-Caveat Lector-


By Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O.Box 74 Newlands 7725 South Africa

I am a Christian who has spent the last twelve years working as a
missionary in the war zones of Southern Africa. I have ministered to
soldiers,guerrillas and terrorists on all sides of the wars in Angola, South
West Africa/Nambia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and South Africa. I have
witnessed the persecution of the church by Marxist regimes, atrocities by
terrorists and I have see the results of war, counseling both the victims
and the combatants.

As a theological student, I tackled the controversial subject of war and
the Christian - from both sides. I have been both a convinced pacifist and
an active soldier. I have also sought, as a missionary, to apply the
teachings of the Bible to the realities around me. I have walked amongst
the unburied corpses of the killing fields of Mozambique and I've cradled
in my hands the dead and dying. I've walked through devastated towns in
Angola, where not a living being remained - only wrecked houses,
decomposing corpses and revolutionary slogans.

As a missionary, I've ridden through an ambush on my motorbike scrambler,
preached under mortar fire, witnessed at ambush sites, shown Christian
films to terrorists, been arrested and imprisoned, been led handcuffed and
blindfolded through the streets of Livingstone and Luska, escorted to
prison in Maputo in a Soviet Mi 8 Hip helicopter and come under fire on
many occasions.

Most of all, as a Bible reading, Bible-believing Christian I have spent
days, nights, weeks, months and years agonizing, praying and studying over
this subject of War and the Christian.

What is the Christian response to war?

Should a Christian be involved in the active military defense of his

Is it ever permissible to take the life of another?

Is pacifism the answer to violence?


There was a time in warfare when the men at arms fought the opposing army
on a pre-arranged battlefield. Conflicts between nations were settled by
soldiers on the field of battle - and civilians, especially women and
children, were kept out of the firing line.

For centuries a code of honor precluded the endangering of innocent lives.
Soldiers fought openly - in uniform - against armed and uniformed foes.
Non-combatants were respected. Women and children were protected.

At times conflicts were limited to two opposing champions - such as David
and Goliath - deciding the fate of their nations in honourable hand to hand
combat. Their respective armies were bound to respect the outcome of such
duels. In the Middle Ages in Europe such practices became commonplace with
knights fighting for their cause and country according to a set code of

In modern times, however, warfare has deteriorated dramatically. More and
more civilians have been caught in the crossfire as mobile total warfare
has devastated whole towns and villages.

This century began with scorched earth tactics and concentration camps
during the Anglo-Boer war. The frustrated British army resorted to burning
down the Boer farm homes, the destruction of their crops and the detaining
of the Boer women and children in concentration camps. This marked a new
low in battlefield standards. Unable to win by conventional warfare the
British Empire resorted to what was in effect terrorism. They targeted the
civilian homes and the women and children who, until then, had been
respected and protected.

During the Second World War, whole cities were targeted for mass bombings.
A thousand bomber aircraft would fill the skies and rain death and
destruction upon the cities of Europe. Instead of targeting legitimate
military targets at he front, these aircraft were used to massacre hundreds
of thousands of women and children at home.

Since that terrible war, the face of battle has changed. Now civilians are
no longer isolated from the cruel effects of war. No longer are civilians
merely endangered by the crossfire of conflict. Now women and children seem
to be the main targets of the enemy.

Those who place landmines in dirt roads know that they have more chance of
killing unarmed civilians than anyone else. By placing bombs in restaurants
and shopping centers terrorists are targeting our wives and our children.
Those cowards who throw petrol bombs or handgrenades into homes at night
are wanting to murder the innocent. And now we even see terrorists bursting
into church services and murdering Christians while they worship God. Such
people are not only enemies of society, they are enemies of God.

To such people God's Word declares:

"Surely God will crush the heads of His enemies, the skulls of those who go
in their sins." Psalm 68:21

To us the Bible commands:

"Do not be afraid...remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight
for your brothers, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your
homes."Nehemiah 4:14

THE PACIFIST POSITION Pacifists claim that non-resistance and passive
inactivity will break the cycle of violence. They say that to defend
oneself will prevent war and that non-violence will result in peace.
However, it is important to distinguish between the various motivations
which lead people to adopt these views.

