-Caveat Lector-

This is all garbage. Reno is an avaricious totally self-absorbed carcass,
devoid of any human compassion or integrity. And that is why she was
appointed AT by Hillary and Bill.


Janet Reno is the lynch pin holding Bill and Hillary Clinton in power. Bill

and Hillary knew that to stay in power they needed an Attorney General who

would do everything to stonewall and sabotage any and all investigations into

they’re past/future transgressions.

Janet Reno had exactly the “qualifications” they were looking for.

During Reno’s tenure as Dade County State Attorney, Miami became

a haven for drug dealers, money launderers and corrupt politicians.

She had made her name on some very dubious child abuse cases.

Was a female.

Most importantly, Reno was completely controllable because of her debased

personal (more later)  life and could be replaced immediately if the need

arose by leaking that information.

The problem facing the Clinton’s was how to get her through the Senate

Confirmation process and FBI background checks which she would surely fail if

scrutinized too closely. According to investigative journalist Chris Ruddy’s

(www.newsmax.com) source, who was an acquaintance of Reno, the Clinton’s

devised a clever

plan to get her endorsed. Bill nominated Zoe Bird, who seemed to be passing

the background checks, when FBI files were leaked showing that she hadn’t

paid social security taxes on her hired help. She withdrew. Next up was Kimba

Wood. Guess what, more leaks that she also had not paid taxes for her hired

help. The Clinton’s nominated Reno and simultaneously brought pressure on the

Senate to speed the process, via the press,  because of the heightening Waco

conflagration. It worked like a charm.

It didn’t take long for Reno to show her inhumanity when she ordered the

disastrous federal assault on the Davidian shacks, burning and killing some

human beings. Reno said that authorities had not violated the Posse

Comitatus act which prohibits the use of military personal or equipment being

used in domestic incidents. When asked about the tanks used, she said they

were “like a good rent-a-car.” In May 1995 Reno told a group of law

enforcement officers that, “There is much to be angry about when we talk

Waco--and the government’s conduct is not the reason. David Koresh is the


Janet Reno fired all 94 United States Attorneys, a move unprecedented in U.S.

history. Reno fired FBI director William Sessions on July 19, the day before

Vince Foster was found dead. Reno replaced him with Louis Freeh.

Janet Reno has worked overtime trying to stymie investigations into

According to Chris Ruddy, “Reno refused to authorize a wiretap request in

1997, when the FBI wanted to monitor Los Alamos espionage suspect Wen Ho Lee.

According to Investor’s Business Daily, this was the only wiretap request she

denied out of almost 2,700.” (see www.newsmax.com)

When Independent Council Donald Schmalz was investigating whether Don Tyson

had made illegal gifts to Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy, Schmalz came

information that Clinton, then governor of Arkansas, took cash bribes. One of

Tyson’s pilots testified that he had given cash to Clinton’s state trooper

bodyguards. One or more troopers supported the pilots testimony. Schmalz

wanted to expand his jurisdiction but Reno blocked his every move.


       In the February 1999 issue of Media Bypass magazine, by Pat Shannan,

Florida attorney Jack Thompson states that Janet Reno is completely

compromised in her position as Attorney General because of her closet

lesbianism and very heavy drinking. Thompson says that he knows of at least

one case in which Reno dropped charges because the people involved threatened

to expose her lesbian sexuality.

       In 1987 Jack Thompson had gathered evidence of a child pornography

which he gave to Reno who was State Attorney at the time. Reno said she would

look into it, but then suddenly dropped the investigation. Thompson says, "I

knew she was a lesbian, and that troubled me as a Christian, but it doesn't

disqualify her as Attorney General or as State Attorney at that time..."129

       The problem was that Reno is hiding the fact that she is a lesbian and

heavy drinker. Thompson had accumulated evidence proving that Reno had ceased

investigating the case because the perpetrators had threatened to expose her.

       In 1988 Thompson was the Republican nominee for Dade County State

Attorney. It was at this time that Thompson called a press conference,

attended by 21 media representatives, and publicly accused Reno of not

prosecuting the child pornography case because the people involved threatened

to expose Reno's lesbianism. The story was completely suppressed by the

not a word of this incredible accusation ever found it's way into any of the

21 news entities present that day.

