-Caveat Lector-

Regarding the spraying of organophosphate pesticide or herbicide (poison) in
human habitat.

Probably anyone who can avoid being in sprayed areas, should.
Don't inhale dust or spray.
Keep children away from pesticides.
If eyes have been contaminated, they should be flushed immediately with
plenty of clean water for 15 minutes.
Contaminated clothing should be removed, and exposed skin should be washed
immediately with soap and water.
Malathion should not be allowed to contaminate water supplies; it can kill
fish. Waste materials and containers should not be disposed of near water
supplies, nor should waste materials be emptied into sewer drains. (NYC is
directly spraying this ON the water...)

New York City Department of Health:
Two insecticides, malathion and resmethrine, are being used to control the
mosquito population. Malathion is delivered as an aerial spray from
helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. It is a relatively low potency
organophosphate insecticide. Like all organophosphates, malathion inhibits
cholinesterases and in higher concentrations can produce symptoms of
muscarinic excess (salivation, lacrimation, diarrhea, bronchorrhea and
bradycardia) and nicotinic excess (muscle weakness, fasciculations or
paralysis). Antidotes include atropine (for muscarinic symptoms) and
pralidoxime (for nicotinic symptoms). While it is unlikely that anyone will
develop symptoms as a result of exposure to the low concentrations of
malathion used in the spraying operations, clinicians should be aware of
these symptoms and report all potential cases to the New York City Poison
Center (212-764-7667).

Resmethrine is a pyrethroid insecticide that is delivered from trucks
spraying at ground level. Pyrethroids are synthetic compounds that resemble
pyrethrins, which are naturally occurring insecticides. This class of
compounds are commonly used in over-the-counter ant and roach sprays. All of
these agents are "knock-down" agents, in that they produce paralysis in
insects. These agents generally do not produce neurologic toxicity in
humans. However, since they resemble products produced by plants, they have
a small potential to exacerbate allergic conditions such as hay fever and
asthma. While it is unlikely that patients will become symptomatic as a
result of exposure to the resmethrine used in spraying operations, if a
patient develops an allergic response to this chemical, they should be
treated as they normally would. Once again, any patient who develops
symptoms that may be related to spraying should be reported to the New York
City Poison Center at 212-764-7667.

The concentrations of both insecticides currently being used for spraying in
New York City do not normally pose a health risk to the population.
Occasionally, persons with chronic respiratory conditions may experience
exacerbations due to exposure. All persons should be advised to remain
indoors with the windows closed during the spraying and for 2-3 hours
thereafter. During these hours, air conditioners should be turned off, or
set to recirculate indoor air. Should dermal or conjunctival irritation
occur, affected areas should be washed with water and/or soap.
Updated insecticide spraying schedules is available from the Office of
Emergency Management.
September 1999

Looks like this is MOST dangerous to those with already-compromised immune
systems (no big surprise) and may affect those with AIDS/CFS/GWS- like
syndromes worst.
Nausea, coma, convulsions, respiratory failure, and death have resulted from
the use of malathion by farmers who have gotten it on their skin. These
compounds, like the nerve gas sarin, are organophosphorus compounds. They
are irreversible inhibitors of enzymes containing reactive serines,
including acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme involved in neurotransmission. The
inhibition of acetylcholinesterase results in accumulation of acetylcholine,
causing the wide variety of symptoms.

This 1996 study found that in experiments of human white blood cells (white
blood cells are the back-bone of our immune system) that malathion was
causing "deletions" in one section of the chromosome. In conclusion the
scientists stated,

"This work provides the first evidence of an association between malathion
exposure and specific mutations in human T lymphocytes."

A quick biology lesson - Genes are not just involved in passing hereditary
traits. You have genes active in you at this moment that control what is
happening inside every cell in your body every second of the day. There are
200 genes believed to control liver function and 200 genes believed to
control immune system function. Your lymphoctes are a type of immune system
cell which is extremely important in removing viruses and cancer cells from
the body. The human aging process is simply a result of us losing about
one-half to 1% of our genes yearly.(dogs lose over 4%). When we lose too
many genes in the cells controlling one part of our health, we become sick -
since the cells can't operate at high enough efficiency to do their job.
It's a matter of balance - once our cells are so inefficient because of gene
loss - then we too can die.. The cycle of life. The lesson to be learned
from this is we do not want to expose ourselves to chemicals (such as
malathion) that can accelerate gene loss in important cells which are
protecting us from bacteria, viruses, etc.
Genetics Laboratory, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
CANCER RESEARCH, 56, 2393-2399, May 15, 1996

