-Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: Grassroots Media Network [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 1999 3:18 AM
To: Recipient list suppressed
Subject: Giuliani, Bush, the NY Virus and Martial Law in Y2K

Giuliani, Bush, Japanese Encephalitis and Martial Law in Y2K
By Robert Lederman

In previous essays I described the intimate connection between
NYC Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and the Manhattan Institute, a
conservative think tank started by former CIA director William
Casey. It came as no surprise on 10/5/99 when George W.
Bush, Presidential candidate and son of former CIA chief/U.S.
President George Bush, chose the Manhattan Institute as the
forum from which to deliver his most important policy
statement to date.

Bush’s speech was wholly constructed of ideas derived from the
agenda of the Manhattan Institute, an organization which
promotes aggressive social policies based on questionable
university studies, dubious statistics and government sponsored
“experts” in social policy, crime prevention and minority youth.
Many observers consider these ideas to be nothing more than a
thinly-veiled code for Eugenics, a philosophy which is still very
much alive in the U.S. and which accounts for the policies of the
Rockefeller Institute and certain U.S. government and United
Nations agencies including the CDC [Center for Disease
Control] and the WHO [World Health Organization].  Among
these agencies stated goals is a rapid reduction of world
population and the dissemination of numerous new vaccines. In
his speech Bush appeared to be distancing himself from
Conservative elements of the Republican party. In reality, what
George W. Bush whose family were intimately involved in
financing Nazi Germany stands for is the same corporate
dominated police state that Giuliani represents. From such a
corporate/police state the dosing of organophosphate pesticides
or unproven vaccines on eight million New Yorkers as part of a
population control/biological warfare experiment would not be
at all surprising.

In the excerpts from press releases and newspaper accounts that
follow, a pattern of involvement between bio-chemical
production companies, the military and the Mayor of New York
City involving the current enchephalitis scare is apparent. The
mosquito epidemic that is alleged to be attacking New York
City has provided a unique opportunity for bio-chemical
companies, insecticide manufacturers and government agencies
like the Center for Disease Control to use eight million people
representing every race and ethnic origin as guinea pigs. As I
predicted in previous articles, the encephalitis virus that was
initially described as St. Louis encephalitis and was later
rediagnosed as West Nile and then again as West Nile-like
encephalitis has now been reclassified as a new and previously
unknown strain of Japanese encephalitis. It also comes as no
surprise to find that Thomas Morath, the Vice President of
Oravax, a bio-chemical company which holds an exclusive
license from the U.S. Military Biological Warfare Center at Ft.
Dietrick Md. to manufacture and market a vaccine for Japanese
encephalitis, has been working with the Giuliani administration
since the very beginning of the outbreak.

According to medical researchers I’ve spoken with the
production of the anti-Japanese encephalitis vaccine that Oravax
produces involves growing vats of Japanese encephalitis virus
which is then partly killed in order to make the vaccine.
Oravax’s press releases [see below] clearly state that trials of
this new vaccine were scheduled to begin at the end of 1999.

>From the beginning of the outbreak the CDC and the OEM
[Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management] stated that the
epidemic was unique in NYC history and that there were no
other reported cases at this time anywhere in the U.S. They then
revised that assessment to state that the virus had never before
appeared in North America.  Now they claim it appears to be a
new strain of a virus previously unseen on earth. They claim the
epidemic could be the result of an accidental introduction of a
naturally occurring virus by a bird, insect or a foreign visitor.
It’s more likely that it will turn out to have been caused by an
accidental or a deliberate release of a man-made strain of
Japanese encephalitis, either from the Plum Island
bio-warfare/animal virus lab off the coast of Long Island NY or
from one of numerous research labs, such as the Rockefeller
University lab in Manhattan which, according to Newsday
9/25/99, has been experimenting with West Nile virus for
decades. .More insidious still, the public could simply be being
duped into believing there is an encephalitis epidemic in order to
create a hugely profitable market for a new vaccine.

While I can only offer theories at this time to explain what is
going on in New York, as this situation develops more and
more pieces of evidence show that the public is being
disinformed by those in charge. The surfacing of the Mayor’s
Chem-Bio Handbook, which clearly describes the dangers of
Malathion, is undeniable proof that we have been consistently
lied to by the Giuliani administration from day one of this affair.
How far the lies go and what is really going on has yet to be
proven but there can be no doubt that an investigation with
considerable public oversight must be immediately undertaken
to get to the bottom of this.

