-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector --Notice that this screed has been posted liberally
to many newsgroups under many different headings. Are these really beliefs or
screeds? To me they seem more screeds. velveetazing and scurrilizing
conspiracy research. There is truth , but much false emotional gutwork.
infowar hardening of sides.
Click Here: <A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:563292">Dianne Sawyer a
Luciferian is Criticizing Christians</A>
Subject: Dianne Sawyer a Luciferian is Criticizing Christians
From: Anonymous <A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>
Date: Fri, 22 October 1999 09:25 AM EDT
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dianne Sawyer, a member of the Luciferian Illuminati (the CFR) is
now criticizing Christians for following God's word: that homosexuality
is an abomination to God.  Well that's understandable.

Harry Potter and the Succession of School Killings

Most of the students involved in the succession of school killings
were dabbling in the occult.

The Columbine Massacre was Executed by Homosexual Vampire Satanists



According to a guest on the Tex Marrs shortwave radio show: schools
are indoctrinating students into witchcraft, have classes that
focus on death, and like the principal at Columbine, make the misfits
feel that they are the victims of harrassment (thus subliminally
justifying violence), instead of teaching them to conform, forbid
the discussion of Christianity, and teach evolution as a fact, instead
of as a theory.  All these tactics are the result of the Luciferian
Jew World Order's scheme to disarm us, by sacrificing our children
on the altar of satan!


A Jewstice Department that only prosecuted a handfull, out of thousands
of gun crimes committed by juveniles.

Treasonous Supreme Court denying the free practice of religion (Congress
could overturn their decision and not give them appellate authority).

Hollywood brainwashing of our children: by glamourizing violence
and the occult (satanism was involved in these school shootings).

Criminal Coddlers
These people are responsible for the destruction of our criminal
justice system; as a result thousands of people have been murdered
and maimed.  They are part of the globalist conspiracy to encourage
crime by coddling criminals, so that they will have an excuse to
disarm us.

The way to prevent crime is through deterrence: no crime, no victim,
no rehabilitation, no prison overcrowding.  An authority on the subject
-- God -- said: an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.  Bring back
the chain gang and the rock pile!

Media that encourages crime: by treating criminals as though they are
victims (their licenses should be revoked: we own the airwaves, and they
do not operate in the public interest).

THESIS:      Create a problem.
ANTITHESIS:  Generate opposition to the problem (fear, panic, hysteria).
SYNTHESIS:   Offer the solution to the problem created in step one; which
would invariably be a societal "change" or "shift" which would have been
impossible to impose upon the people without the proper psychological
conditioning achieved in stages one and two.

Finally, why isn't our treasonous anti-American government being arrested?
Didn't the military and law enforcement take an oath to preserve, protect,
and defend the Constitution.


It is now imperative that you organize your neighborhoods into
militias, inorder to prepare for the coming slaughter!!!  Resist
any effort to violate your Second Amendment and Tenth Amendment
rights.  Gun control leads to genocde.


From: harvest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, April 11, 1999 12:48 PM

We have just received the following with which we fully agree and
support.  We performed some minor editing so that it is legally,
Lawfully, and morally correct.)

Public Notice and Declaration

This Public Notice and Declaration of Lawful Intent is hereby served
upon the President, Vice President, President's Cabinet, Members of
the Senate,  Members of the House of Representatives, departments,
agencies, officials, officers, military officers, employees of the
de-facto government of the  United States of America and to all
officials elected or appointed of the several Union States.

The President of the United States of America and his administration
are engaged in a conspiracy to establish world government. Therefore
the President and his administration are engaged in TREASON having
caused a state of insurrection against the Constitution for the United
States of America.

The President of the United States of America has acted against the
Constitution for the United States of America, the North Atlantic
Treaty, and the United Nations Charter upon his own initiative
committing an Act of War against Yugoslavia, a sovereign nation,
without provocation of any kind whatsoever.

The President has ordered or caused to be ordered American military
personnel to be unconstitutionally placed under the command of foreign
and/or International political and military officials, officers, and
organizations and to engage in unconstitutional War. In the commission
of these actions the President of the United States has committed
TREASON, crimes against humanity, and war crimes against the People of

The President has accepted illegal campaign contributions from an
admitted enemy of the United States of America, Communist China, which
contributions constitute bribery and TREASON in that he is giving aid
and comfort to an enemy of the United States of America. Having been
bribed the President has caused defense secrets concerning atomic
weaponry, rocket and satellite technology to be delivered to Communist
China. The President has proposed and supported concessions to build
Shown 36%, press <SPACE> for more, 'q' to quit, or 'h' for help
bases and shipping facilities in the United States, favored nation
status, and membership in the World Trade Organization to be delivered
to Communist China.

The President has caused the FBI, BATF, and IRS as national
political police to invade the sovereign jurisdiction of the Union
States to arrest, and murder Citizens, and seize property without just
compensation. Furthermore these rogue agencies were not lawfully or
Constitutionally formed and are not lawful agencies of the United
States of America.

In the deployment of these rogue agencies against the Citizens of
the several States of the Union the President of the United States of
America has unconstitutionally and unlawfully used military personnel
and equipment against his political enemies amongst the American
People. Reference the murder of Vicki Weaver, the Branch Davidians,
the Oklahoma City Bombing, and other crimes against humanity.

