-Caveat Lector-

BBC bans Dyke aide over links to Labour [Party]

 THE BBC chairman, Sir Christopher Bland, has stopped
 Greg Dyke, the incoming director-general, from bringing his
 long-time personal assistant to the corporation because of
 her Labour connections, writes Richard Brooks.

 Fiona Hillary has close connections with Tony and Cherie
 Blair and lives with Barry Cox, a behind-the-scenes power
 in new Labour. Cox, deputy chairman of Channel 4, has also
 been a leading campaigner against a digital licence fee for the

 Yesterday Dyke confirmed the veto but said he could not
 comment. Friends say he is disappointed, as he has worked
 with Hillary for more than 12 years.

 BBC insiders say Bland and several senior executives felt it
 would be "political suicide" for Dyke to bring Hillary with
 him. In last spring's run-up to the selection of the
 director-general, Dyke was criticised for his links to Labour
 and for giving money to Blair and the party.

 Hillary and Cox are very much part of the new Labour
 circuit. They visited the Blairs this summer when the prime
 minister and his family were staying in Italy. The Blairs called
 in at the Cox home in southwest France for the 50th birthday
 celebrations of Maggie Rae, who is Cherie's best friend and
 a former flat-mate.

 Cox, whose second wife, Katy Kay, has been Sir John Birt's
 personal assistant since he arrived at the BBC in 1987 and
 before that at London Weekend Television, met the Blairs in
 the early 1980s when they were neighbours in Hackney. He
 was the leading fundraiser during Blair's 1994 Labour
 leadership campaign.

 His son Buster joined Cherie Blair's barrister chambers as
 her pupil.

 Discussions about Hillary joining Dyke at the BBC had been
 quietly going on for some weeks before Bland vetoed the
 job on Friday.

 Dyke will join the BBC a week tomorrow as
 director-general designate. He will receive his full salary of
 "more than £400,000", though he does not take over from
 Birt until April.

The Sunday Times, 24 Oct. 1999

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