In the coming days expect to see experts advise us that the best
way to protect the residents of this City is to immediately
administer a vacinne. Considering the tragic history of vaccine
distribution by the CDC and the WHO, which among other
man-made disasters may have caused the AIDs epidemic as well
as thousands of cases of mental retardation, disability and death,
no one should be lining up to get their dose just yet. If one takes
the Giuliani administrations’ own press releases as a guide, the
risk of becoming infected with encephalitis is extremely small
and provides very little threat to one’s health. Compared to that
risk, Malathion exposure, which is known to damage the
bodies’ DNA and organs and which has the occasional
incidental side effect of causing encephalitis, seems far more
risky. Allowing the general public to be given oral doses of
partly killed Japanese encephalitis will only futher insure that
many people will become sick and die, an effect which may in
fact turn out to have been intended all along

In conclusion let me offer what is the most extreme theoretical
explanation of this outbreak. Last year Mayor Giuliani used
more than $40 million tax dollars to build himself a high-tech
gas-proof bunker housing the OEM and to “renovate” City Hall
park, which now has an equivalent level of security to the White
House in Washington D.C. The Mayor has also set aside
millions of dollars for his Y2K millennium “celebration”. I
believe it is plausible that there is a direct connection between
the outbreak of encephalitis in New York and these
preparations. As outlined in a recent edition of Tony Brown’s
Journal on PBS, the U.S. government has extensive contingency
plans for Y2K which include the imposition of martial law by
the U.S. military. New York City is without question the
likeliest place where panic, riots and public disorder might result
from power blackouts, food shortages or the collapse of the
infrastructure that has been predicted to occur on January 1,
2,000; a date that is only three months away.

The daily spraying of what may not even be Malathion on the
entire population of this City, the promotion of a new vaccine
or the deliberate introduction of an actual virus could be a first
step in preparing for what may be the imposition of martial law.
Weakening the immune systems of the population, a known side
effect of Malathion exposure, fits right in with the CDC and
WHO agendas of using dangerous vaccines to replace natural
immunity and the promotion of a Eugenics agenda for
population control.

Every day of his administration Mayor Giuliani has shown a
consistent disregard for public opinion, for law, for the
Constitution and for human rights. The logical extension of the
policies he represents is the elimination of certain elements of
the population, either through disease, imprisonment or
so-called public health programs. I believe there is an urgent
need to use every legal means at our disposal to remove him
from office before December 31, 1999 or we may be the
witnesses to and unwilling participants in events that make New
York City look like Auschwitz on the Hudson.

The white middle class and elite New Yorkers that supported
Giuliani up to this point and that agreed with his aggressive
stance towards minorities, should note that the elements in this
nation which are proponents of Eugenics will feel no
compunction about eliminating millions of white upper class
Americans along with low income Blacks and Latinos. To this
corporate mindset, downsizing the population of this nation as
well as of the third world is not only desirable but it is a

As an email I recently received stated, sometimes the truth is
too ugly for us to admit, yet the fact remains that our
government has publicly admitted to exposing hundreds of
thousands of our own troops to bio-warfare materials, to
conducting life-threatening experiments on civilians and to being
the source of most of the biological and chemical weapons
stockpiled in Iraq. Companies like Oravax and RTI are so
intimately connected to the U.S. military that their involvement
in this public health emergency suggests that we, rather than
infected mosquitoes, may be the intended target.
Sometimes things that seem to be connected are not and are just
coincidence. Read on and decide for yourself if this is all a
coincidence or if we may just happen to be on the verge of a
new holocaust.

Robert Lederman 10/11/99

NY Post 10/6/99 “Republican 2000 front-runner George W.
Bush blasted his own party yesterday - for the second time in a
week - for painting a sour and gloomy image of "America
slouching toward Gomorrah." Bush, in a speech to the
Manhattan Institute here, also contended that fellow
Republicans have put too much stress on "sterile" talk about the
economy and "confused the need of limited government with a
disdain for government itself." The tough talk about his own
party came as Bush outlined his push for charter schools as part
of "an optimistic, governing conservatism"...”Many of our
problems - particularly education, crime and welfare
dependence - are yielding to good sense and strength and
idealism. We are demonstrating the genius for self-renewal at
the heart of the American experiment."

