-Caveat Lector-

Ralph is also available to travel and videotape other progressive events and
distribute low cost videotape documentary records of them.

To: undisclosed-recipients:; <undisclosed-recipients:;>
Subject: Experience Seattle on Eight 8-hour Videotapes, only $40
Date: Thursday, December 09, 1999 2:22 AM

Hola Friends of JusticeVision and others seeking social justice-

First of all, I want to thank those of you that kept nudging me about going
to Seattle, either to be there with them or to be there to record events on
their behalf. It was an amazing 8 days for me, for reasons you never would
have guessed from the media coverage. I doubt if history has ever seen such
massive convergence of compassion and intellect.

I know you have plenty to read so I will make this as short as I can. There
were multi-part teach-ins going on each day, and I taped as many of them as
could, as well as a good sampling of the marches, rallies, and protest
demonstrations that were going on. I taped about 66 hours in all. I am
putting together eight 8-hour videotapes (one 8-hour tape for each day I was
there), that will contain the 30 (or so) events I taped. I am keeping them
chronological order so that the viewer will be able to experience each event
in the context of what had taken place before. The experience will make
transparent the spin that leaders and media are putting on the the causes
implications of the weeks events, in a way that disorienting sound-bite
journalism never could, even if it wanted to. The experience will also give
you dozens of often amazing new heros (easily more than a hundred) to
from progressive movements around the world, as well as deepened respect for
and better familiarity with those you already know. Some show up in more
one venue, sometimes on different topics. A sampling of familiar names from
those that spoke at one or more of the events, in alphabetical order, is
Maude Barlow, Ruth Caplan, Tony Clarke, Kevin Danaher, Mike Dolan, Ronnie
Dugger, Susan George, Randall Hayes, Jim Hightower, Martin Khor, David
Korten, Michael Moore (ours, not theirs), Ralph Nader, Mark Ritchie, (Cuban
Foreign Minister) Felipe Perez Roque, Vandana Shiva, John Sweeney, Lori
Wallach, Jim Wallis, and Maxine Waters. There are also theater groups, and
musical performances by solo artists and groups such as the Raging Grandmas,
and Honey In The Rock. Though we were recording inside during the most
violent of the police riots, we were able to videotape what appeared to be
and what we believe was a completely unprovoked use of police force. We also
took part in both of the rallies and marches that culminated in the County
Jail lockdowns, and enjoyed preserving for you on video a large portion of
the several hours we were able to spend there with the protesters.

I'm offering the 8-videotape (approx. 64 hour) set for a requested donation
of $80, although I'll go as low as $40 because I know a lot of you can't
afford to pay more than that, and I would like very much for everyone to
share the experience as possible. I ordinarily don't ask people to pay in
advance, but I have to this time, because my VCRs are going out and I need
raise money to replace them, to buy blank tapes (which cost me $1.55 each)
and pay for mailing. I also have received orders for over 900 tapes in
Seattle (@ $5 each to be paid later, in order to introduce people to the
Democracy University Video Series we do). The 15 VCRs I have that still work
would have to run day and night for almost a month just to fill those

In case you are concerned about prepaying, all my tapes come with a No
Regrets Guarantee. If you let me know if you are not happy with a tape, I
will replace it or refund that portion of the money you sent, or will send
something else you think you might like better.

Orders will be filled as quickly as possible, but I may have to send them
serially, possibly one a week, especially if I am unable to raise enough
money to add more machines. Orders that come with donations in excess of the
minimum will be priortized accordingly, since they in effect will be helping
me increase the rate at which I can get everybody's tapes out. I intend to
fill all prepaid orders ahead of the orders I received in Seattle, since
those were not prepaid, for the same reason.

Individual tapes from the set will be available for a minimum donation of
or more (for orders not received in Seattle), which is still a great deal
an 8-hour videotape (it works out to $1.25 an hour). A separate announcement
detailing the contents of each tape in the set will be emailed when it is
ready. I must tell you, though, that judging upon my own experience in
putting the tapes together, there is no tape among the 8 that you will not
enjoy immensely, benefit from, and want to share.

A Closing Thought:
By making this record of the substantive lectures and discussions that
comprised the forums and workshops all week, and by documenting on video the
huge participation involved, and by putting copies of this video record into
the hands of as many as we can, we hope we have helped make it possible to
effectively counter the efforts already taking place in the mainstream media
to play down or recast the substantive issues behind the movements that
converged in Seattle.

Thank you very much, and Happy Hollidays.

Ralph Cole
1425 W. 12th St. #262
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(If sending a check, please make it payable to Justicevision)
(213) 747-6345; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A Note to Subscribers:
There were so many wonderful interconnected in Seattle that picking a few
DU19 will not only be difficult, but will fail to do justice to the
experience. It will also probably be quite a while before I can get it too
you. I recommend getting the Seattle set and foregoing DU19, since it will
probably be taken entirely from the Seattle tapes, anyway. -Ralph Cole

A Note on Daily Themes in Seattle
The 5 days Monday 11/29 through Friday 12/2 each had designated themes
which a number of major peripheral events were organized.
The themes for those 5 days were as follows:
Monday: Environment and Health Day
Tuesday: Labor and Human Rights Day
Wednesday: Women, Democracy, Sovereignty, and Development Day
Thursday: Food and Agriculture Day
Friday: Corporate Accountability Day

There were also several teach-ins that took place prior to these. Two
examples of these were: "Economic Globalization and the Role of the World
Trade Organization" by the International Forum on Globalization, Friday and
Saturday, 11/26 and 11/27, and a two-part teach-in by the Alliance for
Democracy: "Building the People's Movement: Where We Are and Where We Are
Headed", and "Alternatives to Corporate Globalization", both Sunday, 11/28.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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