-Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

in collaboration with Paper Tiger TV, Freespeech TV, Whispered Media,
Changing America and hundreds of grassroots media activists present

Showdown in Seattle: Five Days that Shook the WTO


NOVEMBER 30, DEC 1, 2, 3, 4
everyday at 2PM EST (11AM Pacific) on
W1, TRANSPONDER 13. 103° West
Transmitted free to community cable and PBS stations in the US:

Each day we will transmit a one hour satellite feed: one half hour about

the activities in Seattle , and another half hour documentary about

Day One November 30,1999, 2PM EST (11AM Pacific)
Seattle Overview 30:00
Global Village or Global Pillage 30:00
This project shows constructive ways ordinary people around the world
are addressing the impact of globalization on their communities,
workplaces, and environments. It weaves together video of local and
transnational activities, interviews, music, and original video comics
to show that, through grassroots organizing combined with mutual support

around the world, ordinary people can empower themselves to deal with
the global economy. Produced by Jeremy Brecher, Tim Costello, Brendan

Day Two December 1, 1999, 2PM EST (11AM Pacific)
Seattle Report: Global Sweatshop: Working in the New World Order 30:00
Crisis of Capital, Hope of Labor 30:00
This powerful video provides a fast moving compilation of the recent
struggles of the Korean Labor Movement. General strikes, mobilizing
thousands of workers and their families, have successfully shut down
entire cities as labor has forced "neo-liberal" economic reforms to be
reconsidered. Neo-liberal reforms in Korea, not unlike those imposed on
countries like Indonesia, Brazil, and Mexico, have caused considerable
social unrest, and have devastated the lives of working people across
the globe. The Korean Labor Movement serves as an extraordinary example
of people working together to resist these oftentimes inhumane economic
practices, and to seek a future of their own choosing. Produced by
Korean Labor News Production

Day Three December 2, 1999, 2PM EST (11AM Pacific)
Seattle Report: Grassroots VS Globalization: the Money and the Law 30:00

Cancel the Debt Now 30:00
Jubilee 2000 is a worldwide movement to cancel the unpayable debts of
the most impoverished countries in the world by the end of the year
2000. This film explains the origin of these debts, and why they should
be canceled. It shows the devastating impact of debt upon the people and

the environment in poor countries, and it invites the American people to

work in solidarity with people from the developing countries to help
alleviate the suffering of hundreds of millions of people throughout
Africa, Latin America and Asia. Produced by Anne Macksoud

Day Four December 3, 1999, 2PM EST (11AM Pacific)
Seattle Report: Hunger, the Land and the Banks 30:00
Haiti's Piggy Bank: The Loss and Recovery of the Creole Pig 30:00
In Haiti's rugged countryside, the Creole pig was a poor family's most
important economic asset, a staple for both food and culture. When swine

flue broke out in 1980, USAID pressured Haiti to eradicate this
indigenous pig population. This video shows the self-interest of US aid,

the interconnected nature of resources, and the trauma caused by harsh
agricultural policies imposed from above. But it also teaches that
resistance can bring renewal and hope: through grassroots and human
rights assistance, the Creole pig has returned. This is an example of
how local capacities can solve local problems. Produced by Robin Lloyd

Day Five December 4, 1999, 2PM EST (11AM Pacific)
Seattle Summary: Where Do We Go From Here? 30:00
Deadly Embrace: Nicaragua, The World Bank, and the IMF 30:00
The war in Nicaragua is not over; it has only become more invisible to
the outside world. Deadly Embrace traces the history of U.S. involvement

in the region, focusing on the current economic attack of the IMF, the
World Bank and U.S. agencies. The tape combines footage of the everyday
struggle to survive with a textbook-clear analysis of structural
adjustment, the debt crisis and free trade. After five years of IMF and
World Bank programs, Nicaragua has experienced the worst economic
collapse in its history and has been reduced to one of the poorest
countries in the world. Nicaragua's situation is not unique ? six
million children die each year in the Third World because of IMF and
World Bank policies. Produced by Liz Canner.

Watch for the webcast coverage at www.indymedia.org and

Deep Dish Television, 339 Lafayette St NY, NY 10012, (212) 473-8933,
www.igc.org/deepdish, email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Paper Tiger TV: Carlos Pareja (212) 420-9045, Michael Eisenmenger (646)


PRESS RELEASE Please print, post or distribute
CONTACT:  Carlos Pareja (212) 420-9045, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jessie Epstein (212) 473-8933, Michael Eisenmenger (646) 245-3491

Programming Alert!

Showdown in Seattle: Five Days That Shook the WTO

In a Challenge to Multinational Corporate Power, Independent Media
Producers Rally To Make People’s Voices Heard.

Uplink Times and Locations:
Nov. 30, Dec. 1,2,3,4, 2pm-3pm (est), Satcom W1 (GE1-13), transponder
13, 103° West.

As the World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial approaches,
independent video makers, radio producers, journalists and activists are

rallying under the common goal of social and economic justice to
challenge the WTO pro-corporate policies. In an effort to reclaim media
democracy, this unprecedented media collaboration will make public the
voices and concerns of tens of thousands from all over the world who
will gather in Seattle from November 29 to December 3. Simultaneously,
it will offer independent, non-commercial analytical and investigative
coverage of the issues and implications surrounding multilateral
organizations such as the WTO.

Deep Dish Satellite TV in association with The Independent Media Center
in Seattle and Free Speech TV will broadcast directly from Seattle as
activists representing labor, the environment, civil society,
international law, and Indigenous Nations will converge on this city to
hold counter events and stage demonstrations. Big Noise Films, Changing
America, Citizen Vagrom, Paper Tiger TV, Speakeasy, Whispered Media and
others (over a dozen video crews in all) will participate in this
alternative pool coverage along with contributors from around the world.

The televised coverage will be provided on a next day basis via
satellitecast as a 60 minute feed during five consecutive days. The
series will consist of five 30-minute programs covering each day's
events. A diversity of cogent voices will articulate their concerns with

the WTO and contribute to an educated and meaningful understanding of
the issues. A second 30 minute satellite feed will consist of
pre-produced programming focusing on specific global issues as they
relate to the WTO, the IMF, and the World Bank .

Because these important voices, opinions and points of view are likely
to never be seen or heard in commercial mainstream media, Public Access
Cable TV Centers are invited to  encourage local producers to sponsor
and schedule this five day, five hour series on their local access
channels. Local PBS affiliates are also requested to run the series in
its entirety. The series is provided free of charge to non-commercial
programmers and channel provider and may be rebroadcast multiple times.
The series will also provide information on how viewers can receive
additional information via the Seattle Independent Media Center's
internet sites which will provide print, audio and video content on a
daily basis. See: www.indymedia.org.

If you are interested in receiving additional information on this
television series, contact: Carlos Pareja, phone: (212) 420-9045 or
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Additional information will be posted to
http://papertiger.org/wto and http://www.indymedia.org/.

Deep Dish Satellite Television Network • 339 Lafayette Street • New
York, NY, 10012 • ph: 212 473-8933 fax: 212 420-8223
Paper Tiger Television
339 Lafayette Street                       fax: (212) 420-8223
New York, NY 10012                     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
phone: (212) 420-9045           web: http://www.papertiger.org

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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