-Caveat Lector-

Hi Andrew,

I don't know why they are bothering with us Kiwis. We have the
registration barcode on the car windscreen. I think they are practising
here for you guys later. We have a great cashless society taking over
with EFTPOS. They are laying fibre optic cable all over the country to
overseas. This is so they can see into your home through the cable TV. I
have heard more than once that they just see right into your home with
the cable box. Andrew did you ever hear anymore about the new channel 5
that their own engineers had come to your home to install for you in UK?
Some said it was for looking into your home. An article I read once said
a man was talking to the engineer of his cable TV as to how to get the
best picture and the engineer said - Well the TV in the master bedroom
does this etc. Could see straight in.

I have heard that there is a chip in the home telephones in US that can
hear conversations in the room without the phone even being used. Anyone
heard of that one? Suppose it saves bugging. There is supposed to be a
chip in every car that will cut the engine by satellite too. I get all
this from Nexus and other good conspiracy mags. I have a friend who is
an expert on these things. Her daughter in law worked for a company in
NZ who made barcoded items for the Rothschilds if I remember rightly.
Will get more on that. This was years ago. I could be wrong but I think
they may have made our smart cards already for when the stock market
crashes.I have even heard that the banks have them waiting for us to
collect too. Will be a bit late to try to produce them with y2k.I
suppose with terminator seeds won't be much food about, will have to use
the card to get the rations.


Andrew Hennessey wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
>  Digitised drivers licenses for USA too.They'll be able to
> >track you by satellite.We have them in NZ now. You have to have them
> >with you or you'll be fined.
> look on the bright side Nicky ... they'll be so inundated with data
> that they will only have time to shovel it - not analyse it :)
> Andrew
> >

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