Some pacifists are CONSISTENT PACIFISTS, claiming they would never involve
themselves in either national defense or self defense. They would
generally claim a spiritual motivation for refusing to protect even family

Most are pacifists are actually SELECTIVE PACIFISTS, refusing to involve
themselves in the national defense of (normally) Western democracies, but
being willing to fight in certain other circumstances. These selective
pacifists are often politically motivated, although they may use some
religious arguments to justify their political stance. Many of these
politically motivated, selective pacifists actually support violent
revolutionary movements. Most are motivated by selfish desires to avoid
discomfort, discipline, danger or being separated from their girlfriend,
mother or home comforts.

Pacifism is an unBiblical position. Although being able to appeal to
superficial arguments of conscience and quote the odd verse out of context -
the whole spirit and thrust of pacifism is anti-Christian. Pacifists may be
sincere - but they are sincerely wrong.

A Christian, by definition, must be active - with his or her sleeves rolled
up, being willing to get his hands dirty protecting the innocent, defending
the defenseless and saving lives from unprovoked aggression. Christian love
is not mere words and sentiments. True love shows itself in action. (1 John

If all the people with a conscience refuse to fight then it will leave the
battle fields in the hands of men without a conscience.

A FALSE IDEA OF MAN Pacifism finds it's ots in HUMANISM. Despite some
impressive but superficial Christian pretension, pacifism is humanism. In
common with humanism, pacifism shares a false idea of man. It sees man as
basically good. To the pacifist all people are just too good to kill.
Neither rapists, murderers nor terrorists deserve to be stopped, in the
view of the pacifist.

In contrast to this notion of people being basically good, the Bible
teaches us that "the heart of man is desperately wicked and deceitful";that
they are quick to hurt and kill;they leave ruin and destruction wherever
they go...everyone has sinned and is far away from God's saving presence."
Romans 3:15,23

Pacifists often display more concern for the aggressor then for the
defender, more sympathy for the criminal then for his victim.


Pacifism also has a false idea of God. It fails to understand the holiness
and justice of God. It ignores the wrath of Almighty God against sin. The
pacifist seems to fail to understand the nature of God. They must see God
as a pleasant, amoral softie - either to blind to see sinful man for what
he is or too gentle to punish evil. What kind of God would be unmoved by
ruthless sadists torturing Christians in concentration camps? Do we really
think that God will not punish those who kill and cripple the innocent
through car bombs, limpet mines and landmines?

Do we really believe that God does not require us to stop murder - whether
by abortion or arson, whether by muggers or Marxists>

GOD IS NOT A PACIFIST! The creator of all life (John 1:1-3) "determines
whether you live or die" - Daniel 5:23. God killed everyone on earth,
except Noah, his family and the animals - in THE FLOOD (Genesis
6:5-7;13;7:4;23). God killed every Egyptian first-born as a judgment on
Egypt and in order to free the Israelites on the night of THE PASSOVER
(Exodus 12:12;29). God destroyed the Egyptian army in the RED SEA (Exodus
14:13-31; 15:1-18). The Lord caused the earth to open up and swallow the
Jews who rebelled against Moses (Numbers 16:20,21;23-35). God killed
185,000 Assyrian soldiers who were attacking Jerusalem (2 Kings 19:32-35).
God killed Annias and Sapphira because of their lying (Acts 5-1-11); and
Herod because of his pride (Acts 12:23), and God continues to use "My four
dreadful judgments - sword and famine and wild beasts and plague" Ezekiel
14:21, in order to lead sinful people to repent.

"I and I alone, am God; no other God s real. I kill and I give life, I
wound and I heal, and no one can oppose what do." Deuteronomy 32:39


Our Lord Jesus may have been meek but He was never mild! His teaching was
powerful, dynamic, direct and uncompromising. This tough carpenter from
Nazareth was able to survive forty days fasting in the desert and forty
lashes from the brutal Roman whip. He could walk hundreds of kilometers in
the blazing heat of Palestine's inhospitable terrain and He could walk
through a murderous mob with such a presence that no-one dared stop Him
(Luke 4:28-30).

When Jesus saw how corrupt men were desecrating the temple with their
money-grabbing greed, He made a whip, overturned their tables and drove
them forcibly from God's House (Matthew 21:12-13).

