-Caveat Lector-



Commentary by Kenn Thomas

"If Fate should break my stride, I'll give you my Vincent to ride..." -
Richard Thompson, 1952, Vincent Black Lightning.

I don't know if I came to the Richard Thompson concert along the Mississippi
riverfront this past weekend to help with closure over Jim Keith's death, but
these words went a long way in that direction. Jim may have died pursuing the
pregnancy angle of the Princess Diana story, and Thompson - a folk rock
legend, founder of Fairport Convention, revered for his words - is a
particularly smart-ass limey. He mugged a Woody Guthrie bit, singing, "This
land is your land, this land is your land, this land is your land..."
Thompson is also a Sufi mystic, and the sources of Jim's final column for
Nitro News about Diana were Sufi.

Coincidences, of course, but I confess a sentimental attachment to
coincidences, and a more than unconscious desire to fit my experience over
the death of Jim Keith into an understandable pattern. He's gone, and all
that's left are his books, which for the fortunate reader, provide a
perspective on history, on conspiracy, on what's happening right now and in
the future, as rare and unique as the '52 Vincent in the Thompson song.

I co-authored the Octopus with Jim Keith, and have now agreed to resume his
column exclusively in Nitro News, in part as defiance against the Octopus, if
that vicious beast had anything to with it. In this regard, I would like to
repeat the part of the Keith column that rumor suggests led to him being

"In 1998, one of my Sufi contacts, who chooses to remain anonymous, travelled
to London to participate in Dhikr, a remembrance of Allah. This ritual was
attended by both Sufis and orthodox Muslims. My contact reports that while
participating in this ceremony, he met Dodi Fayed's personal physician, a man
who is a Muslim, but is not a Sufi. In private conversation, the physician
told him that Diana and Dodi Fayed had planned on getting married, and that
he had personally examined her and determined that she was pregnant."

There, Octopus. Come after me. I don't have the name of the physician, but if
it is with Jim's research and if it comes into my hands, I'll out him right
away. That's what we did with Danny Casolaro's research, taking everything
that was left and finishing his book. It has become a relay race of
conspiracy writers, trying to get out the truth about this nasty transglobal
monster before it takes us down. Maybe it's a monster of our imagining. Maybe
Jim died of just a blood clot, although the anecdotal information I've
accumulated suggests this is very rare. In lieu of a real investigation
(still needed, although I was unsuccessful in raising money to fly to Reno
for the purpose), we can only guess. In any event, I will not go quietly, and
Jim cannot pass through this life without those questions being asked and
pursued as best as possible.

Readers unfamiliar with my work should know that I travel and lecture widely,
appear regularly on radio and TV throughout the country, and I publish the
conspiracy magazine Steamshovel Press. Jim parked his '52 Vincent at the
Steamshovel offices on occasion, and it's still being used for the car pool.

The Steamshovel take on Diana has been that she was collateral damage in an
aerospace espionage hit against Dodi Fayed for the sake of the Al Yamama
contract umbrella. The Saudis buy substandard military aircraft with loans
from Britain that cover far more than the cost. Mohamed Al-Fayed posed a
threat to this arrangement, particularly with his support of Tony Blair, and
he was sent a message about it via the killing of his son.

The consequent death of Diana, of course, served many ancillary purposes of
the British Royals, including its racist concerns over the pregnancy. One
suspected architect of the Dodi Fayed hit is his uncle, Adnan Khashoggi, who
spent much of his career developing the Al Yamama contracts. Danny Casolaro
was investigating him on the very day he (Casolaro) was found dead.

Mohamed Al-Fayed remains resolute in his determination to find out what
really happened to his son. In a recent BBC interview, primarily intended to
goad him into making inflammatory statements about the Royals, he made these
interesting remarks:

"Al-Fayed: I hate nobody. I just want to find justice.

BBC: But you have contempt for the Establishment, they have refused you
British citizenship.

Al-Fayed: I don't care about that, it is not important to me.

BBC: You used to care about it.

Al-Fayed: The way my son has been murdered, because I can't get to the truth,
I can't get killers because you cover yourselves with Official Secret Acts...

BBC: Do you not feel that you owe it to Diana's family, to her sons, who we
are told want to put an end to all this, to say, 'all right, I'm not happy,
there are still questions in my mind, but for their sake I will put a stop of

Al-Fayed: I will not stop it. They have killed half of me and I can't rest.
My son, they murder him, they took the mother of those two sons away, they
deprive them of their happiness and their mother. And I am certain of that
and God will help me. If Tony Blair put an independent inquiry with a legal
representative appointed by me to really open the files of MI6 and MI5, and
see the massive campaign against me and the way they have plotted to kill my
son, and who has given them instructions" (Thanks to Rob Sterling for passing
along this BBC interview).

There are competing conspiracy theories about Jim Keith's death of course,
something you don't get in the mainstream media. Acharya S, the author of the
recently released Christ Conspiracy, for instance, emphasizes Keith's Nitro
News column previous to the one on Diana, concerning the theory that JFK,
Jr.'s plane was bombed by Israeli operatives because of George Magazine's
investigation into the Rabin assassination. "Are we going to see JFK, Sr.
Redux, with dozens of mysterious deaths in the wake of a possible
assassination? Chilling."

A brief interview that Jim Keith conducted with George Magazine, but was axed
by editors along with eight others, did finally appear in print in the
current (October 1999) issue of Fate Magazine. Acharya's memorial to Keith,
and comments from over a dozen of his friends and colleagues, appear now at
Steamshovel, as does a link to the memorial website being constructed by
Jim's good friend George Pickard.

So developments in understanding Keith's death will appear as they come in,
but this column will also continue to bring you the conspiracy news that Jim
covered so well. This week, Judith Exner, go-between lover to JFK and Sam
Giancana, died under non-mysterious circumstances. Her cancer was well-known
for some time - not even fast acting. She was, however, once a character in a
James Bond novel, On Her Majesty's Secret Service, and was even played by
Diana Rigg in the movie version. The fact that Ian Fleming worked into his
novels real people and situations he knew mostly as conspiracy rumors is a
thesis pursued by David Hatcher Childress in the new book Inside The Gemstone
File. Jim Keith wrote the quintessential work on Gemstone (The Gemstone File)
and he is referenced and discussed at length in this new book. It's as good a
place as any to have a glance at that '52 Vincent.

To really take it for a spin, however, the Octopus is still available,
despite amazon.com's notice that it's on "back order." The publisher, Feral
House, indicates that a stack of several hundred copies still exists in a
warehouse, although, no doubt to the delight of cynics and critics, the
publicity over Jim's passing will soon make it hard to come by.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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