Excerpted from: Governor George W. Bush’s speech,"A
Culture of Achievement and The Future of Educational
Reform” Manhattan Institute Forum New York, New York
October 5, 1999
“It is amazing how far this city has come in the 21 years since
the Manhattan Institute was founded. You have won battles
once considered hopeless. You have gone from winning
debating points to winning majorities — and I congratulate
you...In the process, conservatism has become the creed of
hope. The creed of aggressive, persistent reform. The creed of
social progress...At the beginning of the 1990s, so many of our
nation's problems, from education to crime to welfare, seemed
intractable — beyond our control. But something unexpected
happened on the way to cultural decline...Here in New York,
Mayor Giuliani brought order and civility back to the streets
—cutting crime rates by 50 percent...many of our problems —
particularly education, crime and welfare dependence — are
yielding to good sense and strength and idealism...At the
constitutional convention in 1787, Benjamin Franklin argued
that the strength of our nation depends "on the general opinion
of the goodness of government." Our Founders rejected
cynicism, and cultivated a noble love of country...All reform
begins with freedom and local control...New York is now
beginning...And this, in great part, is a tribute to the Manhattan
Institute...As president, I want to fan the spark of charter
schools into a flame...”

>From the NY Post, 10/10/99 The Racist Roots Of
“The goal of raising black awareness is particularly urgent in
light of an unpublished crime study by academics from Stanford
Law School and the University of Chicago that made news this
summer. The study theorized that the dramatic nationwide drop
in crime can be attributed to large numbers of impoverished
minority women aborting their babies - children who
presumably stood a good chance of growing up to be hoodlums.
The implication is vile: if you want to have a peaceful, ordered
society, encourage more blacks, Hispanics and poor people to
kill their children in utero...This was basically the argument
advanced by Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger and
fellow eugenicists in the early part of the century. Here's a
typical line from Sanger's magazine, Birth Control Review:
"Many of the colored citizens are fine specimens of humanity. A
good share of them, however, constitute a large percentage of
Kalamazoo's human scrap pile." That ran in 1932. Birth Control
Review ceased publication in 1940, as Jews, Gypsies,
homosexuals and others from humanity's "scrap pile" were being
herded into Nazi death camps...March spokesman Damon
Owens says the organizers seek to clue in African-Americans on
the racist, genocidal roots of Planned Parenthood and the
modern abortion-rights movement. "[Sanger's] writings were
unabashedly racist," he said. "There's never been a case so clear
of genocide written about and planned in public, and it's gotten
such a beautiful whitewash in history."

>From Newsday, 10/10/99 Bugged by Spraying
“The loudest protests heard during the city's recent campaign of
insecticide spraying came from the city's tiny Green Party and
the artist-agitator Robert Lederman...Yesterday, the head of the
mayor's Office of Emergency Management, which took the lead
in the assault on the city's mosquito populace, dismissed such
concerns as "irresponsible environmental hysteria and stupidity."
"If they took a deep breath [of Malathion?] and looked at what
we did and what pains we went through to ensure that we did it
right and recognize that human life is at stake, they'd get the
perspective," said OEM Director Jerry Hauer.”

From: http://info.med.yale.edu/EIINet/MonathSeminar.html )
[Note how the VP of Oravax, manufacturer of the encephalitis
vaccine who is advising Giuliani on this crisis, was both a
researcher at Ft. Dietrick Bio-Warfare lab and a CDC scientist.]
"Thomas Monath is one of the world's leading arbovirologists.
He is currently Vice- President of Research and Medical Affairs
at OraVax, Inc. in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In this position
he is responsible for the scientific direction of programs on
vaccine development...Prior to this he was the Chief of the
Virology Division, U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of
Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick in Maryland. In this position
he was responsible for the development of genetically
engineered vaccines against arthropod- borne and hemorrhagic
fever viruses. Between 1974 and 1988 he was the Medical
Director of the Division of Vector- Borne Infectious Diseases at
the Centers for Disease Control in Fort Collins, Colorado."