When Jesus returns to this world it will be as the conquering King of Kings
and Lord of Lords. The Bible teaches us that the first time Jesus came as a
Savior - and all who turn from their sin and trust in Christ, following
Him in obedience, are saved. But when Jesus comes again it will be as Judge
- and all who have not repented and obeyed will be condemned and eternally

The Scripture warns us that when Jesus returns He will annihilate the
forces of the false church and the Antichrist. We are told that rivers of
blood will flow from the carnage of mankind's rebellion against Christ
(Revelation 14:19-20).

"With justice He judges and makes war...He will rule them with an iron
scepter. He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God
Almighty... King of Kings and Lord of Lords." Revelation 19:11,15,16


Pacifism also has an unrealistic view of society. The reality of this world
is that it is a fallen world, inhabited by sinful mankind in rebellion
against the Creator. Idealistic fantasies about a world of peace and Utopia
without war are cruelly false and dangerously deceptive. In the Bible we
are warned that those who say "Peace! Peace!" when there is no peace are
"loathsome" false prophets (Jeremiah 6:!4; 8:11). Jesus warned us that
"wars and revolutions" would increase (Matthew 24:6,7; Luke 21:9,10). We
are warned in the scriptures that "While people are saying 'Peace and
Safety ',destruction will come on them suddenly." I Thessalonians 5:3

"PEACE" seems to be the modern equivalent of Baal worship. There is an
irrational deifying of peace. This selfish materialistic age has made an
idol out of peace. "Peace at any price" inevitably leads to tyranny and
destruction - the peace of a graveyard.

People say that war is hell - but often peace is worse. More people died in
the peace following the revolution in CAMBODIA than died in the entire war
before it. Three million Cambodians (40% of the population) were slaughtered
by Pol Pot's Marxist Khmer Rouge in the "peace" following 1975. In fact,
more people have been tortured, maimed and massacred in times of peace than
in times of war during this century!

Have we become so soft, decadent and self-seeking that we are no longer
willing to risk our lives for anything? Is nothing worth fighting for? Do
we have nothing worth defending? Do we care so little for others that we're
unwilling to risk anything for their protection? Are we so engrossed in
watching videos, in "wine, women and song" that we can no longer tell the
difference between right and wrong? Or don't we even care?

For centuries Christians have believed that there were worse things than
war.  For our ancestors death in battle was not the worst thing that could
happen to them. An eternity in hell was. They did not fear death. They
feared God. They realized that death for the Christian is not fatal. They
had a clear belief in eternal life. Principles were more important then
personal safety. Duty, honor, country, family and God meant more to them
than selfish desires for peace and safety. And thank God for that because
the faith and freedoms we enjoy were won and preserved by their blood,
sweat and sacrifices.

The wise Christian does not seek to selfishly avoid the problems of this
world, but courageously steps out in faith to be part of the solution. We
should recognize that sinful man needs to be restrained by laws and by
force, that liberty needs to be defended, that our freedoms came through,
and often need to be maintained by, hard fighting.

If all Christians became pacifists,would all Muslims, atheists and
communists also become pacifists?

Not likely.

It bothers me that the anti-defense, ban-the-bomb, end-conscription
draft-dodgers and pacifists often demonstrate in London, Washington, Bonn
and Cape Town - but seemingly never in Moscow, Havana, Tripoli, Teheran,
Maputo, Lasaka, Harare, or Luanda.


It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favor of vegetarianism
- while the wolf remains of a different opinion.

The Bible declares: "Blessed are the peacemakers" - Matthew 5:9. NOT blessed
are the pacifists! You have to make peace. It takes action.

For the pacifists hoping for worldwide peace - Jesus said: "Do not suppose
that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring
peace, but a sword." Matthew 10:44


Pacifists also often have an inadequate understanding on the Bible. Are
they aware that God is not a pacifist? Do they realize that God has
specified certain circumstances in which men have been commanded to kill?


"Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed." Genesis

"Anyone who strikes a man and kills him shall surely be put to death...if a
man schemes and kills another man deliberately, take him away from my alter
and put him to death... Anyone who kidnaps... must be put to death... You
are to take life for life." Exodus 21:12;14;16;23

"Do not allow a sorceress to live." Exodus 22:18

False prophets were also to executed - (Deuteronomy 13:1-5)

"A prophet who presumes to speak in My Name anything I have not commanded
him to say or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods must be put to
death." Deuteronomy 18:20

The God who commanded individuals in the Sixth Commandment - "You shall not
murder", Exodus 20:13, also commanded the Nation on Israel, as a whole, to
annihilate the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites,
Hivites and Jebusites. "When the Lord your God has delivered them over to
you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no
treaty with them and show no mercy." Deuteronomy 7:2

God's Commandment to the individual is to "Not murder"; God's Command to
the nation was to "Destroy them totally" because of their evil debauchery
and sinfulness had made them God's enemy. Killing by an individual (out of
selfish motivations, vengefulness and greed, etc.) is always prohibited,
but killing by a nation (for self-defense, justice, etc.) is commanded.


