-Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 1:11 PM
Subject: RE: [CIA-DRUGS] Texas, Bush, Tanox, and "the Coming Plagues"

From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dave, I could not agree more..the debt model is at the core of the beast. If
we financed on an equity model, CIA drug trafficking would not be happening.

The reason I have spent my life inventing and prototyping the Solari
Investment Model was to create an equity model for financing both
organizations and communities with widespread equity. The key was the A/B
shareholding plan.....one group can control the voting stock while
non-voting stock can be used to invest ad profit financially. That way
knowledge and ethics can be controlled seperately from profit; residents can
control the voting shares in a neighborhood stock corporation or REIT and
raise capital globally. Control local; finance global, if you will. Another
key was putting serious resources behind community databanking. We need
abstract knowledge---particularly about use of our time, our health and our
money--- to conform to our concrete boundaries and experieces in a ways that
ecourage energizing reoptimization and reegineering of our resources locally
in a way that sees people as the asset being optimized. This combo is the
backbone for the infrastructure we need in places so that small businesses
and community infrastructure can integrate new technology and compete with
large corporations at a competitive cost of captial. It is also the backbone
that makes issuing community currency easy and profitable. With e-commerce
the possibilities are endless---imagine 63,000 neighborhood central banks
vested in an equity model. It would sure keep organized crime and drugs
out---or make sure it is the community that profits if they want it in for
the money. Between this and e-bay and a few other bartering and trading
ideas we could cut the flow out of the Federal Reserve without legislation.
Why pay interest to guys for something we can do for ourselves?

The Solari Investment Model is the reason that the Feds could not do to my
last company what they did with Inslaw. My control of the A shares and the
data gave me too much power and control of the documents and legal decisions
managing through the attack and destruction of the business and too powerful
an ability to mathematically prove their false witness was false. The design
protected me through a three and a half year seige by the rich and powerful
and evil. My thanks to the Bush Administration for my free education
watching them destroy legitimate people and companies and community that
helped create the design that saw me through the Clinton Administration
doing the same.

If anyone wants a copy of Solari's design book for Neighborhood Stock
Corporations, let me know. It is an old version which we hope to put up on
the web by the end of the year and then update next year when we are not
working near full time on litigation and audits and investigations with the
federal government. When we launch the website, I will let you know. There
is some background abstracts up at the old site---www.solarivillage.com at
the tools page.

Because these issues all start with spiritual issues and values, the
spiritual and value questions are the first step in any community. The
financial should be the tail, not the head. Ed Schwartz at the Institute for
the Study of Civic Values in Philadelphia has a wonderful process where each
neighborhood takes the Constitution and walks through it and has a
constitution convention. Makes a lot of sense. When and if our toilets or
economy stop working during Y2K, or we when we realize we have to organize
locally to protect ourselves from biological warfare from the corporations,
governments and investors we have created to serve us, it is a good way to
begin. Meantime, the courses on Spiritual Warfare at my church are some of
the best there are...

As always, this brings me back to the "vote with our money" theme. We got to
stop letting the bad guys get ahold of our deposits, purchases, taxes,
investments, attention....

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 6:23 PM
> Subject: RE: [CIA-DRUGS] Texas, Bush, Tanox, and "the Coming Plagues"
> From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Catherine wrote:
> 'We need a cultural technology to best the "beat down" game.'
> YES !  .. and that exists in the form of INTENTIONAL community... at least
> as a modelling tool.
> "The Farm" in Tennessee was pretty successful at modelling the "New
> Civilzation" cultural technology (so much so that the CIA
> focussed attention
> and disruptive action on the community, nearly destroying it some
> years ago-
> it'd be good to learn the lessons that may be available in this
> instance of
> the largest "NewCiv" cultural experiment to date & it's brush with "ops").
> Once you've realized that "they" are (rather brilliantly) using
> "our" needs
> and desires AGAINST us, it may become clear that the way around this is
> paradigm shift.