Mutation Research showing malathion was more powerful than 5 other
pesticides in causing a problem known as "cell cycle delay" - which means
that cells do not grow as quickly and is "characteristic for many mutagens"
according to the scientists. The bottom line is that although it takes more
malathion than other pesticides to cause death. It takes less malathion than
many other pesticides to cause birth defects, immune weakening and genetic
damage. Nice trade off - huh?
"The available evidence indicates that technical grade or other than pure
malathion has the potential to produce genotoxic effects in mammalian
systems. The results of the available studies on the genotoxicity of
malathion can be summarized as follows:

In test animals, technical grade malathion appears to have the potential to
produce chromosomal changes including chromosomal aberrations and

In humans, the genotoxic effects of malathion have not been adequately
studied. In human and animal cells in culture, both technical grade and
purified malathion appear to produce cytogenetic damage, including
chromosomal aberrations and Sister Chromatid Exchanges.

The following is quoted directly from the "Introduction" in the article
"Increased Frequency of Specific Genomic Deletions Resulting from Malathion
Exposure." The article was written by researchers at the Genetics
Laboratory, University of Vermont.
Dr.. Janice Pluth, Janie Nicklas, Patrick O'Neill, Richard Albertini,
Ph.(802) 656-8856
"Malathion, 0,0-dimethyl-S-(1,2-dicarbethoxyethyl) dithiophosphate, an
organophosphorus pesticide, is widely used for both domestic and commercial
agricultural purposes. It is considered to be one of the safest
organophosphate insecticides, and has been used in large pest eradication
programs in Florida, Texas, and California. Technical-grade malathion (the
grade usually used for agricultural purposes) is usually 90-95% pure and may
contain up to 11 impurities formed during its production and/or storage.
Some of these impurities have been found to be significantly more toxic than
malathion or to potentiate the toxicity of malathion.
Malathion has been widely studied in a variety of systems, but there is
still some controversy over malathion's mutagenic and/or genotoxic potential
for humans. No mutagenic effect has been shown in the majority of studies
using bacteria and yeast . However, two gene mutation studies using a
mammalian system, the mouse lymphoma thymidine kinase assay, and the active
metabolite, malaoxon, did give positive results (1,2). Researchers Degraeve
and Moutschen found no increase in chromosome aberrations in studies using
the mouse bone marrow cells, spermatogonia, and primary spermatocytes after
either oral or injection, whereas a large number of studies using human
cells have shown a significant increase in chromosome aberrations and/or
sister chromatid exchanges with exposure to malathion (3-7). There has also
been some evidence of malathion having a teratogenic effect (the ability to
cause birth defects): the offspring of rats fed with 240 mg/kg/day
(milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day) malathion exhibited growth
retardation and elevated mortality, although no negative effects were
observed in the parents (8).
Many in vivo (live) studies in which individuals were exposed to malathion
and/or other pesticides have shown a genotoxic effect (genotoxic means the
ability to damage the genes on the DNA molecule - our genes control every
aspect of our living self - approximately 200 genes have been located which
control immune system function and 200 genes control liver function).
Yoder found a 5-fold increase in chromatid breaks in farmers during the
summer season, when pesticide usage was highest (9). Van Baa studied
individuals who had been exposed only to acute doses of malathion (acute
means a single large dose) and found a significant increase in the
percentage of stable and unstable chromosome aberrations both immediately
after exposure and 1 month later. Lipowitz showed that exposure to
environmental pesticides (one of which was malathion) resulted in a 10-20
fold increased incidence of a particular cytogenetic aberration in a
population of agricultural workers. Although this aberration itself is not
oncogenic (cancer causing), these researchers felt that the elevated
frequency of this aberration may relate to an overall increase in gene
instability, perhaps increasing the risk of cancer."
This article was reported in the journal:
Cancer Research, 65:2393-2399, May 15, 1996]


Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bob
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 10:58 PM
Subject: Re: PANUPS: Colombian Drug Wars

From: Bob I've been seeing vid of Giuliani's malathion spraying.
We haven't heard the end of that, either. Pickup trucks
with tanks driving through residential neighborhoods,
spraying as they drive down the middle of the street.
Think about it, they're driving down the middle of
the street, no stagnant water in sight, so they're that
confident that the aerosol will go everywhere, and that
would include inside houses. Then helicopters with dual
spray nozzles flying over lakes and ponds.
From: Jamie Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
This is the most f*****g depressing thing I've read in days, and that's
At 04:15 PM 09/29/1999 -0400, you wrote:
>From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>drug peace, not class war.
>glyphosphate is Monsanto's Roundup.
>Under the premise of eradicating drug crops, the Colombian
>government has been spraying traditional farming communities
>indiscriminately with herbicides containing glyphosate.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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