Jesus emphasized that civil authority is delegated by God when He said to
Pilate: "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from
above." John 19:11

Paul wrote: "Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to
be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good." Titus 3:1

"Everyone must submit himself to the Governing authorities because there is
no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that
exist have been established by God.  Consequently, he who rebels against the
authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so
will bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to
submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also
because of conscience." Romans 13:1-5

It is worth noting that Paul wrote that Scripture during the reign of a
particularly ruthless pagan government (that of Nero) which was even
persecuting the Church!

Like Daniel, or Joseph, Christians are to serve worthily within the
framework of any system of government under which he is called to live.
JOSEPH rose to the prime minister of pagan Egypt without compromising his
faith and was mightily used to save the Hebrews from starvation. DANIEL
fearlessly testified to God's power and sovereignty within the pagan courts
of Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar and Darius, rising to the highest levels of

"The Most High is Sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to
anyone he wishes." Daniel 4:17

"He sets up kings and deposes them." Daniel 2:21

God raised up Pharaoh (Romans 9:17); Cyrus (Isaiah 44:28;45:1-5); and
Nebuchadnezzer (Daniel 2:37,38). Even Pilate received his position and
power by God's perfect sovereign will and design (John 19:11).

Hence Jesus taught: "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is
God's." This teaches our dual responsibility. As citizens, we are
responsible to obey the laws of the land, pay taxes and defend our country.
As members of the church, we are responsible to love God with all our heart,
soul, strength and mind, obey His commands and seek first God's kingdom.

Only if the state forbids obedience to God may we say with the Apostle: "We
must obey God rather then man!" Acts 5:29. When the state forbids prayer to
God (Daniel 6:6-13), forbids evangelism (Acts 5:40-42) or commands us to
worship false gods (Daniel 3:12-18), then we must say: "We have no need to
answer you in this matter" Daniel 3:16; "Judge for yourself whether it is
right in God's sight to obey you rather then God." Acts 4:19

So, with the exception of matters of worship and evangelism, Christians are
commanded to: "Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority
instituted among men: whether to the king as supreme authority, or to the
governors, who are sent by Him to punish those who do wrong and to commend
those who do right." I Peter 2:13,14

Jesus taught that "those who take up the sword", in the context of
rebellion against lawful authority, "will perish by the sword." Matthew
26:52. This He said in rebuke to the Apostle Peter who was interfering in
God's plan of redemption.


JOSHUA was a mighty man of God and a mighty soldier commanding the
Israelite army in the battle with the Amalekites (Exodus 17:8-16), and in
the conquest of the promised land (Joshua).

King DAVID was "a man after God's own heart," and the writer of much of the
Psalms as well as a great soldier (I Samuel 17:45,47; 18:5; 7; 17; 2 Samuel
5:17-25; 8:1-14; 10:12; 12:26-29). Hence David was able to say:

"Praise be to the Lord, my Rock who trains my hands for war, My fingers for
battle. He is my loving God and my fortress, My stronghold and my deliverer,
My shield,in whom I take refuge. Who subdues people under me." Psalm

ABRAHAM resorted to military action to rescue Lot from the four heathen
kings (Genesis 14:11-16).

DEBORAH and BARAK were led by the Lord to conquer Sisera and the Canaanite
armies (Judges 4:14,15).

GIDEON was commanded by God to defeat the Midianites and rescue Israel from
their power (Judges 6:14).

God gave Sampson the power to defeat the Philistines and keep Israel for
twenty years (Judges 14:19; 15:4,15,20; 16:28-30).

The four CENTURIONS (Roman officers) mentioned in the New Testament are all
commended in one way or another (Luke 7:9; 23:47; Acts 19:2; 27:43). The
Centurion at Capernaum was praised for his faith. Cornelius and the Italian
Regiment of the Roman Army had the great honor of being the first Gentiles
to be baptized by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ.

