-Caveat Lector-

>From The Times,
September 14 1999  BRITAIN

A silicon chip could help us to feel others' pain

SILICON chips implanted in the arm and linked to the nervous system could be
used to control computers, or even allow two people to share the same
sensations and emotions, a British expert in electronics said.

Kevin Warwick of Reading University said that within 18 months he planned to
try the experiment on himself. Last year he implanted a chip in his arm that
could be used to open the door of his department at the university.

The new plan is more radical. Professor Warwick wants to establish a direct
connection between silicon and nerve cells. He plans to implant a device in
his upper arm that picks up signals from the nervous core and transmits them
through a skin-mounted device to a computer.

"The first step will be setting up a link and trying a few basic things," he
said. "For example, if I raise my arm, or move my fingers, we hope to use
the nerve signal generated to turn a light on on the computer screen. You
can do this by wrapping a collar around the arm, but the signal is weak and
there is a lot of noise. By connecting directly to the nerve we should get
better results."

He said devices of this sort might be useful to paraplegics. Work in the US
and Germany has shown that it is possible to tap into brain waves with
devices attached to the skull, or implanted in the brain, and use them to
control computers. But he admits that there could be dangers in making a
direct connection to nerve fibres.

Any damage could cause loss of function or partial paralysis. Even though he
will be the only guinea-pig, he acknowledged that the experiment will need
clearance from the local ethics committee.

Further in the future he envisages connecting the nervous systems of two
people using similar devices. "The long-term aim is to get communication
between people by means of thought alone," he said.

An intruiging question, he said, would be whether the two people connected
in this way would feel the same sensations, or even emotions.

Dan S

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