> Small-town America as close-knit community may still exist for some, but
> essentially the  HEART of community (the bonding & belonging and mutual
> caring) ...  has been attacked in "search and destroy" mode by the biggest
> drugs of all-  materialism & greed ... everything else is a reflection or
> outgrowth of the incredible overlay of materialism that is PROGRAMMED into
> Mr. & Mrs. ToobWatcher & the mall-rats ...
> The clues are plain- this is nothing less than spiritual warfare.
> "They" seek to destroy or pervert/commodify spiritual values and normal
> needs.
> In a spiritually connected  culture, there is little NEED or desire for
> DRUGS, and addiction would be rare, and treatable.
> WAR-  on drugs, on cancer, on poverty, on "hate criminals", on
> "terrorists"
> or whatever- is war on society.  Merely doublespeak ala "war to end all
> wars" ... a lie to justify an artificially created
> self-sustaining conflict.
> The truth is, as you've seen ... the basic -WAR- is MINDCONTROL warfare
> (Spiritual warfare, performed by the spiritually dead warriors and/or the
> more-aware "evil" behind-the-scene-leaders).
> The primary programming tools are the TOOB and state-sponsored "education"
> (indoctrination & programming).
> We cannot wage a "spiritual war" any more than a "war on drugs" ...  a
> working solution will be found only in paradigm shift.
> The rules must be changes so that warfare, greed, and the politicking for
> and selling of death and poisons are no longer valid roles. ....
> Look to the deepest levels of the dysfunctional paradigm to see where the
> fundamental structures are emplaced to facilitate the control mechanisms.
> The fractional reserve debt-based monetary system and the "divide and
> conquer" principle of state control are the two culprits that I see most
> clearly.
> Cultural experiments which celebrate and indeed OPERATE in diversity
> (requisite diversity = critical mass) and support valuation other than the
> worship of Mammon need to be implemented, supported, and disseminated.
> We cannot "fight"   .... "them" ....
> We must "BE" ... "US" ... the New Civilization arises....
> Dave Hartley
> http://www.Asheville-Computer.com
> http://www.ioa.com/~davehart
> http://www.Asheville-Computer.com/ncf
> http://www.newciv.org
> http://www.worldtrans.org
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 10:02 AM
> Subject: RE: [CIA-DRUGS] Texas, Bush, Tanox, and "the Coming Plagues"
> From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Dave:
> WOW...I just had an epiphany. You are absolutely right. Drug
> pushing by the
> enterprise is biowarfare. Why did't I see and understand that. The funny
> thing it is a biowarfare were they depend on cutting us off from something
> we need (meaning, pleasure), where as AIDs is a biowarfare we get
> by trying
> to access something we think we need (vacines) or that we do need (sex,
> love, connection), and West Nile Encephalitis we get by accessing
> something
> we can not live without (oxygen).
> Seems like they are always finding a way to kill us that uses a kind of
> spiritual judo....they simply play into our needs. The spin can always be
> that it was really our fault. I believe that this was one of the reasons
> that HUD came after me so hard. Accessible education and jobs made "just
> saying no" to retail dealing and petty larceny easy.
> That is why the mind control is so important to this thing. The various
> factions seem to believe they can come out the other side with their moral
> authority in tact. Trash Bush and Gore, move up Bradley et al. It
> is the key
> to what black folks call a full swat of a community, a "beat down".
> How to we seperate out the muddledess of thinking about
> responsibilty in the
> average person's mind? Don't know but we have to get clear first
> in our own
> minds. Does leadership gain power and money by building a world that
> supports us in seeing and pursuing our dream together, or one where they
> drain our energy? If we lead, will they follow. If they won't how do we
> delete their influence in our lives and thoughts?
> Today, those with the inside info facilitate our failure, rig the game for
> themselves to win, and then say that we lost because we did not
> know how to
> perform.
> It's is brainwashing that we can control. We need a cultural technology to
> best the "beat down" game.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 12:28 AM
> > Subject: RE: [CIA-DRUGS] Texas, Bush, Tanox, and "the Coming Plagues"
> >
> >
> > From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Yeah, the connections are pretty clear-  whattin'ell  IS major
> > drug-pushing
> > if not a form of biowarfare?
