-Caveat Lector-

Cathy Laughlan wrote:

> Irish and Scottish Clans are rarely "completely separate" lines.  This holds
> particularly true in the west of Scotland.  Ayreshire lies in Carrick.  Carrick
> was the holding of Robert the Bruce's wife, who happened to be of Irish stock
> being the daughter of the Earl of Ulster and thus from the O'Neil  line Throughout
> the history of Scotland and Ireland, there was emigration both to and from the
> west coast of Scotland and the northeast coast of Ireland.  My own clan, Lachlan,
> takes it line from the O'Neil line of Ulster, emigrating to Scotland and taking up
> residence on the border of the Campbell's in Argyll.  If you go back far enough,
> you'll note that ALL "Scots" are indeed "Irish."  The truly indigenous peoples of
> Scotland were Picts.  The original Scots came over from Ulster and set up the
> Kingdom of Dalriada on the west coast.
> I believe the Kennedy's originate from Armagh in Northern Ireland.  At least
> that's what I read somewhere.  Please do correct me if I read wrong information.

My memory tells me that it was from the eastern side of Ireland that the
Kennedy family are said to have their origins. I will try to find my
notes on this though.

> They may very well have been of O'Brien lineage somewhere in the maternal line.
> But in order to pick up the surname, Kennedy -- well, that tells me the patriarchy
> diverged from the O'Brien line somewhere.

The Scottish and Irish clans are completely seperate families per se.
The sharing of the same name is coincidence and nothing futher can be
drawn from that.


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