Throughout the Bible the work and calling of soldiers are frequently
mentioned, yet never with any suggestion that it could be in and of itself
dishonorable or unChristian. John the Baptist, in answering the soldiers'
question of what they were to do, never suggested that they should leave
the army. He merely replied, "Don't extort money and don't accuse people
falsely - be content with your pay." Luke 3:14. He told them how to be good

The Christian life is often likened to many acceptable and honorable
occupations, such as that of a farmer, athlete, worker, citizen, pilgrim and
soldier (1 Tim 6:12; 2 Tim 2:3,4; Eph 6:11-17). Many of the aspects of a
soldier's life such as his spirit of self-sacrifice, discipline and loyalty
are commended.


Pacifists often seem to have a limited knowledge of Scripture and
predictably parrot these old favorites: "Turn the other cheek" and "love
your enemies".

Jesus said, if someone slaps you on the right cheek, let him slap your left
cheek too." Matthew 5:39. Let us not say more than what Jesus said. What he
did NOT say was, "if someone stabs you in the one cheek et him stab you in
the heart too"; neither did Jesus suggest that if someone rapes your sister
let him attack your mother too. Nor did Jesus demand that if the Soviets
bomb London that NATO should let them nuke Washington as well. These
ridiculous things Jesus emphatically never taught!Yet that is how some
pacifists are misinterpreting these verses.

Jesus said, "If someone slaps you...." Let us not suggest more than what
our Lord taught. Don't fight over a insult. Don't kill to preserve your
pride. Don't retaliate just because of an insult. A slap can hardly be
interpreted as a threat of bodily harm or fatal injury - a slap represents an
insult. Matthew 5:39 was never meant to abolish national defense. It was
never given that cowards could quote it as an excuse for not doing their
duty or protecting their family. For the man who believes that God's
commands of the Old Testament which allow capital punishment for murderers
and military defense for nations could be abolished by the coming of our
Lord - Jesus said:

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have
not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." Matthew 5:!7


To "love your enemies", Matthew 5:44, is a Christian obligation. So is to
love your brother, to honor your parents, and to love your neighbor. Surely
my priority must be to defend my family and neighbor against any aggressor
- be he a criminal, terrorist or foreign invader. And I was never commanded
to love God's enemies - who persecute His Church. Nor was I commanded to
love my country's enemies. Personal vengeance and jealousies are forbidden.
My enemies I must forgive. But my family must be protected, my country must
be defended, and my neighbor must be saved from crime and terrorism.

I have personally taken the Gospel to SWAPO, ANC and PAC terrorists,, ZANU,
FRELIMO and MPLA communists and to Russians, Cubans and Et Germans over the
border. But when they cross the border and threaten my neighbors, I will do
my duty and take up arms to stop them.

I will do everything in my power to bring the Word of God and the Gospel of
Christ to the enemies of my land and faith, I will endeavor to bring as
many as possible to repentance from sin and to faith in Christ. But when
called up to serve my country, I will do my utmost to protect my fellow
citizens from all foreign aggression or communist terrorism. Those who
refuse to repent of their sins and turn away from the ways of terror,
intimidation, fear and hate - those who endanger the live of the innocent
and defenseless - I will fight, kill or capture.

Of course, any captured or wounded enemy will receive prompt medical care,
humane treatment and the Gospel. That is Christian love demonstrated in a
practical and balanced way.


The Christian response can never be appeasement and compromise with tyranny.
Whether Piet Retief with Dingaan in 1838 or Chamberlain with Hitler in
1938, appeasement always leads to treachery and war. Strong defense leads to
peace through strength. As the scripture says:

:Who will stand up for me the evildoers or who will rise up or me against
the workers of iniquity." Psalm 94:16

We need to learn to be courageous, to be loyal, to be sacrificial and
unselfish. We need to suppress fears and desires, and choose to do our
duty, to protect the innocent and defend the defenseless.

Those encouraging pacifism and promoting an end to conscription have the
easy task. They have human nature on their side. All of us are prone to
selfish temptations to avoid difficulties, run from danger and resist
discomfort. The draft-dodgers are often dodging the dangers inherent in
defense. The consciences objectors are often objecting to cold showers,
strenuous training, being shouted at at 5 am and being separated from their
teddy bears. The end-conscriptor campaign appeals to the cowardice, laziness
and selfishness that lurks in each and every one of us.

