-Caveat Lector-

European Parliament Draft Resolutions
posted by Dr. Nick Begich,  Author of Angels Don't Play This HAARP

Dave Hartley

From:             Nick Begich
Date sent:        Fri, 4 Dec 1998 08:23:41 +0000
Subject:          Specific resolutions reported by Nick Begich

Below are the draft resolutions of the European Parliament. These
are in debate now and should move to a full vote in January. We
expect the bulk of the resolutions to stay as written....Nick

underlining indicates amendment, (1): indicates footnote

-    having regard to the hearing on HAARP and Non-lethal Weapons
held by the Foreign Affairs Subcommitee on Security and
Disarmament in Bruxelles on 5. February '98,

H (a) (new)  whereas nevertheless the military continue to
expropriate technologies created for environmental and health
purposes for exclusive military use, thereby denying humanity
these benefits and instead creating new risks(1),

(1) For example, the digital 'Neurophone', a health device, based
on US patent number 3,393,279, July 16, 1968, invented by Dr
Gillis Patrick Flanagan, was put under a secrecy order by the US
Defense Intelligence Agency, Earthpulse Flashpoints No 1,
Earthpulse, Alaska, 1996;

H (b) (new) whereas, despite the existing conventions, military
research is ongoing on environmental manipulation as a weapon, as
demonstrated for example by the Alaska-based HAARP system (2);

(2) *Convention on Prohibition or Restriction of the use of
Certain Conventional Weapon which may be deemed to be Excessively
Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects*, a 1980 UN treaty
which deals with, amongst other types, weapons *that utilise
......electromagnetic energy..... for their effects; United States
patent number 4,686,605, *Method and Apparatus for Altering a
region in the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or
Magnetosphere*, Bernard Eastlund, APTI, Los Angeles, Jan 10 1985;
*Ionospheric Modification and its Potential to Enhance or Degrade
the Performance of Military Systems*, Advisory Group for Aerospace
Research and Development (AGARD-CP-485), NATO, Neuilly sur Seine,
France, Oct '90; Department of Defense News Briefing, Secretary of
Defense William Cohen, April 28, 1997, where he says: *Others are
engaging in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter
climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes, remotely through the use
of electromagnetic waves.*;

H (c) (new) whereas there is mounting documented evidence, from as
early as the 1960s, much of it from official and military sources,
clearly indicating the potential of electromagnetic radiation to
profoundly affect humans, positively or negatively, leading to the
possibility of new medical treatments and/or methods for
manipulation of human central nervous system, including brain
function, and even high energy weapons (3);

(3) Telegram of Henry Kissinger to the US Embassy in Moscow of
April 1976, on the detrimental health effects of the
electromagnetic 'Moscow Signals' on the embassy staff; Defense
Intelligence Agency Report DST-1808S-38-75, 'Soviet and
Czechoslovakian Parapsychology Research', 1988; Meeting Report of
the Tri-Service Electromagnetic Radiation Advisory Panel (TERP; US
military coordination), 1 May 1989, which refers to
'vulnerability, survivability and effects of electromagnetic
beams'; 'Microwave Weapon Design and Performance Envelope'
(LA-CP-94-0061), work supported by the US Army Research,
Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC), Picatinny Arsenal, New
jersey, and,  'Microwave Related Efforts at the Los Alamos
National Laboratory' (LA-UR83-150), submitted to: High Power
Microwave Technology Conference, Harry Diamond Laboratory,
Adelphi, Maryland, 1-3 March 1983; *The Electromagnetic Spectrum
in Low-Intensity Conflict*, paper by Capt Paul E Tyler, Medical
Command, United States Navy, in *Low Intensity Conflict and Modern
Technology*, proceedings of a conference of that title held at
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, March 1984, sponsored by the Air
University Ceter for Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education
(CADRE), June 1986, which deals explicitly with the possibilities
of using electromagnetic weapons to affect the human Central
Nervous System, specifically mentioning the potential for fatal
results; *New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st
Century - Ancilliary volume, Scientific Advisory Board (Air
Force), Washington DC, document no: 19960618040, 1996, p 89-90;
*The Mind has no Firewall*, Timoty L Thomas, in 'Paramaters',
Quaterly Journal of the US Army War College, Spring 1998;

H (d) (new) whereas there is also mounting evidence of the use of
such weapons, for example against the US Embassy in Moscow in the
60s, on the women protesters at Greenham Common, via what the US
Air Force Headquarters 501st Security Police Group refer to as a
'superfence', and more recently against the Iraqi troops during
the Gulf War (4),  and whereas academics at Queen Elizabeth
College in the UK advise the NATO Advanced Research Group on these

(4)Telegram of Henry Kissinger to the US Embassy in Moscow of
April 1976, on the detrimental health effects of the
electromagnetic 'Moscow Signals' on the embassy staff; 'Hi-Tech
Psychological Warfare arrives in the Middle East', Bulletin, 23
March 1991, ITV London News Bureau Ltd, quoting accounts from
Iraqi troops explaining the negative psychological effects of the
electromagnetic transmissions;

H (e) (new) whereas, in particular, the US military, and possibly
others, wish to develop the full potential of electromagnetic
weaponry, and continue to research and test this in relative
secrecy, with a view to both global and internal security, despite
concerns about both their potential for interfering with the
functioning of the human central nervous system, with the as yet
unimaginable consequences that may have, and their causing even
further global environmental disruption and health problems, as
well as new types of weapons proliferation and even a new arms
race in this field (5),