From: -DEADLY DISCOVERY Newsday, 9/25/99 “Virologist
Thomas Monath, one of the country's leading authorities on
mosquito-carried viruses, called the discovery [of the
encephalitis virus in NY] "a bombshell," and added: "This is the
biggest arbovirus story of the last 50 years. Wow!"...Monath,
who works for OraVax, a biotechnology company in Boston,
said that he has been working closely with CDC investigators in
New York since the encephalitis outbreak began in late August.
He is assisting federal scientists in trying to figure out a way to
deal with the new development...Monath said he met with CDC
authorities on Wednesday to discuss the tests performed on the
dead birds. "We had a long discussion about what the hell is
going on," he said. They had a couple of dead flamingos in the
Bronx Zoo. And they found a dead crow."...Bob Howard, a
spokesman for the CDC's special pathogens branch, said that
earlier this week--before the dead crow was tested--CDC
researchers in Atlanta were telling their counterparts in New
York City about "some really weird lab reports. "There's an
outbreak right now in Russian--in Volgograd--some 559 cases
and 33 deaths...“

Journal News ( A Westchester newspaper), Saturday, October
9, 1999 By Jane Lerner (Page 10B)
“The mysterious ailment that has killed a half-dozen New
Yorkers and thousands of birds and prompted the mass use of
insecticides might not be caused by the West Nile virus,
scientists theorize in a paper published today...Instead, the
culprit behind the mosquito-borne encephalitis more closely
matches the Kunjin virus--a related disease most commonly
found in Australia and South America, said investigators who
are unraveling the virus's genetic blueprint at a California
laboratory. "It's related to the West Nile virus, but not exactly
the same," said Dr. Xi-Yu Jia, a virologist and assistant
professor at the Emerging Disease Laboratory at the University
of California at Irvine. "It has a different genetic
sequence."...Kunjin--like both St. Louis and West Nile--is a
member of the Japanese encephalitis virus group, he said.”

>From the Peptide Therapeutic Group’s website, Oravax’s parent
company .[] Excerpt
from a 9/20/99 press release:
“Our priority is to deliver shareholder value...”

Check this diagram of an industrial park filled with bio-tech
companies closely assiociated with the military, with
bio-warfare and with new vaccines.

Explore Reasearch Triangle Institute’s incredible site.

 From: OraVax, Inc.
“OraVax is a Cambridge, Massachusetts biopharmaceutical
company engaged in the discovery and development of
innovative vaccines and antibody products to prevent or treat
human infectious diseases...Additionally, the Company is
developing the ChimeriVax™ family of single-dose
genetically-engineered vaccines based on the yellow fever YF
17D vaccine strain virus. The first of these vaccines targets
Japanese encephalitis, currently in preclinical development”.
From: San Jose Mercury News 9/24/99
Security Upgrade At Lab Sought To Deter Germ War
“Alarmed by what the Clinton administration views as the
growing threat of biological terrorism to America's food supply,
the Agriculture Department is seeking money to turn the Plum
Island Animal Disease Center, one mile off Long Island, into a
top-security laboratory where some of the most dangerous
diseases known to human or beast can be studied. The
Agriculture Department already operates at Plum Island, just
across Gardiners Bay from the wealthy Hamptons, a laboratory
where such dreaded foreign animal diseases as foot-and-mouth
and African swine fever are examined. But the department is
seeking $75 million this year and $140 million over the next two
years to upgrade the center to handle even more dangerous
animal diseases that can affect humans”.