> >
> > The text you quoted below appears at this site:
> > http://wealth4freedom.com/GWI.html
> > and if you click on the pretty picture of the Dragon, it takes you to:
> > http://www.wealth4freedom.com/CIAdrugs.html
> > (guess the site owners see a connection too....)
> > and an interview with Bob Fletcher.
> >
> > This whole site is pretty interesting.
> > http://wealth4freedom.com/
> >
> >
> > Dave Hartley
> > http://www.Asheville-Computer.com
> > http://www.ioa.com/~davehart
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 1999 8:16 PM
> > To: CIA Drugs list
> > Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Texas, Bush, Tanox, and "the Coming Plagues"
> >
> >
> > From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Have we viewed this "connect the dots" before? Forgive me if this is a
> > repeat or off-topic. Hard to see drugs seperate from biological
> warfare by
> > the same team. I just got Clancy's book now that it is out in paperback.
> >
> > ==================================================================
> > ==========
> > ====
> >
> >
> >            Issue Date of 1-21-98
> >
> >
> >                          The Wanderer
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >        Gulf War Illness Probe To Advance With New
> >                             Study
> >
> >                         By PAUL LIKOUDIS
> >
> >       Tom Clancy's latest novel Rainbow Six rivets readers with a
> > fictional
> >     account of environmentalist elites who decide that the only
> > way they can
> >     save the world is to radically eliminate over 95% of the human
> > population.
> >     Some of the world's leading scientists develop a strain of viruses,
> > which
> >     they call Shiva after the Indian goddess of death, and devise an
> > ingenious
> >     method to infect the world's population.
> >
> >       Part of Clancy's plot involves the development of two
> antibodies to
> > fight
> >     the new virus, one of which will be for the world's elite, to
> > inoculate
> > them;
> >     the other for the sick, to make them sicker.
> >
> >       But there's a more riveting reallife scenario unfolding in
> > the United
> >     States  and around the world  that puts Clancy's fictional
> > thriller into
> > the
> >     realm of the credible: the efforts of a small group of reputable
> > scientists,
> >     sick U.S. veterans, and a handful of investigative
> > journalists to unlock
> > the
> >     secrets of Gulf War Illness (GWI), sometimes referred to as Gulf War
> >     Syndrome, which has afflicted between 100,000 and 200,000 military
> >     personnel who served in President George Bush's Desert
> Storm and their
> >     families, and which is responsible for  perhaps  15,000 deaths.
> >
> >       The number of military personnel who have died of the mysterious
> > illness
> >     remains a classified secret, one of GWI's top researchers, Dr. Garth
> >     Nicolson of the Institute for Molecular Medicine, told The Wanderer.
> >
> >       For nearly ten years, since his daughter Sharron returned from the
> > gulf
> >     where she served with the 101st Airborne, Nicolson and his
> > wife, Nancy,
> > a
> >     molecular biophysicist, have waged a lonely, frustrating, and often
> >     dangerous campaign to discover the causes of GWI while working on a
> >     treatment.
> >
> >       Their first big break came last week (Jan. 12th) when they were
> > notified
> >     by the U.S. Army that their research had been validated and their
> > Institute
> >     for Molecular Medicine would be one of three centers, with the Armed
> >     Forces Institute of Pathology and the University of Texas at San
> > Antonio,
> >     involved in a $12 million Veterans' Administrationfunded project to
> > develop
> >     a treatment for the debilitating and often fatal illness,
> an infection
> > known
> >     technically as mycoplasma fermentans.
> >
> >       Dr. Nicolson explains that slightly under onehalf of the Gulf War
> > veterans
> >     he has tested have shown signs of infection by mycoplasma
> fermentans.
> >
> >       For the husbandwife team of researchers, the army's
> notice came as a
> >     tremendous vindication after years of repeated attempts by
> government
> >     agencies to ruin their careers, their credibility, and
> their research.