(5) 'Future Agenda', US Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future,
chaired by now Vice- President Al Gore, 1982, referring to
'offensive microwave systems'; *The Revolution in Military Affairs
and Conflict Short of War*, US Army War College, 1994;

H (f) (new) whereas the focus of weapons research is shifting
towards the control of domestic populations, which would not
breach current international treaties, as reflected in the
extensive development of so-called 'non-lethal' or
'less-than-lethal' technologies (6), and whereas the US is
continuing the development and deployment of space based weapons
systems, despite the environmental impact of launching them, and
the serious environmental and health risks posed by accidents
associated with any use of radioactive materials (RTGs) as power

(6) *The New Mental Battlefield*, John Alexander, US Army's
journal 'Military Review', December 1980, thought to be the origin
of the term 'non-lethal weapons'; *Report of the Attorney
General's Conference on Less than Lethal Weapons*, Sherri
Sweetman, US Dept of Justice (NII), March 1987; *Non-lethality: A
Global Strategy* - White paper, Janet Morris, Research Director,
US Global Strategy Council (USGSC),1991, dealing with
'life-conserving technologies', amongst others: laser blinding
systems, non-lethl electromagnetic technologies, non-nuclear
electromagnetic pulse weapons, and high-power microwaves (HPM);
Department of Defense Directive, Policy for Non-Lethal Weapons,
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Draft, July 21,
1994, officially linking these weapons with internal security;

H (g) (new) whereas the experience of the development and use of
nuclear power 'for peaceful purposes' serves as a salutory warning
as to how military secrecy can prevent proper assessment and
supervision of mixed civilian/military technologies if
transparency is in any way compromised,

H (h) (new) whereas, with hindsight, it is clear that allowing the
military to operate in secret has not protected their secrets from
their perceived enemies, and has in fact enabled all sorts of
excesses, including environmental and health ones, so that they
have come to threaten the security they purport to provide,
leading to an urgent need to open up well informed discussion,
with full access to documentation and witnesses, about all
implications of military activities, including those regarding the
environment and health, with a view to a more reasonable balance
between the security system and the actual security of the public;

Before  1 (new)

Therefore calls on the military to end all activities which
contribute to damaging the environment and health and to undertake
all steps necessary to clean up and decontamine the polluted
areas, and that the military should be made to pay compensation
for the damaged areas and for health damage to victims;

Before  1 (new)

Regards the the continuing development of 'star wars' SDI systems,
and use of radioactive energy sources (RTGs) in space craft by
both military and civilian space programs (eg Cassini which will
make an earth flyby next year), and and calls for an immediate
halt to such activity, since in particular it is now possible in
almost all missions to develop solar panels as alternatives to

14.   Calls on the European Union to seek to have all of the new
so-called 'non-lethal' or 'less-than-lethal' weapons technologies,
including in particular all forms of electromagnetic weaponry and
the development of new arms strategies also covered and regulated
and ultimately banned by international conventions as soon as
reasonably possible (7); (7) for example: *Prohibition of the
Development and Manufacture of New Types of Weapons of Mass
Destruction and New Systems of Such Weapons*, proposed draft by
Soviet Union, UN, 1975, augmented in 1979 with a reference to
electromagnetic weaponry, from 'The UN and Disarmament, 1945-85,
UN, 1985 (E.8S.IX.6);

14 (a) (new) Calls in particular for an international convention
for a global ban on all research and development, whether military
or civilian, which seeks to apply knowledge of the chemical,
electrical, sound vibration or other functioning of the human
brain to the development of systems which might enable any form of
manipulation of human beings for anything other than health
purposes, including a ban on any actual or possible deployment of
such systems;

15.  Regards the US military ionospheric manipulation system,
HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project), based in
Alaska, which is only a part of the development and deployment of
electromagnetic weaponry for both external and internal security
use, as an example of the most serious emering military threat to
the global environment and human health, as it seeks to interfere
with the highly sensitive and energtic section of the biosphere
for military purposes, while all of its consequences are not
clear, and calls on the Commission, Council and the Member States
to press the US Government, Russia and any other state involved in
such activities to cease, leading to a global convetion aginst
such weaponry; believes instead that ionospheric research should
only be conducted in a non-disruptive way in the realm of pure
civilian science;

15 (a) (new) Calls for the release of all patents developed in the
civilian field which have been expropriated by the military, for
compensation to be paid by the military to those who owned those
patents, and for an end to this practice, which deprives humanity
of technologies which could be useful for environmental and health

15 (b) (new) Calls for a Committee of Inquiry to investigate the
very extensive research in this field, and in particular the
multidinous claims of victims of being exposed to various forms of
electromagnetic systems and other so-called 'non-lethal' weapons,
to include in particular the claims of the women of Greenham
Common, but not limited to victims within the EU, so that former
Iraqi troops or others could at least be interviewed;

15 (c) (new) Believes that no secure position can be taken on
standards for human exposure to electromagnetic radiation until
all research is fully reviewed, including that subject to military
secrecy, and until the prospect of the use of this technology by
the military has been eliminated by international treaty;

Dr. Nick Begich
P. O. Box 201393
Anchorage, Alaska 99520
Earthpulse Press

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