To demand a choice for hardship, tough training, long absences from home,
self-sacrifice, discipline, dedication, loyalty, duty and courage is to
fight against human nature.

Prosperity, affluence and abundance spoil us, breeding pride, complacency,
apathy and laziness. Adversity, suffering and hardships builds character,
faith and courage. The Christian dare not choose "the easy way out."

War, like other extreme situations, can bring out the best and the worst in
people - depending on their spiritual state. (That is why chaplaincy work is
so crucial). But military training and combat situations have brought out
many great acts of sacrifice, bravery, loyalty, courage and unselfish
devotion to duty. Never had pacifism produced such admirable qualities in
its adherents as military service has produced in some Christians.

As Jesus said: "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his
life for his friends." John 15:13


Often we here the view that all war is wrong - wrong for the defenders as
well as for the aggressors. That war is wrong even when waged with the
sincere purpose of defending the innocent and restraining evil.

Yet much of the religious and political freedoms which have been taken for
granted were won through wars approved by the churches of those days.

If the people of Europe had not resisted the Islamic invasion of the Moors
and the Turks the Europe would have been conquered. And Islam would have
replaced Christianity in the mission sending base from where our faith was
communicated to us.

If, at the time of he reformation, the Protestants had not resisted the
Roman Catholic oppression the the persecutions which were practiced so
freely in the Spanish, Italian and other Inquisitions would have become
common throughout Europe. The Protestant faith would have been crushed.

If the Puritans had not fought under Oliver Cromwell to establish the first
parliamentary republic - then from where would the cause of freedom have
received its first example of the rule of law, Lex Rex.

I f the American colonists had not fought for the rule of law and a
Constitutionally limited republic then where there would have been no United
States of America.

Of course in most wars the guilt has been shared by both sides and there
have been many senseless and unnecessary wars in which neither side was at
all concerned about righteousness.

Nevertheless freedom is never free - it has to be bought with sacrifice and

"You have never lived until you have almost died, and for those who fight
for it, life has a flavor the protected will never know."

Christians may desire peace, but we need to realize that there are worse
things than war: such as the peace of a cemetery, or of a concentration
camp, or an eternity in hell.


Judges 3:1-2 "These are the nations the Lord left to test all those
Israelites who had not experienced any of the wars in Canaan. He did this
only to teach warfare to the descendants of the Israelites who had not had
previous battle experience."

God's strategy for complacency is to train His people through conflict.
Taught to trust God in battle - to be purged, purified and prepared as
soldiers of Christ.

Exodus 15:3,4 "The Lord is a warrior, the Lord is His Name. Pharaoh's
chariots and His army He has hurled into the sea."

Exodus 17:8-16 Victory over the Amalekites by prayer and the sword.

Deut 20:1 "When you go to war...Do not be found faint hearted or afraid; do
not be terrified or give way to panic before them. For the Lord your God is
the one who goes with you to fight..."

Joshua 5:13-15 The Lord is revealed as "the Commander of the army of the

Joshua 6:1-5 and guides the Israelites to victory over Jericho.

Judges 5:16-18;23 Deborah's song of victory rebuked those who failed to
fight for freedom. "Why did you stay among the campfires? 'Curse Meroz'
said the angel of the Lord. 'Curse its people bitterly because they did not
come to help the Lord, to help the Lord against the mighty."

Judges 6 & 7 God directed Gideon to defeat the Midianites and rescue Israel
their power.

I Sam 11 The Spirit of God led Saul and Israel to rescue the people of
Jabesh Gilead.

I Sam 14:6,23 The Lord rescued Israel from the Philistines by the faith,
courage and initiative of Jonathan.

I Sam 15:2-3 The Lord commanded Saul to utterly destroy the Amalekites.

I Sam 17:45-47 David was enabled by the Lord to defeat Goliath.

2 Sam 5:19-20 David seeks the Lord's will and is guided to attack the

Psalms May of the Psalms are prayers to God for the guidance in war or
hymns of thanksgiving to the Lord for victory in battle.

Psalm 18:29-48 "With Your help I can advance against a troop...It is God
who arms me with strength...He trains my hands for battle...I pursued my
enemies and overtook them; I did not turn back until they were destroyed. I
crushed them so they could not rise...You armed me with strength for
battle...The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God my Savior! He
is the God who avenges me, who subdues nations under me, who saves me from
my enemies."

