-Caveat Lector-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:15:53 +0200
From: Jeroen Hellingman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Boycot Amazon.com

[Moderator: For background on this post, see recent wire service reports
 from October 22, such as this one from the Associated Press on the
 USA Today site: http://www.usatoday.com/life/cyber/tech/ctg494.htm
 A Forbes story at http://www.forbes.com/tool/html/99/Oct/1022/mu6.htm
 also gives some comments from some industry and legal watchers. - JMO]

In light of the recent case of alleged patent infringement by amazon.com
against Barnes and Noble (involving the use of one-click ordering of books,
a trivial application of cookies or personalised web pages) I've decided to
stop using Amazon.com's services, and would like to ask everybody on this
list to do the same. Such vague patents on software and business processes
are a direct thread to a liberal market with healthy competition and
to the freedom of speech and democracy.

I've written amazon.com the following e-mail:


Dear Sir/Madam,

I have always been a happy customer of amazon.com, and used your service
with confidence,
but now I feel forced to stop the use of your services.

Reading about your recent patent claims against Barnes and Noble, I am
heavily disturbed,
because I think the claim is pushing an already bad practice of patent
claims on software and
business processes a bit further. I believe these practices are very bad for
consumers, as they
destroy an open market, in which competition can operate freely and isn't
bullied by a few large
players holding a bunch of vague patents (I am not wishing to imply that BN
is a small player in this business).
Such market practices will ultimately be bad for society as a whole. It is
sad the patent office allows such patents, and I hope legislation will be
changed and you will cease pursuing such ridiculous patent claims.

In the mean time will resort to the only means of protest I have as a
customer, and stop using
your services, and will ask as many people as possible to do the same.


Jeroen Hellingman

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