-Caveat Lector-

I hold to the firm scientifically provable that you can judge all nations by
the food.
Americans you can write off because all they ever produced are hamburgers.
And the brazilians love black beans that show their sub conscious racism
and the japanese eat whales- so you cant trust them
and the yorkshire people are so stingy that they give you their puddings
before the meal so that you you think they are finished so that you leave
the table.
and the turks are terrible because they put to much salt on their food.
the only nation you can trust is the english,because their food is so
terrible they must have somethig good about them(and please remember to
shoot the next haggis you see as they are really viscious.

please take all my comments on food really seriusly as I am very sensitive
to what I eat.


 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 09/13/1999 3:15:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< Re Ari Onasis- rather he fled the genocide(1922) that the Turks
 so after killing the armenians, the finished off the greeks for dessert.
 Smyrna was a totally Greek city until that time.

 PS I love chinese,& japanese food but the food in Izmir is among the worst
 have evert tasted,
 but I was only there as a tourist
 The turks are now enjoying their cheese Kurds now. >>

Ari Onassis was an interesting person.  If you remember he saved his father
by bargaining with one of the Turkish commanders.  I never thought much of
people who just made a lot of money, because if you are ruthless and lucky,
it's pretty much possible, but Onassis should be respected for the way he
saved his father.

To understand about the Greeks in Istanbul and Izmir, you must read a little
history.  Greeks and Orthodox they were, but they were considered citizens
Turkey.  There is only one crime that the Turks truly cannot forgive.  That
is treason.  The British were advancing, and the Greeks were more than
pleased and were flying the British flag.  We all know the results.  As for
the Kurds.  They are a wonderful people (or at least the ones I knew were).
They want their own country.  Everyone understands that, and they will
struggle forever to get it.  But just for now they are Turks, and if you
to see how Turkish they can become, scratch them with a Greek.

As for the food, those who do not like Greek/Turkish food are welcome to
their opinion.  I happen to like it very much.  I also like Chinese,
and Korean food.  In fact I can't think right off of a country that doesn't
have some food, I would love to have for dinner.  I also can't think right
off of a country that doesn't have some food I never want to eat again.  We
all have our prejudices.  Prudy

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