In the Bible wars were ordained as a means of restraining evil, judging
wickedness, purging sin and purifying God's people.

When God's people rebelled against His law then God allowed them to be
defeated and enslaved or exiled by the Midianites, Philistines, Assyrians,
Babylonians, Romans or others.

Deut 28:1,7 "If you fully obey the Lord and carefully follow His
commandments...the Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you
will be defeated." (cf Lev 26:7-8; Joshua 1:5)

Lev 26:14-17 "But...if you reject My decrees and abhor My laws and fail to
carry out my commands...you will be defeated by your enemies; those who
hate you will rule over you..." (cf Deut 28:25;43)

The Scriptures reveal God as a God of war a well as a God of peace, because
God is primarily a God of justice.

Jeremiah 21:12 "Administer justice every morning; rescue from the hand of
the oppressor the one who has been robbed, or my wrath will break out and
burn like fire because of the evil you have done."

On certain occasions God has not only permitted war but commanded it. In
the Bible military defense against aggressor nations is given the same
status as capital punishment for murderers.

Proverbs 21:15 "when justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but
terror to evildoers."


The Scriptures command general obedience to family, church and civil
authorities (see Romans 13:1-4; I Tim 2:1-2; I Peter 2:13-15). In event of
conflict between the Law of God and the Law of man:

"Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God,
you judge. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard."
Acts 4:19-20

Some Biblical examples of disobeying civil authorities include:

1. The Midwives disobeyed Pharaoh's decree that all Hebrew boys were to be
killed at birth (Exodus 1:17).

2. Moses' parents hid their child and kept him for 3 months against the law
of Pharaoh (Hebrews 11:23).

3. Moses worked to free his people from bondage in Egypt against the will
of Pharaoh (Exodus 5:1-9; 14:23-25).

4. Rahab is twice commended in Scripture (James 2:25; Hebrews 11:31) for
disobeying her pagan Canaaite government and protecting the Hebrew spies
(Joshua 2:1-16).

5. David fed from King Saul and evaded capture on numerous occasions. He
did not give himself up, but neither did he harm Saul when he had the
opportunity (I Samuel 16:24).

6. The army of Israel intervened to stop King Saul from executing his son
Jonathan. Although legally condemned to death the army successfully
rescued Jonathan from the unjust and foolish command of the king (I Samuel

7. Nathan the prophet confronted King David and rebuked him for the crimes
of adultery and murder (2 Samuel 12).

8. When Queen Jezebel began her bloody purge of God's prophets, the prophet
Obadiah defied her edicts by hiding a hundred prophets (I Kings 18:4).

9. Elijah pronounced judgment on King Ahab for his injustice (I Kings

10. Elijah refused to answer the summons of King Aha (2 Kings 1).

11. Jehu mobilized the military to overthrow the wicked king Ahaziah and
Queen Jezebel - in obedience to the Word of God. (2 Kings 9:6-13; 22-23).

12. Jeosheba rescued the infant Joash from Athaliah's agents who were sent
to slaughter him. (2 Kings 11:2-3).

13. Jeremiah was considered a traitor by his government when he proclaimed
God's Word of judgment and called for repentance and surrender during the
siege by the Babylonians (Jeremiah 38).

14. Daniel refused to defile himself with the royal food (which had been
offered to idols) and successfully appealed to be permitted to eat only
vegetables and water (Daniel 1:8-16).

15. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to obey the king's order to bow
down before his golden image (Daniel 3:12-18).

16. Daniel openly defied a ban against prayer (Daniel 6:6-13).

17. Esther violated a no-trespassing law at the risk of death in order to
rescue her people from a bloody purge (Esther 4:8-16).

18. The wise men from the East disobeyed Herod by not returning through
Jerusalem and not reporting on the whereabouts of the Messiah as ordered
(matthew 2:7-12).

19. Joseph fled to Egypt to save Jesus from the edict of King Herod (matt

20. Peter and John refused to stop preaching (Acts 5:42).

21. Paul refused to leave prison without an official apology (Acts

"We ought to obey God rather than men." Acts 5:29

Then said Jesus unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and
likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment,
and buy one.
-Luke 22:36
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