> >
> >       As both Nancy and Garth Nicolson wrote in the October,
> 1996 issue of
> >     Criminal Politics, since he began researching the causes of
> > GWI, he has
> >     lived through a governmentsponsored "nightmare."
> >
> >       "We were attacked by highlevel military physicians, ostracized by
> > certain
> >     colleagues who spread rumors about our sanity, forced out
> of academic
> >     institutions by a concerted effort that involved nonstop
> > administrative
> >     harassment, mail and courier theft, wiretaps, credit card fraud,
> > breaking a
> >     tenure contract, computer and documents theft, attempts to block our
> >     scientific and medical presentations, sabotage our clinical
> > samples, and
> >     undermine our employees."
> >
> >       Their ordeal over the past eight years  since 1991  has
> > convinced them
> >     that certain sections of the U.S. government, working with
> > what might be
> >     called the "eugenics elite" at the country's top research
> labs in the
> > fields of
> >     biochemistry and genetic engineering, are testing new
> > designer biologic
> >     agents on the American public, starting with prisoners and military
> >     personnel.
> >
> >     Who They Are
> >
> >       The Doctors Garth and Nancy Nicolson are not your ordinary
> > conspiracy
> >     theory "nuts."
> >
> >       Garth Nicolson  before setting up the Institute for Molecular
> > Medicine, a
> >     501c3 corporation, in Huntington Beach, Calif.  was the
> David Bruton,
> > Jr.,
> >     Chair in Cancer Research and professor at the University of
> Texas M.D.
> >     Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, and professor of
> internal medicine
> >     and professor of pathology and laboratory medicine at the
> > University of
> >     Texas Medical School at Houston.
> >
> >       He was also adjunct professor of comparative medicine at Texas A&M
> >     University. Among the most cited scientists in the world, having
> > published
> >     over 480 medical and scientific papers, edited 13 books,
> served on the
> >     editorial boards of 12 medical and scientific journals, and
> currently
> > serving
> >     as editor of two (Clinical & Experimental Metastasis and the
> > Journal of
> >     Cellular Biochemistry), he has been the recipient of
> numerous research
> >     grants from the U.S. Army, the National Cancer Institute, National
> >     Institutes of Health, the American Cancer Society, and the National
> >     Foundation for Cancer Research. In 1998, he received the
> Stephen Paget
> >     Award from the Cancer Metastasis Research Society and the Albert
> >     Schweitzer Award in Lisbon.
> >
> >       Nancy Nicolson, a molecular biophysicist, was on the
> > faculty at Baylor
> >     College of Medicine's Department of Immunology and Microbiology.
> >
> >       Both scientists have been nominated for a Nobel Prize for their
> >     groundbreaking work in nucleoprotein gene tracking.
> >
> >       In 1987, Nancy Nicolson believes, she was deliberately
> infected with
> >     mycoplasma incognitus because she refused to participate in
> > research on
> >     biological weapons and germ warfare, and had, in fact,
> publicly spoken
> > in
> >     opposition to such research programs  which are, in fact, banned by
> >     international treaties of which the U.S. is a signatory.
> >
> >       She became deathly ill, becoming partly paralyzed; her thyroid was
> >     affected and she contracted meningitis. But during this illness, she
> > found
> >     the antibiotic Doxycycline helped her regain health.
> >
> >       In 1991, six months after the Nicolson's daughter
> returned from the
> > gulf,
> >     Sharron came down with an illness remarkably similar to
> what Nancy had
> >     just recovered from: chronic fatigue, aching joints,
> > diarrhea, vomiting,
> > and
> >     fevers. The symptoms seemed similar to mycoplasma infection, and so
> >     the Nicolsons recommended treating her with Doxycycline.
> >
> >       Sharron then began contacting her veteran friends, who were
> > reporting
> >     similar problems, and of the 73 who tried the treatment, 55
> > reported an
> >     improvement in health.
> >
> >       Now the plot thickens.