The Commanding Officers of the Military Forces of the United States
of America have abdicated their Oaths of Allegiance. Therefore they
are participants in the conspiracy. Therefore the General Officers of
the Military of the United States of America are engaged in TREASON.
The Members of the Senate and the House of Representatives of the
Congress have abdicated their Oaths, Responsibilities and Duties, by
these actions giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the United
States of America. Therefore the Members of Congress are engaged in
acts of TREASON.

The Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of the United
States of  America have failed to maintain any semblance of a
Constitutional balance of Power. All three branches have exceeded
their Lawful Power and have committed offenses against the
Constitution for the United States of America,
the several States of the Union, and the Citizens of those States. Any
unlawful or unconstitutional act or acts committed by any branch of
government of the United States of America not included in this
Declaration of Intent will not be considered to be excused or ignored.

The government of the United States of America must now be
recognized as an unlawful, unconstitutional de-facto government
engaged in tyranny and TREASON. Therefore all powers of government now
fall to the several States of the Union and to the People. If the
Union States fail to act the Responsibility and Duty to Restore
Constitutional Republican Government falls to the People.

If Constitutional Republican Government is not restored by those
presently in government a de-jure government in exile will be formed
by the American People. If hostilities are forced upon the American
People the de-jure government in exile will be recognized as the
official Lawful and Constitutional government of the United States of

We have reached the threshold from which there can be no return. We
must be of the mind and the one action which serves to reestablish the
Lawful Constitutional Republican Government under the Supreme Law of
the Land, the Constitution for the United States of America, or face
enslavement in a world totalitarian socialist state.

Therefore all Loyal American Patriots are hereby called to Arms,
join or form Militia. All Americans and Militia are forbidden to
engage in any unlawful or criminal act whatsoever. Any man, woman, or
Militia which engages in any unlawful or criminal act, or acts, will
be dealt with severely under the Law or provisions of the Uniform Code
of Military Justice.

The Loyal men and women of the Military Forces of the United States
of America who will honor their Oaths who are in uniform under Arms
must support the restoration of Constitutional Republican Government
with all personnel and equipment immediately if commencement of
hostilities are forced upon the American People.

The Militia is prepared to accept the Lawful command of Loyal Union
State  Governors or the highest ranking Loyal General Officer of the
Military of the United States should any have the moral commitment to
his/her Oath and the guts to stand with the People against this
TREASON. All United States government and military personnel who
refuse to support restoration of Constitutional Republican Government
if or when hostilities are forced upon the American People will be
considered in insurrection against the United States of America and
will be destroyed at the first opportunity by any means available.
Personnel who surrender during hostilities will be considered to be
Prisoners of War and will be treated accordingly under the
provisions of the Geneva Convention.

Commanding Officers of all existing Militia are requested to prepare
your units to be ready to deploy within a 24 hour notice when and if
the American People are forced into hostile actions to restore
Constitutional Republican Government in accordance with the Founding
Law set forth in the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united
States of America dated July 4, 1776, all relevant Articles of the
Constitution for the United States of America, and relevant Articles
of the Constitutions for the Several States of the Union.  Any person,
persons, organizations, or military force which opposes this Lawful
enterprise once it is forced upon us, will be considered to be engage
in TREASON against the United States of America.

We hereby declare that all orders, declarations, executive decrees,
and laws that are repugnant to the Constitution for the United States
of America are null and void from the date of their inception and are
not recognized by the Citizens of the Several States of the Union. We
hereby declare that any official, officer, judge, or person who
attempts to enforce any unconstitutional order, declaration, executive
decree, or law upon any  Citizen of any Union State is engaged in
tyranny and in insurrection against the United States of America.
These acts constitute TREASON.

We do not wish to engage in open warfare against our fellow
Americans. But know this; we are fully committed that all those who
have died that we, their posterity, might live Free under
Constitutional Republican Government shall not have died in vain. We
call upon all those in the government and military of the United
States of America to change your course immediately and restore
Constitutional Republican Government or face the ultimate
consequence of your actions.

We serve notice that any American Citizens of any Union State who
are targeted, arrested, or imprisoned because they signed this Public
Notice and Declaration will be considered to be a political Prisoner
of War and is to be treated as such in accordance with the Geneva
Convention. Violation of this provision of this Declaration will
constitute a War Crime and will be deal with severely under the Law.

Fully embracing the principles and ideals of Liberty and Freedom for
all men and women regardless of race, religion, or place of ancestral
origin, to secure the protection of the Rights of the American
Citizens of the several States of the Union, recognizing that the
protection of the Rights of the Individual is the best and only
guarantee of the ultimate welfare of the whole body of Citizens, and
for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the
protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each
other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

(As a loyal American who took the Oath as a member of the United
States Air Force and United States Navy to protect and defend the
Constitution for the United States of America against all enemies
foreign and domestic, I freely, and with full knowledge, sign the
above and encourage all other loyalAmericans to capture this document,
sign it, obtain as many other signatures as you are able, and send it
to every city, county, State, and federal agency, official, officer,
military command and etc.)

William Cooper
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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