Why FBI, Justice Dep't. Are Admitting Incendiaries Fired at Waco--
And How They Will STILL Try to Get Duck Responsibility

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: WACO/Army Gas Ordnance--INCENDIARY
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 12:32:12 -0700
From: xxx

The story in the Dallas Morning News seems to indicate, at least to me,
a full scale damage control operation on the WACO fire.

The problem is the physical evidence-- expended military ordinance
recovered from the fire by the Texas Rangers.  That evidence cannot be
wished away-- given the fact that its existence is public knowledge.

Thus, there is the need to show how those rounds were fired-- in a way
that doesn't effect the conclusion that the Davidians set their own
fire.  Thus, a controlled leak that shows those rounds were fired six
hours before the fire started.

The perjury issue can be wiped away by saying "We didn't know."  Reno
and top DoJ and FBI people can say, "The agents in the field didn't tell
us."  Which agents?  Who gave permission?  "We don't know.  It's long
after the fact?  We have no way of finding out.  Who do you think we
are?  The FBI?"


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