-Caveat Lector-

Finally!  Someone defines the foolishness of challenging
the IRS in court.

-----Original Message-----
From: Samuel E. Konkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, September 25, 1999 9:12 AM
Subject: Re: CIA Mind Control

By Mises, Rothbard, and LeFevre!

I never thought I'd agree with Bolton, other than "a" and "the", but I
wouldn't change a word of this paragraph:

"Craig J. Bolton" wrote:

> >Date:    Fri, 24 Sep 1999 09:17:45 EST5EDT
> >From:    Virginia Cropsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> So I guess that it all comes down to a matter of faith, Virginia. As
> someone who has practiced law for about 16 years now and who has a pretty
> good idea of how government and the courts actually function,  I have an
> absolute faith that if you tomorrow came up with definitive proof that the
> 16th Amendment was never really adopted, that it is contrary to every
> principle of constitutional law, and that there is absolutely no basis for
> not declaring it unconstitutional, that there would be absolutely no
> effect. You have confidence that some federal judge is going to say to
> "Oh my God, Virginia has come up with the definitive citation! I now
> declare the income tax unconstitutional, require that the IRS be
> and all taxes illegally collected for the past 70+ years be returned to
> people. Thank you so much, Virginia, for saving us from tyranny through
> inadvertence."
> Craig Bolton

It should be copied and spread across the land(s) and e-scape and become as
famous as, "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa
Claus . . ."

Good writing, Craig.

Freely as ever, SEK3

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