-Caveat Lector-

Forwarding this on  .. Somethings up Guys..


>From another list..

             I have been following the various ideas being raised about
speculative events either on or around the 7th Nov and 11th Nov this year.
Obviously I keep an eye and ear open at all times. Very recently on
Hoaglands site "The Enterprise Mission", he had information that the US
Reserves where being called up for the dates in question.

 At this end I have just made some inquires on our alert status with my
"friend" with the highest rating security clearance for civilian workers. I
asked him if he had heard of anything going on between these dates - he
sounded puzzled and said nothing that he had heard of. He did not even know
why I was asking the questions for. However he said that all alert status
had been raised this week by two levels - which was unusual.

My "friend" I have know many years and is completely trustworthy - knowing
that my "friend" had security contacts in the Egyptian Government I asked
what he thought of the recent air crash. He said there was more to it than
was being made public. Names of the high ranking military officers where
being held as there was something special being carried out.

I have no further information and I will try to get more information as it
becomes available.

I would appreciate it if you could post this without acknowledging where it
came from xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - in order to keep a low profile (you could even
it to Hoagland - I am sure he would appreciate it)

All the best



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