> >
> >       That same year, Garth Nicolson began receiving reports of
> a "mystery
> >     illness" spreading among the employees of the Texas Department of
> >     Criminal Justice in Huntsville. Using gene tracking, the Nicolsons
> > discovered
> >     these prison employees tested positive for mycoplasma fermentans
> >     infection.
> >
> >       Prisoners in Huntsville, Palestine, and Victoria, Texas, had been
> > given
> >     experimental flu vaccines purportedly developed by Tanox
> Biosystems on
> >     Stella Link in Houston, a company with close ties to Baylor, and the
> > testing
> >     was part of a U.S. Armysponsored program run by biotechnology firms.
> >
> >       The inmates at Huntsville then began spreading their
> disease to the
> >     prison guards, who passed it on to family members and others in the
> >     general population, who then started coming down with
> symptoms similar
> >     to those of such dread diseases as Lou Gehrig's Disease, MS, and
> > Guillian
> >     Barre Syndrome.
> >
> >       As Garth Nicolson reported his discoveries, he encountered
> > increasing
> >     hostility from his peers, including Dr. Charles LeMaistre,
> a friend of
> > George
> >     Bush and the past president of the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center; Dr.
> >     George Young, chief of the VA in Houston; and Dr. Robert M.
> > Couch, head
> >     of the Baylor Influenza Program, because his findings
> implied illegal
> >     testing.
> >
> >       Among Tanox's investors are George Bush and his former
> Secretary of
> >     State and fellow Texan James Baker III.
> >
> >       As opposition rose, so did their understanding of M.D.
> > Anderson's deep
> >     involvement in biological weapons research and testing
> since the late
> >     1970s, and that M.D. Anderson was specifically engaged in
> research on
> >     mycoplasma fermentans as a biological weapon.
> >
> >       Garth Nicolson resigned under pressure from M.D. Anderson
> in August,
> >     1996, and was ordered to remove all his research equipment
> > and materials
> >     from M.D. Anderson, where he had served as senior tenured
> > professor and
> >     department chairman for 16 years.
> >
> >       "The administration was trying to restrict our activities
> > in the area
> > of GWI
> >     and I resigned because of my stand on academic freedom and
> my right to
> >     pursue that particular line of investigation. I had
> unanimous internal
> >     clinical review board approval for the research," he told The
> > Wanderer,
> > "but
> >     I suspect that thenMajor General Ronald Blanck, currently surgeon
> > general
> >     of the army, was pressuring the M.D. Anderson administration
> > to stop our
> >     research."
> >
> >     Spreading The Disease
> >
> >       In dozens of research reports for professional medical
> journals, and
> > in
> >     four separate, sworn testimonies before congressional
> committees, the
> >     Doctors Nicolson state their belief that Gulf War Illness was caused
> > both by
> >     the vaccines soldiers sent to the gulf received and by airborne
> > chemicals
> >     released when U.S. troops destroyed tons of Saddam
> Hussein's chemical
> >     weapons.
> >
> >       Their testimony is that soldiers were exposed to five
> > possible sources
> > of
> >     exposure: vaccines, some of which were questionable and were
> >     contaminated by microorganisms; blowback from destroyed
> biological and
> >     chemical weapons; factories and bunkers which stored the agents;
> >     approximately 60 Italianmade biological weapons sprayers that
> > were fully
> >     deployed in southern Iraq and Kuwait; as well as airburst
> > SCUD missiles
> >     equipped for delivery of chemical and biological weapons.
> >
> >       Prior to deployment, the army administered vaccines, ostensibly,
> > against
> >     weaponsborn anthrax, to 150,000 soldiers, often eight or nine
> > shots at a
> >     time. Eightyfive percent of soldiers were told by their
> > commanders that
> >     they could not refuse the vaccines, under threat of
> courtmartial, and
> > 43%
> >     experienced immediate side effects.
