-Caveat Lector-

  What we do have is a diversity of plant and
>animal life that if someones cloning, replicator, or
>documantion fails - they would be able to get it from the
>Earth.  They might also like to read a good book.  Our history
>might intrest them.  They did it and might wonder about some
>of the hurdles that we were able to overcome, as well as how
>honest we had been with ourselves.
>What if there were and intergalactic stock market?  What
>would be traded?  DNA source codes, Think of all the
>unique DNA (S.American rain forests, the old forests
>of England, ect) that has been lost.

I have thought this for some time ... what do we have ...

1. artefacts and produce, arts and foodstuffs
2. software concepts/intellectual property of the ages/design database
3. diverse DNA

its likely that many ET cultures do not live life as intensely as the Human
Race - The Human Being being blinkered/shuttered from the Great Truth that
life goes on continuously, spends his/her time feverishly producing in what
we think are our brief life spans ... the result - a veritable mine of
creativity and intellectual property on a planet rich in Genetic Diversity.
We hear stories of how 'emotionless beings' listen in on and steal our
experiences as we grind on unaware of the Big Picture - we may be mistaken
if we think earth to be of little value.


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