-Caveat Lector-

>>> The Sheriff & Posse <<<

> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> U.S. Gen. Wesley Clark - just dumped as NATO's top commander -
> wanted to seize Kosovo's Pristina airport to bar Russian troops,
> but was blocked for fear he'd start "World War III," a new report
> claims.
> Russia's success in landing and grabbing control of the airport
> was a major embarrassment to NATO as it began enforcing the peace
> deal in Kosovo, which didn't plan for Russians at that key site.
> Clark ordered an airborne assault to beat the Russians to the
> punch, but NATO's ground commander, British Gen. Mike Jackson,
> defied the order and told Clark: "I'm not going to start World
> War III for you," Newsweek reports.
> A frustrated Clark then tried to get U.S. Adm. James Ellis Jr.,
> who commands NATO's Southern Command, to order helicopters to
> land on the runway to block Russians from landing, but Ellis
> balked.
> Clark appealed to his bosses in Washington but got nowhere -
> while Jackson got all the support he needed from British
> officials, the report adds.
> Clark, supposedly the Supreme Allied Commander, was thus put in
> the position of having his orders defied by a subordinate, and
> getting no support from the Clinton White House when he
> protested.
> The Newsweek account also raises questions about the Clinton
> administration's initial claims that it had no idea the Russians
> intended to land at Pristina and was caught totally off-guard
> when they did.
> The story painting Clark as a lone ranger who doesn't work well
> with others was leaked as President Clinton's team sought to
> bounce back after losing the first round of "spin" on Clark's
> ouster.
> Even some Democrats in Congress accused Clinton of treating Clark
> shabbily by announcing plans to dump him next April, a few months
> early, after he won the Kosovo war without losing a single
> soldier in combat.
> The official White House line was that Clark, 54, had to go early
> to make way for Air Force Gen. Joseph Ralston, 55 - who earlier
> survived a sex scandal - because otherwise Ralston would have to
> retire.
> But The New Yorker magazine last week noted Clark regularly
> tangled with the Pentagon and top Clinton aides by pushing for
> tougher airstrikes against the Serbs and more planning for
> possible ground troops.
> Clark, regarded as a national hero by the Kosovars, had wanted to
> go all-out -"go downtown" - on the first night of airstrikes last
> March and hit targets like electric grids and infrastructure, The
> New Yorker reported.
> Instead, he complained, political meddling required far more
> limited action that did nothing to stop brutal Serb ethnic
> cleansing.
> The Serbs yielded only in May after he was allowed to launch
> tougher airstrikes.

>From NewYorkPost (www.nypost.com)

>>> The Outlaws <<<

> Organised crime gangs rule Kosovo
> By Laura Rozen in Pristina
> Around 30 people a week are being killed in Kosovo as organised
> gangs take advantage of the UN's failure to police the province.
> Nato spokesman Jamie Shea admitted yesterday a "law and order
> vacuum" has been created by a long delay in deploying UN civil
> administrators and an expected 3,000-strong police force. But he
> insisted the war-torn province was not yet out of control.
> Western diplomats in Pristina say gangs, some of which are
> suspected of having links to the Kosovo Liberation Army, are
> taking apartments, real estate, businesses, fuel supplies and
> cars from Kosovo Albanians and Serbs, who have little recourse to
> justice.
> A British K-For official in Pristina said: "UNMIK (the UN interim
> administration) is unprepared to take over law and order. In the
> absence of police and legitimate rules, a vacuum has occurred.
> "That vacuum is being filled by organised crime. Albanian gangs
> are inviting Kosovo Serbs to leave their apartments. Now Kosovo
> Albanians are being invited to leave."
> Because so many Kosovo Albanians had identity documents and
> licence plates seized by Serb forces, and because there are now
> no border controls, many gangs are moving in unhampered by the
> 37,000 K-For soldiers.
> While the UN plans to deploy 3,125 international police, only 400
> have arrived. The police commander has decided not to put troops
> into active service until he has enough to patrol entire areas.
> Currently, the commander says, his most urgent need is for border
> police to keep out more gangs and smugglers.
> The German K-For commander, General Fritz von Korff, said his
> soldiers stop cars to search for weapons and frequently come
> across smuggled items, such as massive amounts of cigarettes,
> particularly at the Morina-Kukes border crossing. But Nato's
> mandate does not permit his soldiers to confiscate any item
> except weapons, and the smugglers are permitted into Kosovo with
> their loot if it is believed they are from the province.
> One of the biggest problems involves gangs showing up at homes to
> claim ownership and threatening to beat those who refuse to move
> out.
> No statistics are available on the number of property seizures,
> but anecdotal evidence suggests a growing problem. And, while
> initially it seemed that seizures were ethnically motivated, and
> targeted at Kosovo Serbs in the capital Pristina, increasingly
> Kosovo Albanians are victims as well.
> Kosovo's provisional prime minister, KLA leader Hashim Thaci, 31,
> denied his organisation was behind seizures of Kosovo Serb
> apartments. "We have no such information. We know there are those
> who have left Kosovo, but we have not forced anybody to leave, or
> put pressure on them to leave. That is propaganda. Any one who
> has not committed crimes is free to live in Kosovo."
> According to a UN police commander, who asked not to be
> identified, intelligence suggests there are three main types of
> organised criminal gangs in Kosovo: Russian, Albanian, and those
> linked to the KLA. Some analysts suggest that the seized
> apartments and other looted goods are the KLA's way of paying
> debts to arms procurers, funders and important soldiers and their
> relatives.
> UN officials deny the organisation's slowness is responsible for
> Kosovo's growing crime problem. One senior UN commander said,
> unlike K-For, which has been preparing for a Kosovo mission since
> February, the UN wasn't told it was to take over civilian
> operations in Kosovo until June.
> An American involved in the international police force warned
> that by the time the UN police are deployed, criminal gangs will
> already have their networks set up, and will be as much a menace
> for Kosovo's Albanian population as they are for the Serbs.

>From www.independent.co.uk

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                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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--- Ernest Hemingway
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