> >
> >       Together, the vaccines and Saddam's chemical weapons
> > produced a toxic
> >     cocktail producing GWI, the symptoms of which include:
> aching joints,
> >     chronic fatigue, memory loss, night sweats, headaches, skin rashes,
> >     depression, muscle spasms, dizziness, nausea, vision problems, sex
> >     problems, urination problems, hair loss, bleeding gums,
> > vision problems,
> >     and eye pain.
> >
> >       Perhaps the most frightening facet of GWI is that a large
> > fraction of
> > it is a
> >     communicable disease  caused by the biological weapons
> which Gulf War
> >     vets have passed on to their wives, their children,
> including those in
> > utero,
> >     and even to pets.
> >
> >       In his congressional testimony, Dr. Garth Nicolson stated that the
> > Gulf
> >     War was the first time in history that vaccine records on the troops
> > were
> >     classified  and remain classified to this day. The Department
> > of Defense
> >     has admitted, however, that over 400,000 records have disappeared.
> >
> >       Former Air Force Captain Joyce Riley, a Gulf War vet and
> > another major
> >     figure working to expose the causes of GWI, has concluded
> that medical
> >     records of approximately 70% of all Gulf War vets are listed as
> > "missing."
> >
> >       Another bizarre twist to this tale is that the army's
> > medical records
> > from
> >     the Gulf War were in storage at the Murrah Federal Building
> > in Oklahoma
> >     City when it was bombed.
> >
> >       What has alarmed the Nicolsons, and other researchers, is that
> >     mycoplasmal infections are often relatively benign, but preliminary
> >     investigations of some mycoplasma found in some Gulf War veterans
> >     contains the HIV1 envelope gene, a component of the AIDS virus which
> >     renders the mycoplasma invasive, enabling it to spread
> throughout the
> >     body, alter DNA, and cause birth defects.
> >
> >       Another frightful scenario is the possibility that some
> > vets, who have
> > been
> >     infected with the mycoplasma disease but as yet show no
> symptoms, may
> >     be donating blood, and thereby infecting the larger population.
> >
> >       This is the view of Dr. Patricia Axelrod, one of the
> first to speak
> > out about
> >     Gulf War Illness. In a Dec. 12th, 1996 Montel interview,
> she said: "We
> > are
> >     dealing with bacterial warfare agents. We are dealing with chemical
> > warfare
> >     agents. We are dealing with radiation poisoning. . . . The
> > Department of
> >     Defense is covering this up."
> >
> >       Already, as Life magazine reported in 1995, an abnormally high
> >     percentage of children with birth defects have been born to Gulf War
> > vets.
> >
> >     More Mysteries
> >
> >       On Feb. 9th, 1994, former Michigan Sen. Don Riegle, Jr.,
> took to the
> > floor
> >     of the U.S. Senate and reported:
> >
> >       "Records available from the supplier for the period from
> 1985 until
> > the
> >     present show that during this period, pathogenicbiologic
> > agents  meaning
> >     poisonous and other materials  were exported to Iraq pursuant to
> >     application and licensing by the U.S. Department of Commerce.
> >
> >       "Records prior to 1985 were not available, according to the
> > supplier.
> >     These exported materials were not attenuated or weakened and were
> >     capable of reproduction. Thus, from at least 1985 through 1989, the
> >     United States government approved the sale of quantities of
> > potentially
> >     lethal biological agents that could have been cultured or
> > grown in large
> >     quantities in an Iraqi biological warfare program. . . .
> >
> >       "I find it especially troubling that, according to the supplier's
> > records,
> >     these materials were requested by and sent to Iraqi
> > government agencies,
> >     including the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission, the Iraq Ministry of
> > Higher
> >     Education, the State Company for Drug Industries, and the
> Ministry of
> >     Trade. While there may be legitimate needs for pathogens in medical
> >     research, closer scrutiny should be exercised."
> >
> >       Among the chemicals sent to Iraq Riegle cited were Bacillus
> > Anthacis,
> >     Clostridium Botulinum, Histoplasma Capsulatum, and Brucella
> > Melitensis.
