-Caveat Lector-

Teacher Criticized for Essay Topic
The Associated Press
Monday, Oct. 25, 1999; 5:48 p.m. EDT

FRANKLIN, Ohio –– A high school teacher was reprimanded for offering a list
of possible topics for a writing assignment that included the question: "If
you had to assassinate one famous person who is alive right now, who would
it be and how would you do it?"

Parents said they were outraged considering the string of fatal shootings of
students and teachers at schools around the country.

"I think it was in poor taste considering what's happened," said Valerie
Ward, whose son is a 10th-grader at Franklin High School.

The issue arose from a single-sheet list of suggested topics for the
students to write about in their daily journals.

Another question that upset parents asked students who they would save "if
you had to lose everyone you know in a tragic accident except one person."

Administrators declined to identify the teacher in this community, about 30
miles north of Cincinnati.

The school's principal, Robert Leahy, told The Cincinnati Enquirer for a
story Monday that he met with the teacher and told her the assassination
question was inappropriate. Leahy did not return calls to his office for
additional comment Monday.

Administrators said no further action will be taken against the second-year

Questions for the journals were distributed at the beginning of the school
year for ninth- and 10th-grade English students.

"You get them thinking about how to off somebody," Mrs. Ward said. "I hate
to think that kids have to think about these kinds of things."

Another parent noted that students in some schools have been suspended for
merely talking about considering violent acts.

"They mention the word gun and they're out the door," said Beth Kinzer, who
has freshman and senior sons at Franklin High School. "She should get the
same thing the kids would get – five days' suspension."

My personal list is becoming more lengthy all the time.


We don't need a 3rd party;  we need a 2nd Party.

The DNC and the GOP defined:
     Two wings of the same bird of prey,
The National Socialist DemocRatic Republican Party.

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