-Caveat Lector-

At 02:22 PM 10/18/99 -0500, you wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
>Thanks for the photos.  The one's I've seen previously are poor in color and
>Can you transcribe from "airport.jpg" the text of the the scroll and the
>inscription at the bottom left of the mural the next time you're at the

It says:  "I was once a little child who longed for other worlds.
But I am no more a child for I have known fear.
I have learned to hate...
How tragic, then, is youth which lives with enemies, with gallows ropes.
Yet, I still believe I only sleep today, that I'll wake up, a child again,
and, start to laugh and play."

There is something in smaller print at the bottom, which I cannot make
out.  I will have to check on it and let you know.

>I've noticed how the weapon appears to be a fusion of the US M-16A1 and a
>Russian AK-47.  Also, the character looks like one of the Four Horsemen, War.
>Any more of those murals around?

I don't think so.

>3's, 5's, triangles and a Masonic capstone for a public facility.  Verrry
>interesting.  Where in the airport is the capstone located?

It is located at the very southern end of the facility on the same side as
the black disk.


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