-Caveat Lector-


11/9/99 -- 1:09 AM

                Man denies threatening with poison
                        By ACE ATKINS of The Tampa Tribune

    TAMPA - A Seminole Heights man charged with threatening two Colorado judges

    makes a first appearance in federal court.

    As James Kenneth Gluck was led into federal court Monday, he denied sending

    threatening letters to two Colorado judges or plotting biological warfare
in his
    Seminole Heights home.

    Gluck, 53, said that kind of alchemy - turning peas into toxic gas - is
impossible and
    that his religious rights are being violated.

    Whisked away by FBI agents, he was unable to explain the connection between
    faith and allegedly having the ingredients to make what agents call ``the
third most
    toxic substance known to man.''

    Saturday, Tampa police sealed off a block of Central Avenue and called in a
team of
    specialists from Washington, D.C., to search for the poison ricin in
Gluck's home.

    One milligram of 100 percent ricin taken orally can kill an adult and has
no known
    antidote. The poison is made from castor beans and rosary peas that grow
wild in

    In the home he shares with a Florida Orchestra violist, at 4018 N. Central
Ave., agents
    say they found ingredients for the poison, several antigovernment books
such as the
    ``Anarchist Cookbook'' and a black-powder pistol and rifle.

    Monday, Gluck sat before U.S. Magistrate Mary S. Scriven, rocking in his
chair and
    smiling. Sometimes he flippantly answered the judge's questions.

    Special Agent Kerry Myers, a weapons of mass destruction expert and bomb
    technician for the FBI, took the charges more seriously. ``He threatened
military force
    and to kill approximately 10,000 people,'' Myers said.

    A letter was received by a judge on the Colorado Court of Appeals on Sept.
    concerning one of Gluck's cases.

    In August 1997, a judge in Jefferson County, Colo., ruled against Gluck for
    storing metal, wood, plastic and junk on his property, according to a
report in the
    Denver Rocky Mountain News. In 1989, Gluck was fined $274 for illegally
    a dead barn owl.

    He later hung the owl's body on a tree and said he had ``consigned the owl
back to
    nature,'' the report states.

    The September letter to the judge praises the Columbine High School
shooting and
    the way the incident ``shook authority.'' It states that anyone with
knowledge of
    explosives could easily take down the Jefferson County Justice Center with
only a
    pickup truck.

    The letter mentions ricin last as ``a quintessential American weapon for
`making a
    killing' (literally) without any responsibility because it cannot be
determined who
    used it and it cannot be determined where it came from.''

    The letter was signed ``James Kenneth Gluck'' and had a postscript:
``Welcome to the
    New Year 5760 Judge Taubman, and to the 21st Christian century, and to the
    weapons of that century.''

    Details of the second letter were not available.

    FBI spokesman Brian Kensel downplayed the arrest.

    ``This is actually a pretty routine case,'' he said. ``It's just a
different choice of
    weapon. Usually they threaten to blow up or strangle. This is just a modern

    Gluck is being held without bail.

    Ace Atkins covers law enforcement and can be reached at (813) 259-7800 or

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