-Caveat Lector-


 Forest Service boss in Nevada quits,
 cites hostility toward federal workers
 6.12 p.m. ET (2322 GMT) November 8, 1999

 By Scott Sonner, Associated Press

 RENO, Nev. (AP) — The Forest Service
 supervisor in charge of national forests in
 Nevada abruptly announced her resignation
 Monday, citing an atmosphere of "hostility and
 distrust'' toward federal employees in the state.

 Locked in a battle over protection of the
 threatened bull trout as well as mining and
 livestock grazing controversies in Nevada,
 Gloria Flora said she intends to leave her post
 soon after the first of the year.

 "Fed-bashing is a sport here and I refuse to sit
 by quietly and let it happen as many others are
 doing,'' Flora, supervisor of the
 Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, said in a
 statement. "I hope that my departure will call
 attention to this situation.''

 Flora, who said she'll consider reassignment to
 another Forest Service post, became supervisor
 in July 1998 of the Humboldt-Toiyabe — the
 largest national forest in the Lower 48 states.

 Most recently, she has angered some county,
 state and federal officials involved in a dispute
 over threatened bull trout in Elko County,
 where officials want to rebuild a remote road
 inside the national forest.

 "We have accomplished some outstanding
 natural resource work, however, the
 atmosphere of hostility and distrust toward
 federal employees is unacceptable,'' Flora said.

 Forest Service scientists say reconstruction of
 the road, which was wiped out in a flood in
 1995, could push the last surviving bull trout
 in Nevada into extinction.

 A citizen work crew led by state Assemblyman
 John Carpenter backed down from plans to
 defy the Forest Service and rebuild the road
 after politicians worried about violence and a
 federal judge issued a restraining order against

 Jack Blackwell, regional forester in charge of
 the Forest Service's Intermountain Region, said
 he understands Flora's reasons for leaving.

 "The Forest Service is in the middle of
 controversy about natural resource issues
 everywhere in the country, but the acrimony
 and attitude toward the agency, its employees
 and other federal employees in Nevada are
 extremely troubling to me,'' Blackwell said.

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