-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

World News

No further nuclear tests, says Pakistan
Wednesday 10 November 1999

Pakistan's new military Government has vowed to maintain its self-imposed
moratorium on nuclear testing, but has reserved the right to respond if other
nations test first.

Addressing his first news conference since being sworn in at the weekend, the
Foreign Minister, Mr Abdus Sattar, said the military regime would try to
build a national consensus for signing the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
(CTBT), and in the meantime would abide by its spirit.

He said Pakistan could not afford to embark on a nuclear arms race, "nor is
it necessary".

"We will not be the first to conduct further tests. We have no plan
whatsoever at present to conduct further tests," he said, adding that it was
not always necessary to "respond to a bang with a bang".

While describing the containment of the nuclear danger in south Asia as "our
top priority", Mr Sattar said the treaty allowed for signatories to
reconsider their commitments if their security was threatened.

Pakistan conducted six nuclear tests in the remote Chagai Hills of western
Baluchistan in May 1998, in response to India's test of five nuclear devices.
It is believed to have a small arsenal of about 25 bombs, and has developed
medium-range missiles capable of carrying them.

Mr Sattar's comments came as the coup leader, General Pervaiz Musharraf,
headed for Turkey on the second leg of a tour aimed at bolstering Pakistan's
relations with its Muslim allies following the military's seizure of power on
12October. General Musharraf, who has styled himself as Pakistan's chief
executive, earlier visited the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia,
where hundreds of thousands of Pakistani migrant laborers work.

As officials prepare for a summit of Commonwealth leaders in Durban, Pakistan
confirmed that it would not attend, but insisted this did not amount to its
suspension from the organisation. "We have been told that under the rules it
is not possible for Pakistan to be invited but that Pakistan remains a valued
member of the Commonwealth and that there's no question at present of
Pakistan's suspension as a member of the Commonwealth," Mr Sattar said.

The minister confirmed his reputation as a hardliner towards India, saying
there were no prospects for a resumption of a dialogue agreed to in 1997
because New Delhi refused to talk to the new regime.

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