> >
> >       "If you look at what the Iraqis were ordering," said Dr. Nicolson,
> > "they
> >     were ordering far more than what they would need for
> > legitimate testing
> >     purposes as controls for diagnostic testing."
> >
> >       Among the companies granted export licenses to ship these
> > toxic agents
> >     abroad was the American Type Culture Collection of
> Rockville, Md., and
> > the
> >     federal government's own Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta was
> >     responsible for shipping some of the materials, according
> to Riegle's
> >     investigation.
> >
> >     Strange Twists
> >
> >       One of the strangest facts among the millions uncovered by
> > investigators
> >     such as the Nicolsons and Captain Riley is that Nobel
> laureate Joshua
> >     Lederberg of Rockefeller University is on American Type Culture
> >     Collection's board of directors.
> >
> >       Lederberg is not only one of the world's leading experts on
> > cuttingedge
> >     molecular biology and genetics, but was also named to lead the
> >     presidential commission to investigate the Gulf War disease
> > by President
> >     Clinton.
> >
> >       Lederberg, a member of the Department of Defense Science Board and
> >     an advocate of biological warfare, has helped steer Defense funds to
> >     organizations working on biological warfare.
> >
> >       As chairman of the government's investigators into GWI, Lederberg
> >     claimed that his researchers could not discover any cause
> for Gulf War
> >     Illness.
> >
> >       Another Nobel laureate who figures in this drama is Dr.
> > James Watson,
> >     who won a Nobel in 1962 for physiology and medicine with two British
> >     scientists, Francis Crick and Maurice Wilson, for his role in
> > unraveling
> > the
> >     molecular structure of DNA.
> >
> >       In 1968, Watson became director of the Cold Spring Harbor
> Laboratory
> > of
> >     Quantitative Biology in New York, where he is a leading
> researcher in
> > the
> >     Human Genome Project.
> >
> >       Watson, with other doctors, was involved in the development
> > of the flu
> >     vaccine which was used on the inmates in Texas prisons.
> >
> >       Meanwhile, as the Clinton administration slowly changes
> its official
> >     position that Gulf War Illness is a myth, the Department of Defense
> >     acknowledges its past shortcomings in handling complaints
> > related to GWI
> >     and research on its causes; the Veterans Administration has reported
> > that
> >     the activeduty tumor rate in the U.S. military has
> increased more than
> >     600% since 1990; there is a health crisis in the gulf
> states, with an
> >     estimated 15%20% of populations "sick" at any given time;
> > birth defects
> >     and infant deaths are soaring.
> >
> >       In a September, 1996 appearance at Washington University in
> > St. Louis,
> >     Nobel laureate Edward O. Wilson, an environmental
> scientist, spoke on
> > the
> >     subject of downsizing the earth's population.
> >
> >       The mildmannered Harvard professor of entomology, reported The St.
> >     Louis PostDispatch (Sept. 12th, 1996), explained how the earth's
> >     population had to be brought down to "'the hundreds of
> millions' for a
> > true
> >     ecological balance. . . .
> >
> >       "A single global policy on population is unfeasible, he said. But
> > efforts
> >     are under way in this and other populous nations to achieve zero
> >     population growth and even depopulation, he said."
> >
> >       The March/April, 1996 edition of Foreign Affairs published
> > an article
> > for its
> >     elite readership, "Why We Need a Smaller U.S. Population and How We
> >     Can Achieve It."
> >
> >       The stuff of fiction? Not anymore.
> >
> >       "This story gets more and more tangled the deeper you dig," Dr.
> > Nicolson
> >     told The Wanderer.
> >
> >       Indeed it does, especially as GWI is exploding in the civilian
> > population.
> >
> >                            +    +    +
> >
> >       For Gulf War vets, there is some good news, Dr. Nicolson
> said. "The
> >     Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs are now
> >     allowing physicians to treat microplasma infections in Gulf
> > War Illness
> >     patients with antibiotics, according to our published protocols.
> >
> >       "This was not allowed just a few months ago."
> >
> >
> >                       Return to Home Page
> >
> > >
> >

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