From: http://www.bioinfo.com/jev.html
Federal Register: March 22, 1996 (Volume 61, Number 57,
Page 11812
Oravax Encephilitis Vaccine Patent Application from 1996:
Notice of Intent To Grant an Exclusive License of a U.S.
Government-Owned Patent
Agency: U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command,
DOD [Department of Defense].
Action: Notice. Summary: In accordance with 37 CFR 404.7
(a)(I)(i), announcement is made of the intent to grant an
exclusive, royalty-bearing, revocable license of U.S. Patent
Application Serial Number 08/348,882, filed November 28,
1994 and entitled ``Infectious DNA Clones of Japanese
Encephalitis Virus and Attenuated Strains Japanese Encephalitis
Virus Made from the Clones'', to OraVax, Inc., 230 Albany
Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139. Rights to this
invention are owned by the United States Government as
represented by the Secretary of the Army. Anyone wishing to
object to the grant of this license has 60 days from the date of
this notice to file written objections along with supporting
evidence, if any. Written objections are to be filed with the
Command Judge Advocate, U.S. Army Medical Research and
Materiel Command, Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland
21702-5012. Addresses: Commander, U.S. Army Medical
Research and Materiel Command, ATTN: Command Judge
Advocate, Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland 21702-5012. For
further information contact: Mr. John F. Moran, Patent
Attorney, (301) 619-2065 or telefax (301) 619-7714. Gregory
D. Showalter, Army Federal Register Liaison Officer. Requests
for further information should be directed to  the public affairs
officer, Mr. Chuck Dasey (301) 619-2736]

[Peptide Therapeutics/Oravax (manufacturers of Japanese
Encephalitis vaccines) and Pasteur Mérieux Connaught are
collaborating together on many different levels, both
economically and scientifically.  PMC/Oravax manufactures a
Japanese encephalitis vaccine].
“Peptide is currently involved in the research and development
of two distinct classes of pharmaceuticals - vaccines and small
molecule drugs. ChimeriVax(TM) JE – single-dose vaccine to
prevent Japanese encephalitis ("JE") ChimeriVax(TM) is a
technology platform broadly applicable to develop vaccines to
protect against infections caused by flaviviruses. Two recent
publications from data presented by our scientists at the 11th
International Congress of Virology in Sydney demonstrated the
safety and efficacy of ChimeriVax(TM) in pre-clinical
models.The most advanced project employing the
ChimeriVax(TM) technology is to develop a JE vaccine
[Japanese Encephalitis}, in collaboration with PMC. Pre-clinical
work and manufacture of clinical lots for the Phase I trial is
expected to be completed by the end of this year [1999]. The
IND will then be filed for a Phase I safety and immunogenicity
trial, which is expected to commence in the first half of 2000.
We also have collaborative agreements with PMC to develop
vaccines against three other flaviviruses: Dengue fever,
Hepatitis C and Tick-borne encephalitis.
Pasteur Mérieux Connaught (Rhône-Poulenc Group) [A
company that works very closely with Oravax] is the world's
largest vaccine company with the broadest range of products.
PMC furnishes more than a billion doses for immunizing 400
million people, each year...Pasteur Mérieux Connaught USA is
one of the nation's premier researcher, developer, manufacturer
and supplier of vaccines for use in humans, providing the
broadest range of vaccines and biologicals available from a
single company in the United States. We are part of a global
organization that distributes vaccines to 150 countries around
the world - more than one billion doses of vaccines annually.
This translates to administering one dose to 30 people every
second of every day. This global presence gives us direct access
to broad scientific expertise, vast research and development
resources and cutting-edge vaccine technologies.”

From: Research Triangle Institute [RTI] Pays NYC a Visit
Transcript by Knut Masco [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Note that the only two things RTI wanted to know was if Knut,
a caucasian who is of German descent, was Hispanic or Black,
and if he’d been in the military. Members of the U.S. military
services are the chief experimental subjects on whom many of
these vacinnes and biological warfare materials have been
tested. Draw your own conclusions as to why RTI, a company
involved in Biological and Chemical Warfare research, pesticide
exposure and associated with Oravax and Peptide Theraputics,
is doing a U.S. government sponsored survey in NYC at the
same time that this supposed epidemic is taking place. The
interviewer states that the study is in reference to, “drugs,
grafitti, street crime, social problems and children doing poorly
in school”, and that because Knut is neither Hispanic nor Black
he is unqualified for the survey, appears to support the theory
that some form of population control, eugenics or bio-warfare
exercise is either being contemplated or is already underway in
New York City.

