivist jargon, "abuse of language"), it follows Oglesby's
rule—"where there is no limit to power, there is no limit to conspiracy.

We have already cited Anthony Summers' book Conspiracy, to indicate that
there is real evidence, not mere paranoia, behind the claim that the Mafia
was involved, perhaps centrally, in the Kennedy assassinations. According to
Summers' more recent book, Goddess, there is also good evidence that Sam
Giancana and Johnny Roselli had arranged for the electronic bugging of the
bedroom of a house belonging to Peter Lawford, where Marilyn Monroe and Bobby
Kennedy met for romantic dalliance in what they thought was privacy. Jimmy
Hoffa of the Teamsters' Union, who had been imprisoned by Bobb's get-tough"
Justice Department, was allegedly also involved in this plot, which was
intended to obtain material with which Bobby could be blackmailed. A BBC
documentary on Summers' book—"Say Goodnight to the Presidents BBC-TV
1985—supported all of Summers' charges.

Giancana and Roselli were both shot in the mid-l970s as we have seen. Jimmy
Hoffa simply disappeared and has never been found dead or alive. Rumor claims
he is buried beneath an interstate highway in Illinois.

Norman Mailer, many of you might remember, became convinced, while
researching his biography of Marilyn Monroe, that there was some kind of
"cover-up" connected with her death. Mailer even implied that there was a
definite possibility of murder.

According to Summers' Goddess and the BBC documentary previously cited, there
was indeed a conspiracy in which Marilyn's death was concealed for three
hours while persons unknown removed from her house all documentia of her love
affairs with John and Bobby Kennedy. The weight of circumstantial evidence
suggests that this conspiracy was instigated by Peter Lawford, who had, as we
noted, loaned his house as a trysting place for Marilyn's affairs, and who
was also brother-in-law to the Kennedys. It is not demonstrable that Lawford
ever thought, or allowed himself to think, that he might also be concealing
clues in a murder case. He probably thought, or wanted to think, that he was
merely concealing politically embarrassing sexual dalliances. The possibility
of murder remains only a possibility, although it is still insisted upon by
Hank Messick, a former consultant to the New York Joint Legislative Committee
on Crime. Messick claims that unnamed informants in the Mafia told him
Marilyn was killed to lure Bobby Kennedy into a trap and then blackmail him
into ending his crusade against the Mob.
All one can say about that theory is "Maybe.”

Nonetheless, another of John Kennedy's mistresses—although he did not pass
her on to Bobby—was one Judith Exner. Ms. Exner, the House Select Committee
on Assassinations later noted, was, curiously enough, the mistress of Mafioso
Sam Giancana before, during and after her affair with the President. The
Committee was of the opinion that it was probable that Mr. Giancana more or
less shoved Ms. Exner into the President's bet, for blackmail purposes. Mr.
Giancana, you may remember, was also suspected by the Committee of having a
hand in JFK's assassination, and diet of gunshot wounds—through the
mouth—while under investigation.

Another of JFK's amours was with a Mary Pinchot Meyer, a most interesting
lady. She was married to Cord Meyer, a top CIA official who happens to be the
only man to have received the Agency's Distinguished Intelligence Metal three
times. Mary Pinchot Meyer was also a dear and good friend of Dr. Timothy
Leary; and, according to his book, Flashbacks, Mary told Dr. Leary in 1962
that the CIA wanted to stop him and other scientists from publishing LSD
experiments, because they wanted to keep the mind-altering properties of LSD
one of their own little secrets.
In 1964, about a year after John Kennedy was assassinated (or about two years
after the somewhat mysterious death of Marilyn Monroe), Mary Pinchot Meyer
was shot dead on a street in Washington.

Thereafter Dr. Leary was repeatedly arrested, and although every case against
him except one was dismissed by the courts, he was finally convicted in that
one case, which involved alleged possession of one half of one marijuana
cigarette. He was sentenced to 37 years— although the penalty for that crime
in that state (California) was normally six months—and was released after
serving over five years. Dr. Leary claims he was framed by the arresting
officer; he also claims there was a cover-up in the shooting of Mary Pinchot
Meyer. Nobody much cares what Dr. Leary claims, because for over a year
before his release government officials had leaked to the press claims that
he had become an informer. There is no record of any person or persons
convicted on the basis of Dr. Leary's testimony, oddly, but the rumor has
stuck to his name and "everybody knows" he is a government agent these days.

As the French say, it gives one ferociously to think.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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