-Caveat Lector-

House Panel Grills Education Dept.

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Education Department, unable to give a Congressional
panel an accounting of disputed parts of a $32 billion budget and billions
more in student loans it manages, insisted it broke no laws and could
overcome its accounting troubles.

``Our auditors identified issues we must address, but they did not report
that any funds were lost, misallocated or stolen,'' Marshall Smith, a deputy
to Education Secretary Richard Riley, told the oversight and investigations
subcommittee of the House Education and Workforce Committee on Monday.

Testimony came a few weeks after the department, one of four federal agencies
unable to audit its 1998 books, became the last of the 24 agencies to submit
reports to the agency that oversees federal auditing.

Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., chairman of the investigations panel, said the
department, with its 1998 accounts in disarray, could be wasting millions of
taxpayer dollars meant for education programs.

Hoekstra read internal department e-mails and other documents that recounted
duplicate payments to grant winners and even an $800 million college loan to
a single student.

``Some say an audit is like making sure your shoes are tied, so you don't
trip,'' said Hoekstra. ``If the department's shoes are tied, there is less
chance of taxpayer dollars being lost to waste, fraud and abuse.''

Smith blamed a new accounting system that turned out to be faulty, and new
demands to prepare more financial statements. But he disputed allegations
that the disputed accounts and the lack of an audit threatens money for
federal programs for kindergarten-through-12th grade schoolchildren and
college students.

Hoekstra has clashed with the department over proposed budget cuts and
accused it of keeping a ``slush fund'' by not sending unclaimed grant money
back to the Treasury.

Witnesses told the panel that the department's ledgers routinely differed
from the transaction amounts it reported to the Treasury. Often, the
department would make adjustments to its own records without the paperwork to
support these changes, said Gloria Jarmon, who handles education and other
issues for the General Accounting Office, Congress' investigative agency.

Panel Democrats praised the department for lowering the student loan default
rate and other financial improvements, but also pledged to get specific
answers on the accounting problems. ``We need a coherent response to this,''
said Rep. Robert Scott, D-Va., ``We can't just have a billion here, a billion

But neither the department's internal watchdog nor the independent auditing
firm it hired to review the books could confirm any financial mismanagement.

In recent weeks the accounting firm, Ernst & Young, reported that computer
breakdowns and missing paperwork left the department unable to account for
chunks of money ranging from $500 million in un-awarded grants to up to $6
billion in discrepancies with Treasury's accounting of what the Education
Department has spent.

But Michael Lampley, a partner in Ernst & Young, said: ``I have no direct
knowledge of any financial mismanagement or violation of law I can report to

Smith told the committee that the department's faulty accounting system cost
$5.1 million, but that he could not estimate the cost of manpower and time
spent trying to make up for its flaws. He also told the panel that the
department had not yet chosen a replacement system. The new system would be
the department's third in five years.

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