       Miami Police Chief Ken Harms was going to tell the Senate Judiciary

Committee investigating Reno's background prior to her appointment as

General in 1993, that,

"Janet Reno is not qualified to be even an Assistant State Attorney, let

the (Chief)State Attorney in Florida, or Attorney General of the United

States." Ken Harms was never called to testify.”131

Jack Thompson continues in Pat Shannan's February 1999 Media Bypass article;

"Jack Thompson goes further and publicly accuses Janet Reno of suppressing at

least five DUI arrests of her own in her home county. One female cop stopped

Reno's car after it was seen weaving down the road. The officer was shocked

see that the driver was none other than the icon of the court, Janet Reno,

with her shoes removed, stockings torn, and vomited food stains covering the

front of her dress.."

"A Fort Lauderdale police officer found Janet Reno with an underage girl in

the back seat of a car at the Galleria Mall. He, also, was never called to

testify at the Senate hearings..."  (emphasis mine)

Jack Thomspon has also made a 60 minute video entitled, "The Truth about

Reno" in which he goes into far more detail about her debauched lifestyle.

<< Janet Reno
 > The Independent Attorney General.
 > By David Plotz
 > Posted Friday, September 10, 1999, at 9:30 a.m. PT
 > E-Mail This Article
 > Sign Up for the Culture E-mail Auto-Delivery
 > Courageous or Clueless? David Plotz Solves the Janet Reno Mystery
 > <Picture>
 >         Attorney General Janet Reno has always been viewed as the least
 > Clintonian member of the Clinton administration. Her boss believes words
 > deeds and images are action. The self-styled "awkward old maid," immune to
 > blandishments of Beltway power, is supposedly the beefy substance of this
 > superficial government. Yet no Clinton administration figure depends more
 > image than the attorney general, and none has relied so much on words and
 > symbols as a substitute for action. Reno's defining moment, after all, was
 > taking responsibility for Waco. Taking responsibility apparently meant
 > nothing (except supervising a post-mortem investigation that doesn't
appear to
 > have investigated anything).        Even so, the symbolic Reno represents
a new
 > and mostly encouraging model of attorney general, a perfect fit for an age
 > what legal scholar Jeffrey Rosen calls "criminalized politics."
 > Traditionally--at least during the past half-century--there have been two
 > of attorneys general. One is the presidential confidant, such as Bobby
 > John Mitchell, or Edwin Meese, who treats the Justice Department as the
 > president's private law firm. The other is the faceless, trustworthy
 > administration foot soldier. Remember Bill Barr? I didn't think so.
 > is neither. She arrived in Washington from Miami as Caesar's Wife, and so
 > has remained. She was ignorant and independent of insider D.C., and has
 > that way. Bill Clinton never much liked her and never confided in her, and
 > reciprocated. She was, she said, "the people's lawyer," not his. It is this
 > outsiderness that has made her such a good attorney general and such a bad
 >        This is a time when the mere act of taking a high-level political
 > subjects any official to suspicion of criminal wrongdoing. During the
 > administration, a primary--arguably the primary--job of the attorney
general has
 > been to supervise the investigations of her colleagues and boss. Reno has
 > appointed independent counsels to investigate six of her fellow Cabinet
 > and her president, and has overseen innumerable internal Justice
 > of administration corruption. You can argue about whether this constant
 > surveillance of pols is a good thing, but there is no doubt that these are
 > most highly publicized cases the DOJ handles.
 > <Picture><Picture: N>o one is better suited to them than Reno. She is
smart, but
 > mostly she is trustworthy. She pays the list price for her cars to avoid
 > appearance of favoritism. She avoids the president because she doesn't
want to
 > be tainted by him. Her employees speak with awe about her integrity. Reno's
 > independence has given her the courage to appoint counsels to probe her
 > colleagues and her boss, and the courage not to appoint counsels even when
 > wolves were baying for them. She refused to authorize an independent
 > investigation into campaign fund raising, despite Republican outrage,
 > she believed the law did not require it.        Since she rejected a
 > fund-raising independent counsel, some Republicans have painted her as
 > tool, charging that she was helping him so she could keep her job. (Newt
 > Gingrich even likened Reno to Mitchell.) But the charges haven't stuck.
 > entire success at Justice rests on her image as an ethical paragon. The
 > independent counsel may be tainted, but thanks to Squeaky Janet, the AG
and the
 > DOJ are unsullied. >>

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