Knut’s report follows:
“On September 30th 1999, I received a Letter addressed to
Resident. The letter was from a company called Research
Triangle Institute. It stated that they were contracted by the
United States Department of Health and Human Servises
(DHHS) and that they would be conducting a national survey
on health-related issues (Contract No.#283-98-9008). The letter
states that I was among 370,000 other residents whose
household was randomly selected for participation in this study
and that a professional field interviewer would be coming to
conduct a survey. The letter states that I and others in my house
hold would be asked to participate in their study after being
asked a few preliminary questions.
The letter is signed Brian J.Burke, National Field Director,
3040 Cornwallis Road Post Office Box 12194
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709-2194  USA
Telephone 919-541-6000 Fax# 919-541-6051

Tuesday,October 5th.1999, 1:30 pm. a representative from RTI
came to my door to conduct a survey on health-related issues. A
transcript of the interview follows: (Video and Audio tape

Me:      Interviewing a lot of people?
RTI:     Yea- I have a lot of people to interview.
RTI:     First, this is your address; right?
Me:      Ah-yes.
Me:      Let me just ask you a few questions before you ask me
           your questions.
RTI:      ok.
Me:      You are with the Department of Health?
RTI:      I'm RTI.
ME:      RTI
RTI:      Yes.
ME:      That's ah. You where contracted by the Department of
RTI:      Right.
ME:      And RTI is ah Research Triangle Institute?
RTI:      That's correct.
Me:       Ok- right
RTI:      Ok- the questions like I said - The questions like I said
are voluntary, so
            don't worry about.
Me:        Ok.
RTI:      How many people in your home? From October,
November, December.
Me:        2
RTI:       2 is adult , right?
Me:        Right.
RTI:       OK-give me your last birthday.
ME:        Of the eldest of the two that live here? That would be
myself, 35.
RTI:       (Laughing) Your the younger one, 35.
RTI:       You are Hispanic - Latino?
Me:         No.
RTI:       What kind of race? White, Black American, Asian,
Me:         I am white, male.
RTI:        Were you ever in the military service?
Me:         No I was not.
RTI:        How old is the other resident?
Me:         32.
RTI:        Male - female?
Me:         Female.
RTI:        Relationship?
Me:         Fiancée.
               [Long pause while she shows me a small hand held
computer and asks me to
              pick the appropriate description]
RTI:      Which one do you think is better?
Me:        Ah-I'm going to say Relative.
RTI:       She's Hispanic or not?
Me:        Ah, she's Black.
RTI:       She's not Latina (laughing)
Me:        No.
RTI:       I have to punch in computer. Black or Latina
RTI:       Now the computer is going to make the selection.
Some time the computer fails.
Me:        Does the computer ah, transmit back to home base?
Where it's all formulated?
IRT:      Yes. I plug in my telephone here, then I go home and
all the information goes to them.
Me:        Right.
RTI:       Nope, no one.
Me:        No one?
RTI:       No one, aah, Thank you very much.
Me:         Can I ask you some more quesions? About your
company? Actually when I received the letter I was curious, is it
all to do with the spraying of the Malathion? Is that correct?
RTI:        The what?
Me:          The Malathion.The spraying of the insecticide.
RTI:        Oh-no
RTI:        No - because we do this for about four years.Without
all the information; in certain neighborhoods.
ME:         Right.
RTI:        Something happen after that has no bearing.
ME:         This survay is in refrence to.
RTI:        To - drugs.
Me:          Drugs.
RTI:         Yes-to neighborhood, to social life. Like when you
have children, how the
                children-do in school
                 if they have a lot of problems in school. Then the
Department of Health and RTI try to help.
Me:          Right
RTI:         If they have a lot of graffiti, a lot abandoned
buildings, a lot of fights, a lot of drugs then they have to send
more cops. Something like that. Social conditions.
Me:          Right.
RTI:         Well here it's nice.
Me:          Right-yea thanks-it's a decent neighborhood.
Me:          Can I get you a cup of coffee.
RTI:          No thank you - thank you. Someone is waiting in the

Robert Lederman, President of A.R.T.I.S.T.
(Artists’ Response To Illegal State Tactics)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (718) 369-2111

[Note: the documents above are intended as examples of the
kind of experimentation and government contracting that exist
and are not intended or presented here as evidence that the
companies, individuals or government agencies involved are
behind the current encephalitis crisis in New York City. -RL]

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